Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \brief Routines to calculate MP2 energy using GPW method
10 !> \par History
11 !> 10.2011 created [Joost VandeVondele and Mauro Del Ben]
12 ! **************************************************************************************************
14  USE atomic_kind_types, ONLY: atomic_kind_type
15  USE cell_types, ONLY: cell_type
16  USE cp_blacs_env, ONLY: cp_blacs_env_type
17  USE cp_control_types, ONLY: dft_control_type
22  cp_fm_struct_type
23  USE cp_fm_types, ONLY: cp_fm_create,&
25  cp_fm_release,&
26  cp_fm_type
27  USE dbcsr_api, ONLY: &
28  dbcsr_create, dbcsr_get_info, dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left, dbcsr_iterator_next_block, &
29  dbcsr_iterator_start, dbcsr_iterator_stop, dbcsr_iterator_type, dbcsr_multiply, &
30  dbcsr_p_type, dbcsr_release, dbcsr_set, dbcsr_type, dbcsr_type_no_symmetry
31  USE group_dist_types, ONLY: create_group_dist,&
32  get_group_dist,&
33  group_dist_d1_type,&
34  release_group_dist
35  USE kinds, ONLY: dp,&
36  int_8
37  USE machine, ONLY: m_memory
38  USE message_passing, ONLY: mp_comm_type,&
39  mp_para_env_type
40  USE mp2_eri_gpw, ONLY: calc_potential_gpw,&
41  cleanup_gpw,&
43  USE particle_types, ONLY: particle_type
44  USE pw_env_types, ONLY: pw_env_type
45  USE pw_methods, ONLY: pw_multiply,&
46  pw_transfer,&
47  pw_zero
48  USE pw_poisson_types, ONLY: pw_poisson_type
49  USE pw_pool_types, ONLY: pw_pool_type
50  USE pw_types, ONLY: pw_c1d_gs_type,&
51  pw_r3d_rs_type
53  USE qs_environment_types, ONLY: qs_environment_type
54  USE qs_integrate_potential, ONLY: integrate_v_rspace
55  USE qs_kind_types, ONLY: qs_kind_type
56  USE qs_neighbor_list_types, ONLY: neighbor_list_set_p_type
57  USE task_list_types, ONLY: task_list_type
58 #include "./base/base_uses.f90"
64  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'mp2_gpw_method'
66  PUBLIC :: mp2_gpw_compute
70 ! **************************************************************************************************
71 !> \brief ...
72 !> \param Emp2 ...
73 !> \param Emp2_Cou ...
74 !> \param Emp2_EX ...
75 !> \param qs_env ...
76 !> \param para_env ...
77 !> \param para_env_sub ...
78 !> \param color_sub ...
79 !> \param cell ...
80 !> \param particle_set ...
81 !> \param atomic_kind_set ...
82 !> \param qs_kind_set ...
83 !> \param mo_coeff ...
84 !> \param Eigenval ...
85 !> \param nmo ...
86 !> \param homo ...
87 !> \param mat_munu ...
88 !> \param sab_orb_sub ...
89 !> \param mo_coeff_o ...
90 !> \param mo_coeff_v ...
91 !> \param eps_filter ...
92 !> \param unit_nr ...
93 !> \param mp2_memory ...
94 !> \param calc_ex ...
95 !> \param blacs_env_sub ...
96 !> \param Emp2_AB ...
97 ! **************************************************************************************************
98  SUBROUTINE mp2_gpw_compute(Emp2, Emp2_Cou, Emp2_EX, qs_env, para_env, para_env_sub, color_sub, &
99  cell, particle_set, atomic_kind_set, qs_kind_set, mo_coeff, Eigenval, nmo, homo, &
100  mat_munu, sab_orb_sub, mo_coeff_o, mo_coeff_v, eps_filter, unit_nr, &
101  mp2_memory, calc_ex, blacs_env_sub, Emp2_AB)
103  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT) :: emp2, emp2_cou, emp2_ex
104  TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
105  TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env, para_env_sub
106  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: color_sub
107  TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
108  TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
109  TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: atomic_kind_set
110  TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: qs_kind_set
111  TYPE(cp_fm_type), INTENT(IN) :: mo_coeff
112  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN) :: eigenval
113  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nmo
115  TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: mat_munu
116  TYPE(neighbor_list_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), &
117  POINTER :: sab_orb_sub
118  TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: mo_coeff_o, mo_coeff_v
119  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: eps_filter
120  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit_nr
121  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: mp2_memory
