Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \par History
10 !> CJM 20-Feb-2001: Now npt_ifo is allocated to zero when not used
11 !> CJM 11-apr-2001: adding routines to thermostat ao_type
12 !> CJM 02-Aug-2003: renamed
13 !> \author CJM
14 ! **************************************************************************************************
17  USE atomic_kind_types, ONLY: atomic_kind_type,&
19  USE distribution_1d_types, ONLY: distribution_1d_type
20  USE extended_system_types, ONLY: lnhc_parameters_type,&
21  map_info_type,&
22  npt_info_type
23  USE kinds, ONLY: dp
24  USE message_passing, ONLY: mp_comm_type
25  USE molecule_kind_types, ONLY: molecule_kind_type
26  USE molecule_types, ONLY: molecule_type
27  USE particle_types, ONLY: particle_type
28  USE shell_potential_types, ONLY: shell_kind_type
29  USE thermostat_utils, ONLY: ke_region_baro,&
35 #include "../../base/base_uses.f90"
40  LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: debug_this_module = .false.
41  PUBLIC :: shell_scale_comv, &
43  lnhc_barostat, &
46  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'extended_system_dynamics'
50 ! **************************************************************************************************
51 !> \brief ...
52 !> \param nhc ...
53 !> \param npt ...
54 !> \param group ...
55 !> \date 13-DEC-2000
56 !> \par History
57 !> none
58 !> \author CJM
59 ! **************************************************************************************************
60  SUBROUTINE lnhc_barostat(nhc, npt, group)
62  TYPE(lnhc_parameters_type), POINTER :: nhc
63  TYPE(npt_info_type), DIMENSION(:, :), &
64  INTENT(INOUT) :: npt
65  TYPE(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: group
67  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'lnhc_barostat'
69  INTEGER :: handle
70  TYPE(map_info_type), POINTER :: map_info
72  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
73  map_info => nhc%map_info
75  ! Compute the kinetic energy of the barostat
76  CALL ke_region_baro(map_info, npt, group)
78  ! Calculate forces on the Nose-Hoover Thermostat and apply chains
79  CALL do_nhc(nhc, map_info)
81  ! Now scale the particle velocities
82  CALL vel_rescale_baro(map_info, npt)
84  CALL timestop(handle)
85  END SUBROUTINE lnhc_barostat
87 ! **************************************************************************************************
88 !> \brief ...
89 !> \param nhc ...
90 !> \param molecule_kind_set ...
91 !> \param molecule_set ...
92 !> \param particle_set ...
93 !> \param local_molecules ...
94 !> \param group ...
95 !> \param shell_adiabatic ...
96 !> \param shell_particle_set ...
97 !> \param core_particle_set ...
98 !> \param vel ...
99 !> \param shell_vel ...
100 !> \param core_vel ...
101 !> \date 14-NOV-2000
102 !> \par History
103 !> none
104 ! **************************************************************************************************
105  SUBROUTINE lnhc_particles(nhc, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, &
106  particle_set, local_molecules, group, shell_adiabatic, &
107  shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
109  TYPE(lnhc_parameters_type), POINTER :: nhc
110  TYPE(molecule_kind_type), POINTER :: molecule_kind_set(:)
111  TYPE(molecule_type), POINTER :: molecule_set(:)
112  TYPE(particle_type), POINTER :: particle_set(:)
113  TYPE(distribution_1d_type), POINTER :: local_molecules
114  TYPE(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: group
115  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: shell_adiabatic
116  TYPE(particle_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: shell_particle_set(:), &
117  core_particle_set(:)
118  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: vel(:, :), shell_vel(:, :), &
119  core_vel(:, :)
121  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'lnhc_particles'
123  INTEGER :: handle
124  LOGICAL :: my_shell_adiabatic
125  TYPE(map_info_type), POINTER :: map_info
127  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
128  my_shell_adiabatic = .false.
