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module | pw_grids |
| This module defines the grid data type and some basic operations on it.
logical function, public | pw_grids::pw_grid_compare (grida, gridb) |
| Check if two pw_grids are equal.
subroutine, public | pw_grids::get_pw_grid_info (pw_grid, id_nr, mode, vol, dvol, npts, ngpts, ngpts_cut, dr, cutoff, orthorhombic, gvectors, gsquare) |
| Access to information stored in the pw_grid_type.
subroutine, public | pw_grids::pw_grid_change (cell_hmat, pw_grid) |
| Recalculate the g-vectors after a change of the box.
subroutine, public | pw_grids::pw_grid_retain (pw_grid) |
| retains the given pw grid
subroutine, public | pw_grids::pw_grid_release (pw_grid) |
| releases the given pw grid