122  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: calc_ex
123  TYPE(cp_blacs_env_type), POINTER :: blacs_env_sub
124  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: emp2_ab
126  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'mp2_gpw_compute'
128  INTEGER :: a, a_group_counter, b, b_global, b_group_counter, blk, col, col_offset, col_size, &
129  color_counter, ex_end, ex_end_send, ex_start, ex_start_send, group_counter, handle, &
130  handle2, handle3, i, i_counter, i_group_counter, index_proc_shift, ispin, j, max_b_size, &
131  max_batch_size_a, max_batch_size_i, max_row_col_local, my_a_batch_size, my_a_virtual_end, &
132  my_a_virtual_start, my_b_size, my_b_virtual_end, my_b_virtual_start, my_i_batch_size, &
133  my_i_occupied_end, my_i_occupied_start, my_q_position, ncol_local, nfullcols_total, &
134  nfullrows_total, ngroup, nrow_local, nspins, p, p_best, proc_receive
135  INTEGER :: proc_send, q, q_best, row, row_offset, row_size, size_ex, size_ex_send, &
136  sub_sub_color, wfn_calc, wfn_calc_best
137  INTEGER(KIND=int_8) :: mem
138  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: vector_b_sizes, &
139  vector_batch_a_size_group, &
140  vector_batch_i_size_group
141  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: color_array, local_col_row_info
142  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: col_indices, row_indices
143  INTEGER, DIMENSION(SIZE(homo)) :: virtual
144  LOGICAL :: do_alpha_beta
145  REAL(kind=dp) :: cutoff_old, mem_min, mem_real, mem_try, &
146  relative_cutoff_old, wfn_size
147  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: e_cutoff_old
148  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: my_cocc, my_cvirt
149  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :) :: bib_c, bib_ex, bib_send
150  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: data_block
151  TYPE(cp_fm_struct_type), POINTER :: fm_struct
152  TYPE(cp_fm_type) :: fm_bib_jb
153  TYPE(dbcsr_iterator_type) :: iter
154  TYPE(dbcsr_type), DIMENSION(SIZE(homo)) :: matrix_ia_jb, matrix_ia_jnu
155  TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER :: dft_control
156  TYPE(group_dist_d1_type) :: gd_exchange
157  TYPE(mp_comm_type) :: comm_exchange
158  TYPE(pw_c1d_gs_type) :: pot_g, rho_g
159  TYPE(pw_env_type), POINTER :: pw_env_sub
160  TYPE(pw_poisson_type), POINTER :: poisson_env
161  TYPE(pw_pool_type), POINTER :: auxbas_pw_pool
162  TYPE(pw_r3d_rs_type) :: psi_a, rho_r
163  TYPE(pw_r3d_rs_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: psi_i
164  TYPE(task_list_type), POINTER :: task_list_sub
166  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
168  do_alpha_beta = .false.
169  IF (PRESENT(emp2_ab)) do_alpha_beta = .true.
171  nspins = SIZE(homo)
172  virtual = nmo - homo
174  DO ispin = 1, nspins
175  ! initialize and create the matrix (ia|jnu)
176  CALL dbcsr_create(matrix_ia_jnu(ispin), template=mo_coeff_o(ispin)%matrix)
178  ! Allocate Sparse matrices: (ia|jb)
179  CALL cp_dbcsr_m_by_n_from_template(matrix_ia_jb(ispin), template=mo_coeff_o(ispin)%matrix, m=homo(ispin), n=nmo - homo(ispin), &
180  sym=dbcsr_type_no_symmetry)
182  ! set all to zero in such a way that the memory is actually allocated
183  CALL dbcsr_set(matrix_ia_jnu(ispin), 0.0_dp)
184  CALL dbcsr_set(matrix_ia_jb(ispin), 0.0_dp)
185  END DO
186  CALL dbcsr_set(mat_munu%matrix, 0.0_dp)
188  IF (calc_ex) THEN
189  ! create the analogous of matrix_ia_jb in fm type
190  NULLIFY (fm_struct)
191  CALL dbcsr_get_info(matrix_ia_jb(1), nfullrows_total=nfullrows_total, nfullcols_total=nfullcols_total)
192  CALL cp_fm_struct_create(fm_struct, context=blacs_env_sub, nrow_global=nfullrows_total, &
193  ncol_global=nfullcols_total, para_env=para_env_sub)
194  CALL cp_fm_create(fm_bib_jb, fm_struct, name="fm_BIb_jb")
196  CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(matrix_ia_jb(1), fm_bib_jb)
197  CALL cp_fm_struct_release(fm_struct)
199  CALL cp_fm_get_info(matrix=fm_bib_jb, &
200  nrow_local=nrow_local, &
201  ncol_local=ncol_local, &
202  row_indices=row_indices, &
203  col_indices=col_indices)
205  max_row_col_local = max(nrow_local, ncol_local)
206  CALL para_env_sub%max(max_row_col_local)
208  ALLOCATE (local_col_row_info(0:max_row_col_local, 2))
209  local_col_row_info = 0
210  ! 0,1 nrows
211  local_col_row_info(0, 1) = nrow_local