129  IF (PRESENT(shell_adiabatic)) my_shell_adiabatic = shell_adiabatic
130  map_info => nhc%map_info
132  ! Compute the kinetic energy for the region to thermostat
133  CALL ke_region_particles(map_info, particle_set, molecule_kind_set, &
134  local_molecules, molecule_set, group, vel)
136  ! Calculate forces on the Nose-Hoover Thermostat and apply chains
137  CALL do_nhc(nhc, map_info)
139  ! Now scale the particle velocities
140  CALL vel_rescale_particles(map_info, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, particle_set, &
141  local_molecules, my_shell_adiabatic, shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, &
142  vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
144  CALL timestop(handle)
145  END SUBROUTINE lnhc_particles
147 ! **************************************************************************************************
148 !> \brief ...
149 !> \param nhc ...
150 !> \param atomic_kind_set ...
151 !> \param particle_set ...
152 !> \param local_particles ...
153 !> \param group ...
154 !> \param shell_particle_set ...
155 !> \param core_particle_set ...
156 !> \param vel ...
157 !> \param shell_vel ...
158 !> \param core_vel ...
159 !> \date 14-NOV-2000
160 !> \par History
161 !> none
162 ! **************************************************************************************************
163  SUBROUTINE lnhc_shells(nhc, atomic_kind_set, particle_set, local_particles, &
164  group, shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
166  TYPE(lnhc_parameters_type), POINTER :: nhc
167  TYPE(atomic_kind_type), POINTER :: atomic_kind_set(:)
168  TYPE(particle_type), POINTER :: particle_set(:)
169  TYPE(distribution_1d_type), POINTER :: local_particles
170  TYPE(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: group
171  TYPE(particle_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: shell_particle_set(:), &
172  core_particle_set(:)
173  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: vel(:, :), shell_vel(:, :), &
174  core_vel(:, :)
176  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'lnhc_shells'
178  INTEGER :: handle
179  TYPE(map_info_type), POINTER :: map_info
181  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
182  map_info => nhc%map_info
184  ! Compute the kinetic energy of the region to thermostat
185  CALL ke_region_shells(map_info, particle_set, atomic_kind_set, local_particles, &
186  group, core_particle_set, shell_particle_set, core_vel, shell_vel)
188  ! Calculate forces on the Nose-Hoover Thermostat and apply chains
189  CALL do_nhc(nhc, map_info)
191  ! Now scale the particle velocities
192  CALL vel_rescale_shells(map_info, atomic_kind_set, particle_set, local_particles, &
193  shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, shell_vel, core_vel, vel)
195  CALL timestop(handle)
196  END SUBROUTINE lnhc_shells
198 ! **************************************************************************************************
199 !> \brief ...
200 !> \param nhc ...
201 !> \param map_info ...
202 !> \author 10.2007 [tlaino] - Teodoro Laino - University of Zurich
203 ! **************************************************************************************************
204  SUBROUTINE do_nhc(nhc, map_info)
205  TYPE(lnhc_parameters_type), POINTER :: nhc
206  TYPE(map_info_type), POINTER :: map_info
208  INTEGER :: imap, n
210 ! Force on the first bead in every thermostat chain
212  DO n = 1, nhc%loc_num_nhc
213  imap = nhc%map_info%map_index(n)
214  IF (nhc%nvt(1, n)%nkt == 0.0_dp) cycle
215  nhc%nvt(1, n)%f = (map_info%s_kin(imap) - nhc%nvt(1, n)%nkt)/nhc%nvt(1, n)%mass
216  END DO
218  ! Perform multiple time stepping using Yoshida
219  CALL multiple_step_yoshida(nhc)
221  END SUBROUTINE do_nhc
223 ! **************************************************************************************************
224 !> \brief ...
225 !> \param atomic_kind_set ...
226 !> \param local_particles ...
227 !> \param particle_set ...
228 !> \param com_vel ...
229 !> \param shell_vel ...
230 !> \param core_vel ...
