No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \author Noam Bernstein [noamb] 02.2012
10! **************************************************************************************************
20 USE kinds, ONLY: dp
23 USE molecule_types, ONLY: get_molecule,&
28#include "../../base/base_uses.f90"
33 LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: debug_this_module = .false.
34 PUBLIC :: al_particles
36 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'al_system_dynamics'
40! **************************************************************************************************
41!> \brief ...
42!> \param al ...
43!> \param force_env ...
44!> \param molecule_kind_set ...
45!> \param molecule_set ...
46!> \param particle_set ...
47!> \param local_molecules ...
48!> \param local_particles ...
49!> \param group ...
50!> \param vel ...
51!> \author Noam Bernstein [noamb] 02.2012
52! **************************************************************************************************
53 SUBROUTINE al_particles(al, force_env, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, &
54 particle_set, local_molecules, local_particles, group, vel)
56 TYPE(al_system_type), POINTER :: al
57 TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER :: force_env
58 TYPE(molecule_kind_type), POINTER :: molecule_kind_set(:)
59 TYPE(molecule_type), POINTER :: molecule_set(:)
60 TYPE(particle_type), POINTER :: particle_set(:)
61 TYPE(distribution_1d_type), POINTER :: local_molecules, local_particles
62 TYPE(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: group
63 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: vel(:, :)
65 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'al_particles'
67 INTEGER :: handle
68 LOGICAL :: my_shell_adiabatic
69 TYPE(map_info_type), POINTER :: map_info
71 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
72 my_shell_adiabatic = .false.
73 map_info => al%map_info
75 IF (debug_this_module) &
76 CALL dump_vel(molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, local_molecules, particle_set, vel, "INIT")
78 IF (al%tau_nh <= 0.0_dp) THEN
79 CALL al_ou_step(0.5_dp, al, force_env, map_info, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, &
80 particle_set, local_molecules, local_particles, vel)
81 IF (debug_this_module) &
82 CALL dump_vel(molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, local_molecules, particle_set, vel, "post OU")
84 ! quarter step of Langevin using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
85 CALL al_ou_step(0.25_dp, al, force_env, map_info, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, &
86 particle_set, local_molecules, local_particles, vel)
87 IF (debug_this_module) &
88 CALL dump_vel(molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, local_molecules, particle_set, vel, "post 1st OU")
90 ! Compute the kinetic energy for the region to thermostat for the (T dependent chi step)
91 CALL ke_region_particles(map_info, particle_set, molecule_kind_set, &
92 local_molecules, molecule_set, group, vel=vel)
93 ! quarter step of chi, and set vel drag factors for a half step
94 CALL al_nh_quarter_step(al, map_info, set_half_step_vel_factors=.true.)
96 ! Now scale the particle velocities for a NH half step
97 CALL vel_rescale_particles(map_info, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, particle_set, &
98 local_molecules, my_shell_adiabatic, vel=vel)
99 ! Recompute the kinetic energy for the region to thermostat (for the T dependent chi step)
100 CALL ke_region_particles(map_info, particle_set, molecule_kind_set, &
101 local_molecules, molecule_set, group, vel=vel)
102 IF (debug_this_module) &
103 CALL dump_vel(molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, local_molecules, particle_set, vel, "post rescale_vel")
105 ! quarter step of chi
106 CALL al_nh_quarter_step(al, map_info, set_half_step_vel_factors=.false.)
108 ! quarter step of Langevin using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
109 CALL al_ou_step(0.25_dp, al, force_env, map_info, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, &
110 particle_set, local_molecules, local_particles, vel)
111 IF (debug_this_module) &
112 CALL dump_vel(molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, local_molecules, particle_set, vel, "post 2nd OU")
113 END IF
115 ! Recompute the final kinetic energy for the region to thermostat
116 CALL ke_region_particles(map_info, particle_set, molecule_kind_set, &
117 local_molecules, molecule_set, group, vel=vel)
119 CALL timestop(handle)
120 END SUBROUTINE al_particles
122! **************************************************************************************************
123!> \brief ...
124!> \param molecule_kind_set ...
125!> \param molecule_set ...
126!> \param local_molecules ...
127!> \param particle_set ...
128!> \param vel ...
129!> \param label ...