212  local_col_row_info(1:nrow_local, 1) = row_indices(1:nrow_local)
213  ! 0,2 ncols
214  local_col_row_info(0, 2) = ncol_local
215  local_col_row_info(1:ncol_local, 2) = col_indices(1:ncol_local)
216  END IF
218  ! Get everything for GPW calculations
219  CALL prepare_gpw(qs_env, dft_control, e_cutoff_old, cutoff_old, relative_cutoff_old, para_env_sub, pw_env_sub, &
220  auxbas_pw_pool, poisson_env, task_list_sub, rho_r, rho_g, pot_g, psi_a, sab_orb_sub)
222  wfn_size = real(SIZE(rho_r%array), kind=dp)
223  CALL para_env%max(wfn_size)
225  ngroup = para_env%num_pe/para_env_sub%num_pe
227  ! calculate the minimal memory required per MPI task (p=occupied division,q=virtual division)
228  p_best = ngroup
229  q_best = 1
230  mem_min = huge(0)
231  DO p = 1, ngroup
232  q = ngroup/p
233  IF (p*q .NE. ngroup) cycle
235  CALL estimate_memory_usage(wfn_size, p, q, para_env_sub%num_pe, nmo, virtual(1), homo(1), calc_ex, mem_try)
237  IF (mem_try <= mem_min) THEN
238  mem_min = mem_try
239  p_best = p
240  q_best = q
241  END IF
242  END DO
243  IF (unit_nr > 0) WRITE (unit_nr, '(T3,A,T69,F9.2,A3)') 'Minimum required memory per MPI process for MP2:', &
244  mem_min, ' MB'
246  CALL m_memory(mem)
247  mem_real = (mem + 1024*1024 - 1)/(1024*1024)
248  CALL para_env%min(mem_real)
250  mem_real = mp2_memory - mem_real
251  mem_real = max(mem_real, mem_min)
252  IF (unit_nr > 0) WRITE (unit_nr, '(T3,A,T69,F9.2,A3)') 'Available memory per MPI process for MP2:', &
253  mem_real, ' MB'
255  wfn_calc_best = huge(wfn_calc_best)
256  DO p = 1, ngroup
257  q = ngroup/p
258  IF (p*q .NE. ngroup) cycle
260  CALL estimate_memory_usage(wfn_size, p, q, para_env_sub%num_pe, nmo, virtual(1), homo(1), calc_ex, mem_try)
262  IF (mem_try > mem_real) cycle
263  wfn_calc = ((homo(1) + p - 1)/p) + ((virtual(1) + q - 1)/q)
264  IF (wfn_calc < wfn_calc_best) THEN
265  wfn_calc_best = wfn_calc
266  p_best = p
267  q_best = q
268  END IF
269  END DO
271  max_batch_size_i = (homo(1) + p_best - 1)/p_best
272  max_batch_size_a = (virtual(1) + q_best - 1)/q_best
274  IF (unit_nr > 0) THEN
275  WRITE (unit=unit_nr, fmt="(T3,A,T77,i4)") &
276  "MP2_GPW| max. batch size for the occupied states:", max_batch_size_i
277  WRITE (unit=unit_nr, fmt="(T3,A,T77,i4)") &
278  "MP2_GPW| max. batch size for the virtual states:", max_batch_size_a
279  END IF
281  CALL get_vector_batch(vector_batch_i_size_group, p_best, max_batch_size_i, homo(1))
282  CALL get_vector_batch(vector_batch_a_size_group, q_best, max_batch_size_a, virtual(1))
284  !XXXXXXXXXXXXX inverse group distribution
285  group_counter = 0
286  a_group_counter = 0
287  my_a_virtual_start = 1
288  DO j = 0, q_best - 1
289  my_i_occupied_start = 1
290  i_group_counter = 0
291  DO i = 0, p_best - 1
292  group_counter = group_counter + 1
293  IF (color_sub == group_counter - 1) EXIT
294  my_i_occupied_start = my_i_occupied_start + vector_batch_i_size_group(i)
295  i_group_counter = i_group_counter + 1
296  END DO
297  my_q_position = j
298  IF (color_sub == group_counter - 1) EXIT
299  my_a_virtual_start = my_a_virtual_start + vector_batch_a_size_group(j)
300  a_group_counter = a_group_counter + 1
301  END DO
302  !XXXXXXXXXXXXX inverse group distribution
304  my_i_occupied_end = my_i_occupied_start + vector_batch_i_size_group(i_group_counter) - 1
305  my_i_batch_size = vector_batch_i_size_group(i_group_counter)
306  my_a_virtual_end = my_a_virtual_start + vector_batch_a_size_group(a_group_counter) - 1
307  my_a_batch_size = vector_batch_a_size_group(a_group_counter)
309  DEALLOCATE (vector_batch_i_size_group)
310  DEALLOCATE (vector_batch_a_size_group)
312  ! replicate on a local array on proc 0 the occupied and virtual wavevectior
313  ! needed for the calculation of the WF's by calculate_wavefunction
314  ! (external vector)
315  CALL grep_occ_virt_wavefunc(para_env_sub, nmo, &
316  my_i_occupied_start, my_i_occupied_end, my_i_batch_size, &
317  my_a_virtual_start, my_a_virtual_end, my_a_batch_size, &
318  mo_coeff_o(1)%matrix, mo_coeff_v(1)%matrix, my_cocc, my_cvirt)
320  ! divide the b states in the sub_group in such a way to create
321  ! b_start and b_end for each proc inside the sub_group
322  max_b_size = (virtual(1) + para_env_sub%num_pe - 1)/para_env_sub%num_pe
323  CALL get_vector_batch(vector_b_sizes, para_env_sub%num_pe, max_b_size, virtual(1))
325  ! now give to each proc its b_start and b_end