231 !> \date 14-NOV-2000
232 !> \par History
233 !> none
234 ! **************************************************************************************************
235  SUBROUTINE shell_scale_comv(atomic_kind_set, local_particles, particle_set, &
236  com_vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
238  TYPE(atomic_kind_type), POINTER :: atomic_kind_set(:)
239  TYPE(distribution_1d_type), POINTER :: local_particles
240  TYPE(particle_type), POINTER :: particle_set(:)
241  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: com_vel(:, :)
242  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT) :: shell_vel(:, :), core_vel(:, :)
244  INTEGER :: iparticle, iparticle_kind, &
245  iparticle_local, nparticle_kind, &
246  nparticle_local, shell_index
247  LOGICAL :: is_shell
248  REAL(kind=dp) :: fac_massc, fac_masss, mass, vc(3), vs(3)
249  TYPE(atomic_kind_type), POINTER :: atomic_kind
250  TYPE(shell_kind_type), POINTER :: shell
252  nparticle_kind = SIZE(atomic_kind_set)
254  DO iparticle_kind = 1, nparticle_kind
255  atomic_kind => atomic_kind_set(iparticle_kind)
256  CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=atomic_kind, mass=mass, &
257  shell_active=is_shell, shell=shell)
258  IF (is_shell) THEN
259  fac_masss = shell%mass_shell/mass
260  fac_massc = shell%mass_core/mass
261  nparticle_local = local_particles%n_el(iparticle_kind)
262  DO iparticle_local = 1, nparticle_local
263  iparticle = local_particles%list(iparticle_kind)%array(iparticle_local)
264  shell_index = particle_set(iparticle)%shell_index
265  vs(1:3) = shell_vel(1:3, shell_index)
266  vc(1:3) = core_vel(1:3, shell_index)
267  shell_vel(1, shell_index) = com_vel(1, iparticle) + fac_massc*(vs(1) - vc(1))
268  shell_vel(2, shell_index) = com_vel(2, iparticle) + fac_massc*(vs(2) - vc(2))
269  shell_vel(3, shell_index) = com_vel(3, iparticle) + fac_massc*(vs(3) - vc(3))
270  core_vel(1, shell_index) = com_vel(1, iparticle) + fac_masss*(vc(1) - vs(1))
271  core_vel(2, shell_index) = com_vel(2, iparticle) + fac_masss*(vc(2) - vs(2))
272  core_vel(3, shell_index) = com_vel(3, iparticle) + fac_masss*(vc(3) - vs(3))
273  END DO
274  END IF ! is_shell
275  END DO ! iparticle_kind
276  END SUBROUTINE shell_scale_comv
278 ! **************************************************************************************************
279 !> \brief ...
280 !> \param nhc ...
281 !> \date 14-NOV-2000
282 !> \par History
283 !> none
284 ! **************************************************************************************************
285  SUBROUTINE multiple_step_yoshida(nhc)
287  TYPE(lnhc_parameters_type), POINTER :: nhc
289  INTEGER :: imap, inc, inhc, iyosh, n, nx1, nx2
290  REAL(kind=dp) :: scale
291  TYPE(map_info_type), POINTER :: map_info
293  nx1 = SIZE(nhc%nvt, 1)
294  nx2 = SIZE(nhc%nvt, 2)
295  map_info => nhc%map_info
296  ! perform multiple time stepping using Yoshida
297  ncloop: DO inc = 1, nhc%nc
298  yosh: DO iyosh = 1, nhc%nyosh
300  ! update velocity on the last thermostat in the chain ! O1
301  nhc%nvt(nhc%nhc_len, :)%v = nhc%nvt(nhc%nhc_len, :)%v + &
302  nhc%nvt(nhc%nhc_len, :)%f*0.25_dp*nhc%dt_yosh(iyosh)*nhc%dt_fact
304  ! update velocity of other thermostats on chain (from nhc_len-1 to 1) ! O2
305  DO n = 1, nhc%loc_num_nhc
306  IF (nhc%nvt(1, n)%nkt == 0.0_dp) cycle
307  DO inhc = nhc%nhc_len - 1, 1, -1
308  scale = exp(-0.125_dp*nhc%nvt(inhc + 1, n)%v*nhc%dt_yosh(iyosh)*nhc%dt_fact)
309  nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v = nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v*scale ! scale
310  nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v = nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v + &
311  nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%f*0.25_dp*nhc%dt_yosh(iyosh)*nhc%dt_fact ! shift
312  nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v = nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v*scale ! scale
313  END DO
314  END DO
316  ! the core of the operator ----- START------
317  ! update nhc positions
318  nhc%nvt(:, :)%eta = nhc%nvt(:, :)%eta + &
319  0.5_dp*nhc%nvt(:, :)%v*nhc%dt_yosh(iyosh)*nhc%dt_fact
321  ! now accumulate the scale factor for particle velocities
