Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \brief represents an enumeration, i.e. a mapping between integers and strings
10 !> \par History
11 !> 08.2004 created [fawzi]
12 !> \author fawzi
13 ! **************************************************************************************************
16  USE cp_log_handling, ONLY: cp_to_string
17  USE kinds, ONLY: default_string_length
18  USE string_utilities, ONLY: a2s,&
19  uppercase
20 #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
25  LOGICAL, PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: debug_this_module = .true.
26  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'input_enumeration_types'
28  PUBLIC :: enumeration_type
31 ! **************************************************************************************************
32 !> \brief represents an enumaration, i.e. a mapping between strings and numbers
33 !> \param ref_count reference count
34 !> \param c_vals string values
35 !> \param i_vals integer values
36 !> \param strict if integer values not in the list should be accepted
37 !> \author fawzi
38 ! **************************************************************************************************
39  TYPE char_array
40  CHARACTER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: chars => null()
41  END TYPE char_array
43  TYPE enumeration_type
44  INTEGER :: ref_count = 0
45  CHARACTER(len=default_string_length), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: c_vals => null()
46  TYPE(char_array), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: desc => null()
47  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: i_vals => null()
48  LOGICAL :: strict = .false.
49  END TYPE enumeration_type
53 ! **************************************************************************************************
54 !> \brief creates an enumeration
55 !> \param enum the enumeration to be created
56 !> \param c_vals string values
57 !> \param i_vals integer values
58 !> \param desc ...
59 !> \param strict if integer values not in the list should be accepted,
60 !> defaults defaults to true
61 !> \author fawzi
62 ! **************************************************************************************************
63  SUBROUTINE enum_create(enum, c_vals, i_vals, desc, strict)
64  TYPE(enumeration_type), POINTER :: enum
65  CHARACTER(len=*), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: c_vals
66  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: i_vals
67  CHARACTER(len=*), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in), &
68  OPTIONAL :: desc
69  LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: strict
71  INTEGER :: i, j, n
73  cpassert(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(enum))
74  cpassert(SIZE(c_vals) == SIZE(i_vals))
75  ALLOCATE (enum)
76  enum%ref_count = 1
77  ALLOCATE (enum%c_vals(SIZE(c_vals)))
78  DO i = 1, SIZE(enum%c_vals)
79  cpassert(len_trim(c_vals(i)) > 0)
80  enum%c_vals(i) = c_vals(i)
81  CALL uppercase(enum%c_vals(i))
82  END DO
83  ALLOCATE (enum%i_vals(SIZE(i_vals)))
84  enum%i_vals = i_vals
85  enum%strict = .true.
86  IF (PRESENT(strict)) enum%strict = strict
87  ALLOCATE (enum%desc(SIZE(c_vals)))
88  IF (PRESENT(desc)) THEN
89  cpassert(SIZE(enum%desc) == SIZE(desc))
90  DO i = 1, SIZE(enum%desc)
91  n = len_trim(desc(i))
92  ALLOCATE (enum%desc(i)%chars(n))
93  DO j = 1, n
94  enum%desc(i)%chars(j) = desc(i) (j:j)
95  END DO
96  END DO
97  ELSE
98  DO i = 1, SIZE(enum%desc)
99  ALLOCATE (enum%desc(i)%chars(1))
100  enum%desc(i)%chars(1:1) = ' '
101  END DO
102  END IF
103  END SUBROUTINE enum_create
105 ! **************************************************************************************************
106 !> \brief retains the given enumeration
107 !> \param enum the obect to retain
108 !> \author fawzi
109 ! **************************************************************************************************
110  SUBROUTINE enum_retain(enum)
111  TYPE(enumeration_type), POINTER :: enum
113  cpassert(ASSOCIATED(enum))
114  cpassert(enum%ref_count > 0)
115  enum%ref_count = enum%ref_count + 1
116  END SUBROUTINE enum_retain
118 ! **************************************************************************************************
119 !> \brief releases the given enumeration
120 !> \param enum the obect to release
121 !> \author fawzi
122 ! **************************************************************************************************
123  SUBROUTINE enum_release(enum)
124  TYPE(enumeration_type), POINTER :: enum
126  INTEGER :: i
129  cpassert(enum%ref_count > 0)
130  enum%ref_count = enum%ref_count - 1
131  IF (enum%ref_count == 0) THEN
132  DEALLOCATE (enum%c_vals)
133  DEALLOCATE (enum%i_vals)
134  DO i = 1, SIZE(enum%desc)
135  DEALLOCATE (enum%desc(i)%chars)
136  END DO
137  DEALLOCATE (enum%desc)
138  DEALLOCATE (enum)
139  END IF
140  END IF
141  NULLIFY (enum)
142  END SUBROUTINE enum_release
144 ! **************************************************************************************************
145 !> \brief maps an integer to a string
146 !> \param enum the enumeration to use for the mapping
147 !> \param i the value to map
148 !> \return ...