326  b_group_counter = 0
327  my_b_virtual_start = 1
328  DO j = 0, para_env_sub%num_pe - 1
329  b_group_counter = b_group_counter + 1
330  IF (b_group_counter - 1 == para_env_sub%mepos) EXIT
331  my_b_virtual_start = my_b_virtual_start + vector_b_sizes(j)
332  END DO
333  my_b_virtual_end = my_b_virtual_start + vector_b_sizes(para_env_sub%mepos) - 1
334  my_b_size = vector_b_sizes(para_env_sub%mepos)
336  DEALLOCATE (vector_b_sizes)
338  ! create an array containing a different "color" for each pair of
339  ! A_start and B_start, communication will take place only among
340  ! those proc that have the same A_start and B_start
341  ALLOCATE (color_array(0:para_env_sub%num_pe - 1, 0:q_best - 1))
342  color_array = 0
343  color_counter = 0
344  DO j = 0, q_best - 1
345  DO i = 0, para_env_sub%num_pe - 1
346  color_counter = color_counter + 1
347  color_array(i, j) = color_counter
348  END DO
349  END DO
350  sub_sub_color = color_array(para_env_sub%mepos, my_q_position)
352  DEALLOCATE (color_array)
354  ! now create a group that contains all the proc that have the same 2 virtual starting points
355  ! in this way it is possible to sum the common integrals needed for the full MP2 energy
356  CALL comm_exchange%from_split(para_env, sub_sub_color)
358  ! create an array containing the information for communication
359  CALL create_group_dist(gd_exchange, my_i_occupied_start, my_i_occupied_end, my_i_batch_size, comm_exchange)
361  ALLOCATE (psi_i(my_i_occupied_start:my_i_occupied_end))
362  DO i = my_i_occupied_start, my_i_occupied_end
363  CALL auxbas_pw_pool%create_pw(psi_i(i))
364  CALL calculate_wavefunction(mo_coeff, i, psi_i(i), rho_g, atomic_kind_set, &
365  qs_kind_set, cell, dft_control, particle_set, &
366  pw_env_sub, external_vector=my_cocc(:, i - my_i_occupied_start + 1))
367  END DO
369  emp2 = 0.0_dp
370  emp2_cou = 0.0_dp
371  emp2_ex = 0.0_dp
372  IF (do_alpha_beta) emp2_ab = 0.0_dp
373  IF (calc_ex) THEN
374  ALLOCATE (bib_c(my_b_size, homo(1), my_i_batch_size))
375  END IF
377  CALL timeset(routinen//"_loop", handle2)
378  DO a = homo(1) + my_a_virtual_start, homo(1) + my_a_virtual_end
380  IF (calc_ex) bib_c = 0.0_dp
382  ! psi_a
383  CALL calculate_wavefunction(mo_coeff, a, psi_a, rho_g, atomic_kind_set, &
384  qs_kind_set, cell, dft_control, particle_set, &
385  pw_env_sub, external_vector=my_cvirt(:, a - (homo(1) + my_a_virtual_start) + 1))
386  i_counter = 0
387  DO i = my_i_occupied_start, my_i_occupied_end
388  i_counter = i_counter + 1
390  ! potential
391  CALL pw_zero(rho_r)
392  CALL pw_multiply(rho_r, psi_i(i), psi_a)
393  CALL pw_transfer(rho_r, rho_g)
394  CALL calc_potential_gpw(rho_r, rho_g, poisson_env, pot_g, qs_env%mp2_env%potential_parameter)
396  ! and finally (ia|munu)
397  CALL timeset(routinen//"_int", handle3)
398  CALL dbcsr_set(mat_munu%matrix, 0.0_dp)
399  CALL integrate_v_rspace(rho_r, hmat=mat_munu, qs_env=qs_env, &
400  calculate_forces=.false., compute_tau=.false., gapw=.false., &
401  pw_env_external=pw_env_sub, task_list_external=task_list_sub)
402  CALL timestop(handle3)
404  ! multiply and goooooooo ...
405  CALL timeset(routinen//"_mult_o", handle3)
406  DO ispin = 1, nspins
407  CALL dbcsr_multiply("N", "N", 1.0_dp, mat_munu%matrix, mo_coeff_o(ispin)%matrix, &
408  0.0_dp, matrix_ia_jnu(ispin), filter_eps=eps_filter)
409  END DO
410  CALL timestop(handle3)
411  CALL timeset(routinen//"_mult_v", handle3)
412  DO ispin = 1, nspins
413  CALL dbcsr_multiply("T", "N", 1.0_dp, matrix_ia_jnu(ispin), mo_coeff_v(ispin)%matrix, &
414  0.0_dp, matrix_ia_jb(ispin), filter_eps=eps_filter)
415  END DO
416  CALL timestop(handle3)
418  CALL timeset(routinen//"_E_Cou", handle3)
419  CALL dbcsr_iterator_start(iter, matrix_ia_jb(1))
420  DO WHILE (dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left(iter))
421  CALL dbcsr_iterator_next_block(iter, row, col, data_block, blk, &
422  row_size=row_size, col_size=col_size, &
423  row_offset=row_offset, col_offset=col_offset)
424  DO b = 1, col_size
425  DO j = 1, row_size
426  ! Compute the coulomb MP2 energy
427  emp2_cou = emp2_cou - 2.0_dp*data_block(j, b)**2/ &
428  (eigenval(a, 1) + eigenval(homo(1) + col_offset + b - 1, 1) - eigenval(i, 1) - eigenval(row_offset + j - 1, 1))
429  END DO
430  END DO
431  END DO
432  CALL dbcsr_iterator_stop(iter)
433  IF (do_alpha_beta) THEN