322  DO n = 1, nhc%loc_num_nhc
323  imap = nhc%map_info%map_index(n)
324  IF (nhc%nvt(1, n)%nkt == 0.0_dp) cycle
325  map_info%v_scale(imap) = map_info%v_scale(imap)*exp(-0.5_dp*nhc%dt_yosh(iyosh)*nhc%dt_fact*nhc%nvt(1, n)%v)
326  END DO
327  ! the core of the operator ------ END ------
329  ! update the force on first thermostat again (since particle velocities changed)
330  DO n = 1, nhc%loc_num_nhc
331  imap = nhc%map_info%map_index(n)
332  IF (nhc%nvt(1, n)%nkt == 0.0_dp) cycle
333  nhc%nvt(1, n)%f = (map_info%s_kin(imap)*map_info%v_scale(imap)* &
334  map_info%v_scale(imap) - nhc%nvt(1, n)%nkt)/nhc%nvt(1, n)%mass
335  END DO
337  ! update velocity of other thermostats on chain (from 1 to nhc_len-1) ! O2
338  DO inhc = 1, nhc%nhc_len - 1
339  DO n = 1, nhc%loc_num_nhc
340  IF (nhc%nvt(1, n)%nkt == 0.0_dp) cycle
341  scale = exp(-0.125_dp*nhc%nvt(inhc + 1, n)%v*nhc%dt_yosh(iyosh)*nhc%dt_fact)
342  nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v = nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v*scale ! scale
343  nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v = nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v + &
344  nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%f*0.25_dp*nhc%dt_yosh(iyosh)*nhc%dt_fact ! shift
345  nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v = nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v*scale ! scale
346  END DO
348  ! updating the forces on all the thermostats
349  DO n = 1, nhc%loc_num_nhc
350  IF (nhc%nvt(1, n)%nkt == 0.0_dp) cycle
351  nhc%nvt(inhc + 1, n)%f = (nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%mass*nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v &
352  *nhc%nvt(inhc, n)%v - nhc%nvt(inhc + 1, n)%nkt)/nhc%nvt(inhc + 1, n)%mass
353  END DO
354  END DO
355  ! update velocity on last thermostat ! O1
356  nhc%nvt(nhc%nhc_len, :)%v = nhc%nvt(nhc%nhc_len, :)%v + &
357  nhc%nvt(nhc%nhc_len, :)%f*0.25_dp*nhc%dt_yosh(iyosh)*nhc%dt_fact
358  END DO yosh
359  END DO ncloop
360  END SUBROUTINE multiple_step_yoshida
362 END MODULE extended_system_dynamics
Define the atomic kind types and their sub types.
subroutine, public get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind, fist_potential, element_symbol, name, mass, kind_number, natom, atom_list, rcov, rvdw, z, qeff, apol, cpol, mm_radius, shell, shell_active, damping)
Get attributes of an atomic kind.
stores a lists of integer that are local to a processor. The idea is that these integers represent ob...
subroutine, public lnhc_barostat(nhc, npt, group)
subroutine, public shell_scale_comv(atomic_kind_set, local_particles, particle_set, com_vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
subroutine, public lnhc_shells(nhc, atomic_kind_set, particle_set, local_particles, group, shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
subroutine, public lnhc_particles(nhc, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, particle_set, local_molecules, group, shell_adiabatic, shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
Lumps all possible extended system variables into one type for easy access and passing.
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
Define the molecule kind structure types and the corresponding functionality.
Define the data structure for the molecule information.
Define the data structure for the particle information.
Utilities for thermostats.
subroutine, public vel_rescale_shells(map_info, atomic_kind_set, particle_set, local_particles, shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, shell_vel, core_vel, vel)
subroutine, public vel_rescale_particles(map_info, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, particle_set, local_molecules, shell_adiabatic, shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
subroutine, public ke_region_shells(map_info, particle_set, atomic_kind_set, local_particles, group, core_particle_set, shell_particle_set, core_vel, shell_vel)
subroutine, public ke_region_baro(map_info, npt, group)
subroutine, public vel_rescale_baro(map_info, npt)
subroutine, public ke_region_particles(map_info, particle_set, molecule_kind_set, local_molecules, molecule_set, group, vel)