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integrator.F File Reference

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module  integrator
 Provides integrator routines (velocity verlet) for all the ensemble types.


subroutine, public integrator::langevin (md_env)
 Langevin integrator for particle positions & momenta (Brownian dynamics)
subroutine, public integrator::nve (md_env, globenv)
 nve integrator for particle positions & momenta
subroutine, public integrator::isokin (md_env)
 simplest version of the isokinetic gaussian thermostat
subroutine, public integrator::nvt_adiabatic (md_env, globenv)
 nvt adiabatic integrator for particle positions & momenta
subroutine, public integrator::nvt (md_env, globenv)
 nvt integrator for particle positions & momenta
subroutine, public integrator::npt_i (md_env, globenv)
 npt_i integrator for particle positions & momenta isotropic box changes
subroutine, public integrator::reftraj (md_env)
 uses coordinates in a file and generates frame after frame of these
subroutine, public integrator::nph_uniaxial (md_env)
 nph_uniaxial integrator (non-Hamiltonian version) for particle positions & momenta undergoing uniaxial stress ( in x-direction of orthorhombic cell) due to a shock compression: Reed et. al. Physical Review Letters 90, 235503 (2003).
subroutine, public integrator::nph_uniaxial_damped (md_env)
 nph_uniaxial integrator (non-Hamiltonian version) for particle positions & momenta undergoing uniaxial stress ( in x-direction of orthorhombic cell) due to a shock compression: Reed et. al. Physical Review Letters 90, 235503 (2003). Added damping (e.g. thermostat to barostat)
subroutine, public integrator::npt_f (md_env, globenv)
 Velocity Verlet integrator for the NPT ensemble with fully flexible cell.
subroutine, public integrator::nve_respa (md_env)
 RESPA integrator for nve ensemble for particle positions & momenta.