434  ! Compute the coulomb only= SO = MP2 alpha-beta MP2 energy component
435  CALL dbcsr_iterator_start(iter, matrix_ia_jb(2))
436  DO WHILE (dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left(iter))
437  CALL dbcsr_iterator_next_block(iter, row, col, data_block, blk, &
438  row_size=row_size, col_size=col_size, &
439  row_offset=row_offset, col_offset=col_offset)
440  DO b = 1, col_size
441  DO j = 1, row_size
442  ! Compute the coulomb MP2 energy alpha beta case
443  emp2_ab = emp2_ab - data_block(j, b)**2/ &
444  (eigenval(a, 1) + eigenval(homo(2) + col_offset + b - 1, 2) - eigenval(i, 1) - eigenval(row_offset + j - 1, 2))
445  END DO
446  END DO
447  END DO
448  CALL dbcsr_iterator_stop(iter)
449  END IF
450  CALL timestop(handle3)
452  ! now collect my local data from all the other members of the group
453  ! b_start, b_end
454  IF (calc_ex) THEN
455  CALL timeset(routinen//"_E_Ex_1", handle3)
456  CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(matrix_ia_jb(1), fm_bib_jb)
457  CALL grep_my_integrals(para_env_sub, fm_bib_jb, bib_c(1:my_b_size, 1:homo(1), i_counter), max_row_col_local, &
458  local_col_row_info, my_b_virtual_end, my_b_virtual_start)
459  CALL timestop(handle3)
460  END IF
462  END DO
464  IF (calc_ex) THEN
466  associate(mepos_in_ex_group => comm_exchange%mepos, size_of_exchange_group => comm_exchange%num_pe)
467  CALL timeset(routinen//"_E_Ex_2", handle3)
468  ! calculate the contribution to MP2 energy for my local data
469  DO i = 1, my_i_batch_size
470  DO j = my_i_occupied_start, my_i_occupied_end
471  DO b = 1, my_b_size
472  b_global = b - 1 + my_b_virtual_start
473  emp2_ex = emp2_ex + bib_c(b, j, i)*bib_c(b, i + my_i_occupied_start - 1, j - my_i_occupied_start + 1) &
474  /(eigenval(a, 1) + eigenval(homo(1) + b_global, 1) - eigenval(i + my_i_occupied_start - 1, 1) - eigenval(j, 1))
475  END DO
476  END DO
477  END DO
479  ! start communicating and collecting exchange contributions from
480  ! other processes in my exchange group
481  DO index_proc_shift = 1, size_of_exchange_group - 1
482  proc_send = modulo(mepos_in_ex_group + index_proc_shift, size_of_exchange_group)
483  proc_receive = modulo(mepos_in_ex_group - index_proc_shift, size_of_exchange_group)
485  CALL get_group_dist(gd_exchange, proc_receive, ex_start, ex_end, size_ex)
487  ALLOCATE (bib_ex(my_b_size, my_i_batch_size, size_ex))
488  bib_ex = 0.0_dp
490  CALL get_group_dist(gd_exchange, proc_send, ex_start_send, ex_end_send, size_ex_send)
492  ALLOCATE (bib_send(my_b_size, size_ex_send, my_i_batch_size))
493  bib_send(1:my_b_size, 1:size_ex_send, 1:my_i_batch_size) = &
494  bib_c(1:my_b_size, ex_start_send:ex_end_send, 1:my_i_batch_size)
496  ! send and receive the exchange array
497  CALL comm_exchange%sendrecv(bib_send, proc_send, bib_ex, proc_receive)
499  DO i = 1, my_i_batch_size
500  DO j = 1, size_ex
501  DO b = 1, my_b_size
502  b_global = b - 1 + my_b_virtual_start
503  emp2_ex = emp2_ex + bib_c(b, j + ex_start - 1, i)*bib_ex(b, i, j) &
504  /(eigenval(a, 1) + eigenval(homo(1) + b_global, 1) - eigenval(i + my_i_occupied_start - 1, 1) &
505  - eigenval(j + ex_start - 1, 1))
506  END DO
507  END DO
508  END DO
510  DEALLOCATE (bib_ex)
511  DEALLOCATE (bib_send)
513  END DO
514  CALL timestop(handle3)
515  END associate
516  END IF
518  END DO
519  CALL timestop(handle2)
521  CALL para_env%sum(emp2_cou)
522  CALL para_env%sum(emp2_ex)
523  emp2 = emp2_cou + emp2_ex
524  IF (do_alpha_beta) CALL para_env%sum(emp2_ab)
526  DEALLOCATE (my_cocc)
527  DEALLOCATE (my_cvirt)
529  IF (calc_ex) THEN
530  CALL cp_fm_release(fm_bib_jb)
531  DEALLOCATE (local_col_row_info)
532  DEALLOCATE (bib_c)
533  END IF
534  CALL release_group_dist(gd_exchange)
536  CALL comm_exchange%free()
538  DO ispin = 1, nspins
539  CALL dbcsr_release(matrix_ia_jnu(ispin))
540  CALL dbcsr_release(matrix_ia_jb(ispin))
541  END DO
543  DO i = my_i_occupied_start, my_i_occupied_end
544  CALL psi_i(i)%release()
545  END DO
546  DEALLOCATE (psi_i)
548  CALL cleanup_gpw(qs_env, e_cutoff_old, cutoff_old, relative_cutoff_old, para_env_sub, pw_env_sub, &
549  task_list_sub, auxbas_pw_pool, rho_r, rho_g, pot_g, psi_a)
551  CALL timestop(handle)
553  END SUBROUTINE mp2_gpw_compute
555 ! **************************************************************************************************
556 !> \brief ...