130! **************************************************************************************************
131 SUBROUTINE dump_vel(molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, local_molecules, particle_set, vel, label)
132 TYPE(molecule_kind_type), POINTER :: molecule_kind_set(:)
133 TYPE(molecule_type), POINTER :: molecule_set(:)
134 TYPE(distribution_1d_type), POINTER :: local_molecules
135 TYPE(particle_type), POINTER :: particle_set(:)
136 REAL(dp), OPTIONAL :: vel(:, :)
137 CHARACTER(len=*) :: label
139 INTEGER :: first_atom, ikind, imol, imol_local, &
140 ipart, last_atom, nmol_local
141 TYPE(molecule_type), POINTER :: molecule
143 DO ikind = 1, SIZE(molecule_kind_set)
144 nmol_local = local_molecules%n_el(ikind)
145 DO imol_local = 1, nmol_local
146 imol = local_molecules%list(ikind)%array(imol_local)
147 molecule => molecule_set(imol)
148 CALL get_molecule(molecule, first_atom=first_atom, last_atom=last_atom)
149 DO ipart = first_atom, last_atom
150 IF (PRESENT(vel)) THEN
151 WRITE (unit=*, fmt='("VEL ",A20," IPART ",I6," V ",3F20.10)') trim(label), ipart, vel(:, ipart)
152 ELSE
153 WRITE (unit=*, fmt='("PARTICLE_SET%VEL ",A20," IPART ",I6," V ",3F20.10)') trim(label), &
154 ipart, particle_set(ipart)%v(:)
155 END IF
156 END DO
157 END DO
158 END DO
159 END SUBROUTINE dump_vel
161! **************************************************************************************************
162!> \brief ...
163!> \param step ...
164!> \param al ...
165!> \param force_env ...
166!> \param map_info ...
167!> \param molecule_kind_set ...
168!> \param molecule_set ...
169!> \param particle_set ...
170!> \param local_molecules ...
171!> \param local_particles ...
172!> \param vel ...
173! **************************************************************************************************
174 SUBROUTINE al_ou_step(step, al, force_env, map_info, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, &
175 particle_set, local_molecules, local_particles, vel)
176 REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: step
177 TYPE(al_system_type), POINTER :: al
178 TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER :: force_env
179 TYPE(map_info_type), POINTER :: map_info
180 TYPE(molecule_kind_type), POINTER :: molecule_kind_set(:)
181 TYPE(molecule_type), POINTER :: molecule_set(:)
182 TYPE(particle_type), POINTER :: particle_set(:)
183 TYPE(distribution_1d_type), POINTER :: local_molecules, local_particles
184 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: vel(:, :)
186 INTEGER :: first_atom, i, ii, ikind, imap, imol, imol_local, ipart, iparticle_kind, &
187 iparticle_local, jj, last_atom, nmol_local, nparticle, nparticle_kind, nparticle_local
188 LOGICAL :: check, present_vel
189 REAL(kind=dp) :: mass
190 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: w(:, :)
191 TYPE(atomic_kind_type), POINTER :: atomic_kind
192 TYPE(molecule_type), POINTER :: molecule
194 present_vel = PRESENT(vel)
196 ![NB] not a big deal, but could this be done once at init time?
197 DO i = 1, al%loc_num_al
198 imap = map_info%map_index(i)
199 ! drag on velocities
200 IF (al%tau_langevin > 0.0_dp) THEN
201 map_info%v_scale(imap) = exp(-step*al%dt/al%tau_langevin)
202 map_info%s_kin(imap) = sqrt((al%nvt(i)%nkt/al%nvt(i)%degrees_of_freedom)*(1.0_dp - map_info%v_scale(imap)**2))
203 ELSE
204 map_info%v_scale(imap) = 1.0_dp
205 map_info%s_kin(imap) = 0.0_dp
206 END IF
207 ! magnitude of random force, not including 1/sqrt(mass) part
208 END DO
210 nparticle = SIZE(particle_set)
211 nparticle_kind = SIZE(local_particles%n_el)
212 ALLOCATE (w(3, nparticle))
213 w(:, :) = 0.0_dp
214 check = (nparticle_kind <= SIZE(local_particles%n_el) .AND. nparticle_kind <= SIZE(local_particles%list))
215 cpassert(check)
216 check = ASSOCIATED(local_particles%local_particle_set)
217 cpassert(check)
218 DO iparticle_kind = 1, nparticle_kind
219 nparticle_local = local_particles%n_el(iparticle_kind)
220 check = (nparticle_local <= SIZE(local_particles%list(iparticle_kind)%array))
221 cpassert(check)
222 DO iparticle_local = 1, nparticle_local
223 ipart = local_particles%list(iparticle_kind)%array(iparticle_local)
224 w(1, ipart) = local_particles%local_particle_set(iparticle_kind)%rng(iparticle_local)%stream%next(variance=1.0_dp)
