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subroutine, public | smeagol_interface::run_smeagol_bulktrans (qs_env) |
| Save overlap, Kohn-Sham, electron density, and energy-density matrices of semi-infinite electrodes in SIESTA format.
subroutine, public | smeagol_interface::smeagol_shift_v_hartree (v_hartree_rspace, cell, hartreeleadsleft, hartreeleadsright, hartreeleadsbottom, vbias, zleft, zright, isexplicit_zright, isexplicit_bottom) |
| Align Hatree potential of semi-infinite leads to match bulk-transport calculation and apply external electrostatic potential (bias).
subroutine, public | smeagol_interface::run_smeagol_emtrans (qs_env, last, iter, rho_ao_kp) |
| Run NEGF/SMEAGOL transport calculation.