557 !> \param wfn_size ...
558 !> \param p ...
559 !> \param q ...
560 !> \param num_w ...
561 !> \param nmo ...
562 !> \param virtual ...
563 !> \param homo ...
564 !> \param calc_ex ...
565 !> \param mem_try ...
566 ! **************************************************************************************************
567  ELEMENTAL SUBROUTINE estimate_memory_usage(wfn_size, p, q, num_w, nmo, virtual, homo, calc_ex, mem_try)
568  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: wfn_size
569  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: p, q, num_w, nmo, virtual, homo
570  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: calc_ex
571  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT) :: mem_try
573  mem_try = 0.0_dp
574  ! integrals
575  mem_try = mem_try + virtual*real(homo, kind=dp)**2/(p*num_w)
576  ! array for the coefficient matrix and wave vectors
577  mem_try = mem_try + real(homo, kind=dp)*nmo/p + &
578  REAL(virtual, kind=dp)*nmo/q + &
579  2.0_dp*max(real(homo, kind=dp)*nmo/p, real(virtual, kind=dp)*nmo/q)
580  ! temporary array for MO integrals and MO integrals to be exchanged
581  IF (calc_ex) THEN
582  mem_try = mem_try + 2.0_dp*max(virtual*real(homo, kind=dp)*min(1, num_w - 1)/num_w, &
583  virtual*real(homo, kind=dp)**2/(p*p*num_w))
584  ELSE
585  mem_try = mem_try + 2.0_dp*virtual*real(homo, kind=dp)
586  END IF
587  ! wfn
588  mem_try = mem_try + ((homo + p - 1)/p)*wfn_size
589  ! Mb
590  mem_try = mem_try*8.0d+00/1024.0d+00**2
594 ! **************************************************************************************************
595 !> \brief ...
596 !> \param vector_batch_I_size_group ...
597 !> \param p_best ...
598 !> \param max_batch_size_I ...
599 !> \param homo ...
600 ! **************************************************************************************************
601  PURE SUBROUTINE get_vector_batch(vector_batch_I_size_group, p_best, max_batch_size_I, homo)
602  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: vector_batch_i_size_group
603  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: p_best, max_batch_size_i, homo
605  INTEGER :: i, one
607  ALLOCATE (vector_batch_i_size_group(0:p_best - 1))
609  vector_batch_i_size_group = max_batch_size_i
610  IF (sum(vector_batch_i_size_group) /= homo) THEN
611  one = 1
612  IF (sum(vector_batch_i_size_group) > homo) one = -1
613  i = -1
614  DO
615  i = i + 1
616  vector_batch_i_size_group(i) = vector_batch_i_size_group(i) + one
617  IF (sum(vector_batch_i_size_group) == homo) EXIT
618  IF (i == p_best - 1) i = -1
619  END DO
620  END IF
622  END SUBROUTINE get_vector_batch
624 ! **************************************************************************************************
625 !> \brief ...
626 !> \param para_env_sub ...
627 !> \param fm_BIb_jb ...
628 !> \param BIb_jb ...
629 !> \param max_row_col_local ...
630 !> \param local_col_row_info ...
631 !> \param my_B_virtual_end ...
632 !> \param my_B_virtual_start ...
633 ! **************************************************************************************************
634  SUBROUTINE grep_my_integrals(para_env_sub, fm_BIb_jb, BIb_jb, max_row_col_local, &
635  local_col_row_info, &
636  my_B_virtual_end, my_B_virtual_start)
637  TYPE(mp_para_env_type), INTENT(IN) :: para_env_sub
638  TYPE(cp_fm_type), INTENT(IN) :: fm_bib_jb
639  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(OUT) :: bib_jb
640  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: max_row_col_local
641  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN) :: local_col_row_info
642  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: my_b_virtual_end, my_b_virtual_start
644  INTEGER :: i_global, iib, j_global, jjb, ncol_rec, &
645  nrow_rec, proc_receive, proc_send, &
646  proc_shift
647  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: rec_col_row_info
648  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: col_indices_rec, row_indices_rec
649  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: local_bi, rec_bi
651  ALLOCATE (rec_col_row_info(0:max_row_col_local, 2))
653  rec_col_row_info(:, :) = local_col_row_info
655  nrow_rec = rec_col_row_info(0, 1)
656  ncol_rec = rec_col_row_info(0, 2)
658  ALLOCATE (row_indices_rec(nrow_rec))
659  row_indices_rec = rec_col_row_info(1:nrow_rec, 1)
661  ALLOCATE (col_indices_rec(ncol_rec))
662  col_indices_rec = rec_col_row_info(1:ncol_rec, 2)
664  ! accumulate data on BIb_jb buffer starting from myself
665  DO jjb = 1, ncol_rec
666  j_global = col_indices_rec(jjb)
667  IF (j_global >= my_b_virtual_start .AND. j_global <= my_b_virtual_end) THEN
668  DO iib = 1, nrow_rec
669  i_global = row_indices_rec(iib)
670  bib_jb(j_global - my_b_virtual_start + 1, i_global) = fm_bib_jb%local_data(iib, jjb)
671  END DO
672  END IF
673  END DO
675  DEALLOCATE (row_indices_rec)
676  DEALLOCATE (col_indices_rec)
678  IF (para_env_sub%num_pe > 1) THEN
679  ALLOCATE (local_bi(nrow_rec, ncol_rec))