149 !> \author fawzi
150 ! **************************************************************************************************
151  FUNCTION enum_i2c(enum, i) RESULT(res)
152  TYPE(enumeration_type), POINTER :: enum
153  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: i
154  CHARACTER(len=default_string_length) :: res
156  INTEGER :: j
157  LOGICAL :: found
159  cpassert(ASSOCIATED(enum))
160  cpassert(enum%ref_count > 0)
161  res = " "
162  found = .false.
163  DO j = 1, SIZE(enum%i_vals)
164  IF (enum%i_vals(j) == i) THEN
165  res = enum%c_vals(j)
166  found = .true.
167  EXIT
168  END IF
169  END DO
170  IF (.NOT. found) THEN
171  IF (enum%strict) THEN
172  DO j = 1, SIZE(enum%desc)
173  print *, trim(a2s(enum%desc(j)%chars))
174  print *, trim(enum%c_vals(j))
175  END DO
176  print *, enum%i_vals
177  END IF
178  IF (enum%strict) &
179  cpabort("invalid value for enumeration:"//cp_to_string(i))
180  res = adjustl(cp_to_string(i))
181  END IF
182  END FUNCTION enum_i2c
184 ! **************************************************************************************************
185 !> \brief maps a string to an integer
186 !> \param enum the enumeration to use for the mapping
187 !> \param c the value to map
188 !> \return ...
189 !> \author fawzi
190 ! **************************************************************************************************
191  FUNCTION enum_c2i(enum, c) RESULT(res)
192  TYPE(enumeration_type), POINTER :: enum
193  CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: c
194  INTEGER :: res
196  CHARACTER(len=default_string_length) :: upc
197  INTEGER :: iostat, j
198  LOGICAL :: found
200  cpassert(ASSOCIATED(enum))
201  cpassert(enum%ref_count > 0)
202  upc = trim(adjustl(c)) !MK Ignore leading and trailing blanks
203  CALL uppercase(upc)
204  found = .false.
205  DO j = 1, SIZE(enum%c_vals)
206  IF (enum%c_vals(j) == upc) THEN
207  res = enum%i_vals(j)
208  found = .true.
209  EXIT
210  END IF
211  END DO
213  IF (.NOT. found) THEN
214  IF (enum%strict) &
215  cpabort("invalid value for enumeration:"//trim(c))
216  READ (c, "(i10)", iostat=iostat) res
217  IF (iostat /= 0) &
218  cpabort("invalid value for enumeration2:"//trim(c))
219  END IF
220  END FUNCTION enum_c2i
222 END MODULE input_enumeration_types
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
represents an enumeration, i.e. a mapping between integers and strings
integer function, public enum_c2i(enum, c)
maps a string to an integer
subroutine, public enum_create(enum, c_vals, i_vals, desc, strict)
creates an enumeration
subroutine, public enum_release(enum)
releases the given enumeration
subroutine, public enum_retain(enum)
retains the given enumeration
character(len=default_string_length) function, public enum_i2c(enum, i)
maps an integer to a string
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public default_string_length
Definition: kinds.F:57
Utilities for string manipulations.
pure character(len=size(array)) function, public a2s(array)
Converts a character-array into a string.
elemental subroutine, public uppercase(string)
Convert all lower case characters in a string to upper case.