225 w(2, ipart) = local_particles%local_particle_set(iparticle_kind)%rng(iparticle_local)%stream%next(variance=1.0_dp)
226 w(3, ipart) = local_particles%local_particle_set(iparticle_kind)%rng(iparticle_local)%stream%next(variance=1.0_dp)
227 END DO
228 END DO
230 CALL fix_atom_control(force_env, w)
232 ii = 0
233 DO ikind = 1, SIZE(molecule_kind_set)
234 nmol_local = local_molecules%n_el(ikind)
235 DO imol_local = 1, nmol_local
236 imol = local_molecules%list(ikind)%array(imol_local)
237 molecule => molecule_set(imol)
238 CALL get_molecule(molecule, first_atom=first_atom, last_atom=last_atom)
239 DO ipart = first_atom, last_atom
240 ii = ii + 1
241 atomic_kind => particle_set(ipart)%atomic_kind
242 CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=atomic_kind, mass=mass)
243 IF (present_vel) THEN
244 DO jj = 1, 3
245 vel(jj, ipart) = vel(jj, ipart)*map_info%p_scale(jj, ii)%point + &
246 map_info%p_kin(jj, ii)%point/sqrt(mass)*w(jj, ipart)
247 END DO
248 ELSE
249 DO jj = 1, 3
250 particle_set(ipart)%v(jj) = particle_set(ipart)%v(jj)*map_info%p_scale(jj, ii)%point + &
251 map_info%p_kin(jj, ii)%point/sqrt(mass)*w(jj, ipart)
252 END DO
253 END IF
254 END DO
255 END DO
256 END DO
260 END SUBROUTINE al_ou_step
262! **************************************************************************************************
263!> \brief ...
264!> \param al ...
265!> \param map_info ...
266!> \param set_half_step_vel_factors ...
267!> \author Noam Bernstein [noamb] 02.2012
268! **************************************************************************************************
269 SUBROUTINE al_nh_quarter_step(al, map_info, set_half_step_vel_factors)
270 TYPE(al_system_type), POINTER :: al
271 TYPE(map_info_type), POINTER :: map_info
272 LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: set_half_step_vel_factors
274 INTEGER :: i, imap
275 REAL(kind=dp) :: decay, delta_k
277![NB] how to deal with dt_fact?
279 DO i = 1, al%loc_num_al
280 IF (al%nvt(i)%mass > 0.0_dp) THEN
281 imap = map_info%map_index(i)
282 delta_k = 0.5_dp*(map_info%s_kin(imap) - al%nvt(i)%nkt)
283 al%nvt(i)%chi = al%nvt(i)%chi + 0.5_dp*al%dt*delta_k/al%nvt(i)%mass
284 IF (set_half_step_vel_factors) THEN
285 decay = exp(-0.5_dp*al%dt*al%nvt(i)%chi)
286 map_info%v_scale(imap) = decay
287 END IF
288 ELSE
289 al%nvt(i)%chi = 0.0_dp
290 IF (set_half_step_vel_factors) THEN
291 map_info%v_scale(imap) = 1.0_dp
292 END IF
293 END IF
294 END DO
296 END SUBROUTINE al_nh_quarter_step
298END MODULE al_system_dynamics
subroutine, public al_particles(al, force_env, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, particle_set, local_molecules, local_particles, group, vel)
Type for the canonical sampling through velocity rescaling.
Define the atomic kind types and their sub types.
subroutine, public get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind, fist_potential, element_symbol, name, mass, kind_number, natom, atom_list, rcov, rvdw, z, qeff, apol, cpol, mm_radius, shell, shell_active, damping)
Get attributes of an atomic kind.
subroutine, public fix_atom_control(force_env, w)
allows for fix atom constraints
stores a lists of integer that are local to a processor. The idea is that these integers represent ob...
Lumps all possible extended system variables into one type for easy access and passing.
Interface for the force calculations.
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
Define the molecule kind structure types and the corresponding functionality.
Define the data structure for the molecule information.
subroutine, public get_molecule(molecule, molecule_kind, lmi, lci, lg3x3, lg4x6, lcolv, first_atom, last_atom, first_shell, last_shell)
Get components from a molecule data set.
Define the data structure for the particle information.
Utilities for thermostats.
subroutine, public vel_rescale_particles(map_info, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, particle_set, local_molecules, shell_adiabatic, shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
subroutine, public ke_region_particles(map_info, particle_set, molecule_kind_set, local_molecules, molecule_set, group, vel)
Provides all information about an atomic kind.
structure to store local (to a processor) ordered lists of integers.
wrapper to abstract the force evaluation of the various methods