680  local_bi(1:nrow_rec, 1:ncol_rec) = fm_bib_jb%local_data(1:nrow_rec, 1:ncol_rec)
682  DO proc_shift = 1, para_env_sub%num_pe - 1
683  proc_send = modulo(para_env_sub%mepos + proc_shift, para_env_sub%num_pe)
684  proc_receive = modulo(para_env_sub%mepos - proc_shift, para_env_sub%num_pe)
686  ! first exchange information on the local data
687  rec_col_row_info = 0
688  CALL para_env_sub%sendrecv(local_col_row_info, proc_send, rec_col_row_info, proc_receive)
689  nrow_rec = rec_col_row_info(0, 1)
690  ncol_rec = rec_col_row_info(0, 2)
692  ALLOCATE (row_indices_rec(nrow_rec))
693  row_indices_rec = rec_col_row_info(1:nrow_rec, 1)
695  ALLOCATE (col_indices_rec(ncol_rec))
696  col_indices_rec = rec_col_row_info(1:ncol_rec, 2)
698  ALLOCATE (rec_bi(nrow_rec, ncol_rec))
699  rec_bi = 0.0_dp
701  ! then send and receive the real data
702  CALL para_env_sub%sendrecv(local_bi, proc_send, rec_bi, proc_receive)
704  ! accumulate the received data on BIb_jb buffer
705  DO jjb = 1, ncol_rec
706  j_global = col_indices_rec(jjb)
707  IF (j_global >= my_b_virtual_start .AND. j_global <= my_b_virtual_end) THEN
708  DO iib = 1, nrow_rec
709  i_global = row_indices_rec(iib)
710  bib_jb(j_global - my_b_virtual_start + 1, i_global) = rec_bi(iib, jjb)
711  END DO
712  END IF
713  END DO
715  DEALLOCATE (col_indices_rec)
716  DEALLOCATE (row_indices_rec)
717  DEALLOCATE (rec_bi)
718  END DO
720  DEALLOCATE (local_bi)
721  END IF
723  DEALLOCATE (rec_col_row_info)
725  END SUBROUTINE grep_my_integrals
727 ! **************************************************************************************************
728 !> \brief ...
729 !> \param para_env_sub ...
730 !> \param dimen ...
731 !> \param my_I_occupied_start ...
732 !> \param my_I_occupied_end ...
733 !> \param my_I_batch_size ...
734 !> \param my_A_virtual_start ...
735 !> \param my_A_virtual_end ...
736 !> \param my_A_batch_size ...
737 !> \param mo_coeff_o ...
738 !> \param mo_coeff_v ...
739 !> \param my_Cocc ...
740 !> \param my_Cvirt ...
741 ! **************************************************************************************************
742  SUBROUTINE grep_occ_virt_wavefunc(para_env_sub, dimen, &
743  my_I_occupied_start, my_I_occupied_end, my_I_batch_size, &
744  my_A_virtual_start, my_A_virtual_end, my_A_batch_size, &
745  mo_coeff_o, mo_coeff_v, my_Cocc, my_Cvirt)
747  TYPE(mp_para_env_type), INTENT(IN) :: para_env_sub
748  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: dimen, my_i_occupied_start, my_i_occupied_end, my_i_batch_size, &
749  my_a_virtual_start, my_a_virtual_end, my_a_batch_size
750  TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER :: mo_coeff_o, mo_coeff_v
751  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :), &
752  INTENT(OUT) :: my_cocc, my_cvirt
754  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'grep_occ_virt_wavefunc'
756  INTEGER :: blk, col, col_offset, col_size, handle, &
757  i, i_global, j, j_global, row, &
758  row_offset, row_size
759  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: data_block
760  TYPE(dbcsr_iterator_type) :: iter
762  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
764  ALLOCATE (my_cocc(dimen, my_i_batch_size))
765  my_cocc = 0.0_dp
767  ALLOCATE (my_cvirt(dimen, my_a_batch_size))
768  my_cvirt = 0.0_dp
770  ! accumulate data from mo_coeff_o into Cocc
771  CALL dbcsr_iterator_start(iter, mo_coeff_o)
772  DO WHILE (dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left(iter))
773  CALL dbcsr_iterator_next_block(iter, row, col, data_block, blk, &
774  row_size=row_size, col_size=col_size, &
775  row_offset=row_offset, col_offset=col_offset)
776  DO j = 1, col_size
777  j_global = col_offset + j - 1
778  IF (j_global >= my_i_occupied_start .AND. j_global <= my_i_occupied_end) THEN
779  DO i = 1, row_size
780  i_global = row_offset + i - 1
781  my_cocc(i_global, j_global - my_i_occupied_start + 1) = data_block(i, j)
782  END DO
783  END IF
784  END DO
785  END DO
786  CALL dbcsr_iterator_stop(iter)
788  CALL para_env_sub%sum(my_cocc)
790  ! accumulate data from mo_coeff_o into Cocc
791  CALL dbcsr_iterator_start(iter, mo_coeff_v)
792  DO WHILE (dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left(iter))
793  CALL dbcsr_iterator_next_block(iter, row, col, data_block, blk, &
794  row_size=row_size, col_size=col_size, &
795  row_offset=row_offset, col_offset=col_offset)
796  DO j = 1, col_size
797  j_global = col_offset + j - 1
798  IF (j_global >= my_a_virtual_start .AND. j_global <= my_a_virtual_end) THEN
799  DO i = 1, row_size
800  i_global = row_offset + i - 1
801  my_cvirt(i_global, j_global - my_a_virtual_start + 1) = data_block(i, j)
802  END DO
803  END IF
804  END DO
805  END DO
806  CALL dbcsr_iterator_stop(iter)
808  CALL para_env_sub%sum(my_cvirt)
810  CALL timestop(handle)
812  END SUBROUTINE grep_occ_virt_wavefunc
814 END MODULE mp2_gpw_method
static GRID_HOST_DEVICE int modulo(int a, int m)
Equivalent of Fortran's MODULO, which always return a positive number. https://gcc....
Definition: grid_common.h:117
Define the atomic kind types and their sub types.
Handles all functions related to the CELL.
Definition: cell_types.F:15
methods related to the blacs parallel environment
Definition: cp_blacs_env.F:15
Defines control structures, which contain the parameters and the settings for the DFT-based calculati...
DBCSR operations in CP2K.
subroutine, public cp_dbcsr_m_by_n_from_template(matrix, template, m, n, sym, data_type)
Utility function to create an arbitrary shaped dbcsr matrix with the same processor grid as the templ...
subroutine, public copy_dbcsr_to_fm(matrix, fm)
Copy a DBCSR matrix to a BLACS matrix.
represent the structure of a full matrix
Definition: cp_fm_struct.F:14
subroutine, public cp_fm_struct_create(fmstruct, para_env, context, nrow_global, ncol_global, nrow_block, ncol_block, descriptor, first_p_pos, local_leading_dimension, template_fmstruct, square_blocks, force_block)
allocates and initializes a full matrix structure
Definition: cp_fm_struct.F:125
subroutine, public cp_fm_struct_release(fmstruct)
releases a full matrix structure
Definition: cp_fm_struct.F:320
represent a full matrix distributed on many processors
Definition: cp_fm_types.F:15
subroutine, public cp_fm_get_info(matrix, name, nrow_global, ncol_global, nrow_block, ncol_block, nrow_local, ncol_local, row_indices, col_indices, local_data, context, nrow_locals, ncol_locals, matrix_struct, para_env)
returns all kind of information about the full matrix
Definition: cp_fm_types.F:1016
subroutine, public cp_fm_create(matrix, matrix_struct, name, use_sp)
creates a new full matrix with the given structure
Definition: cp_fm_types.F:167
Types to describe group distributions.
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public int_8
Definition: kinds.F:54
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
Machine interface based on Fortran 2003 and POSIX.
Definition: machine.F:17
subroutine, public m_memory(mem)
Returns the total amount of memory [bytes] in use, if known, zero otherwise.
Definition: machine.F:332
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
Routines to calculate 2c- and 3c-integrals for RI with GPW.
Definition: mp2_eri_gpw.F:13
subroutine, public cleanup_gpw(qs_env, e_cutoff_old, cutoff_old, relative_cutoff_old, para_env_sub, pw_env_sub, task_list_sub, auxbas_pw_pool, rho_r, rho_g, pot_g, psi_L)
Cleanup GPW integration for RI-MP2/RI-RPA.
Definition: mp2_eri_gpw.F:1060
subroutine, public prepare_gpw(qs_env, dft_control, e_cutoff_old, cutoff_old, relative_cutoff_old, para_env_sub, pw_env_sub, auxbas_pw_pool, poisson_env, task_list_sub, rho_r, rho_g, pot_g, psi_L, sab_orb_sub)
Prepares GPW calculation for RI-MP2/RI-RPA.
Definition: mp2_eri_gpw.F:967
subroutine, public calc_potential_gpw(pot_r, rho_g, poisson_env, pot_g, potential_parameter, dvg, no_transfer)
Calculates potential from a given density in g-space.
Definition: mp2_eri_gpw.F:1110
Routines to calculate MP2 energy using GPW method.
subroutine, public mp2_gpw_compute(Emp2, Emp2_Cou, Emp2_EX, qs_env, para_env, para_env_sub, color_sub, cell, particle_set, atomic_kind_set, qs_kind_set, mo_coeff, Eigenval, nmo, homo, mat_munu, sab_orb_sub, mo_coeff_o, mo_coeff_v, eps_filter, unit_nr, mp2_memory, calc_ex, blacs_env_sub, Emp2_AB)
Define the data structure for the particle information.
container for various plainwaves related things
Definition: pw_env_types.F:14
functions related to the poisson solver on regular grids
Manages a pool of grids (to be used for example as tmp objects), but can also be used to instantiate ...
Definition: pw_pool_types.F:24
Calculate the plane wave density by collocating the primitive Gaussian functions (pgf).
subroutine, public calculate_wavefunction(mo_vectors, ivector, rho, rho_gspace, atomic_kind_set, qs_kind_set, cell, dft_control, particle_set, pw_env, basis_type, external_vector)
maps a given wavefunction on the grid
Integrate single or product functions over a potential on a RS grid.
Define the quickstep kind type and their sub types.
Definition: qs_kind_types.F:23
Define the neighbor list data types and the corresponding functionality.
types for task lists