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Go to the documentation of this file.
2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief implementation of dipole and three-body part of Siepmann-Sprik potential
10!> dipole term: 3rd term in Eq. (1) in J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 102, p.511
11!> three-body term: Eq. (4) in J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 102, p. 511
12!> remaining terms of Siepmann-Sprik potential can be given via the GENPOT section
13!> \par History
14!> 12.2012 created
15!> \author Dorothea Golze
16! **************************************************************************************************
20 USE cell_types, ONLY: cell_type,&
21 pbc
30 USE kinds, ONLY: dp
37 USE util, ONLY: sort
38#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
46 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'manybody_siepmann'
50! **************************************************************************************************
51!> \brief energy of two-body dipole term and three-body term
52!> \param pot_loc ...
53!> \param siepmann ...
54!> \param r_last_update_pbc ...
55!> \param atom_a ...
56!> \param atom_b ...
57!> \param nloc_size ...
58!> \param full_loc_list ...
59!> \param cell_v ...
60!> \param cell ...
61!> \param drij ...
62!> \param particle_set ...
63!> \param nr_oh number of OH- ions near surface
64!> \param nr_h3o number of hydronium ions near surface
65!> \param nr_o number of O^(2-) ions near surface
66!> \author Dorothea Golze - 11.2012 - University of Zurich
67! **************************************************************************************************
68 SUBROUTINE siepmann_energy(pot_loc, siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, atom_a, atom_b, &
69 nloc_size, full_loc_list, cell_v, cell, drij, particle_set, &
70 nr_oh, nr_h3o, nr_o)
72 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT) :: pot_loc
73 TYPE(siepmann_pot_type), POINTER :: siepmann
74 TYPE(pos_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: r_last_update_pbc
75 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: atom_a, atom_b, nloc_size
76 INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 1:nloc_size) :: full_loc_list
77 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: cell_v
78 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
79 REAL(kind=dp) :: drij
80 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
81 INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: nr_oh, nr_h3o, nr_o
83 REAL(kind=dp) :: a_ij, d, e, f2, phi_ij, pot_loc_v2, &
84 pot_loc_v3
86 a_ij = siep_a_ij(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, atom_a, atom_b, nloc_size, &
87 full_loc_list, cell_v, siepmann%rcutsq, particle_set, &
88 cell)
89 phi_ij = siep_phi_ij(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, atom_a, atom_b, &
90 cell_v, cell, siepmann%rcutsq, particle_set, nr_oh, nr_h3o, nr_o)
91 f2 = siep_f2(siepmann, drij)
92 d = siepmann%D
93 e = siepmann%E
95 !two-body part --> dipole term
96 pot_loc_v2 = -d*f2*drij**(-3)*phi_ij
98 !three-body part
99 pot_loc_v3 = e*f2*drij**(-siepmann%beta)*a_ij
101 pot_loc = pot_loc_v2 + pot_loc_v3
103 END SUBROUTINE siepmann_energy
105! **************************************************************************************************
106!> \brief f2(r) corresponds to Equation (2) in J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 102, p.511
107!> \param siepmann ...
108!> \param r distance between oxygen and metal atom
109!> \return ...
110! **************************************************************************************************
111 FUNCTION siep_f2(siepmann, r)
112 TYPE(siepmann_pot_type), POINTER :: siepmann
113 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: r
114 REAL(kind=dp) :: siep_f2
116 REAL(kind=dp) :: rcut
118 rcut = sqrt(siepmann%rcutsq)
119 siep_f2 = 0.0_dp
120 IF (r < rcut) THEN
121 siep_f2 = exp(siepmann%B/(r - rcut))
122 END IF
123 END FUNCTION siep_f2
125! **************************************************************************************************
126!> \brief f2(r)_d derivative of f2
127!> \param siepmann ...
128!> \param r distance between oxygen and metal atom
129!> \return ...
130! **************************************************************************************************
131 FUNCTION siep_f2_d(siepmann, r)
132 TYPE(siepmann_pot_type), POINTER :: siepmann
133 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: r
134 REAL(kind=dp) :: siep_f2_d
136 REAL(kind=dp) :: b, rcut
138 rcut = sqrt(siepmann%rcutsq)
139 b = siepmann%B
140 siep_f2_d = 0.0_dp
141 IF (r < rcut) THEN
142 siep_f2_d = -b*exp(b/(r - rcut))/(r - rcut)**2
143 END IF
145 END FUNCTION siep_f2_d
147! **************************************************************************************************
148!> \brief exponential part of three-body term, see Equation (4) in J. Chem.
149!> Phys., Vol. 102, p.511
150!> \param siepmann ...
151!> \param r_last_update_pbc ...
152!> \param iparticle ...
153!> \param jparticle ...
154!> \param n_loc_size ...
155!> \param full_loc_list ...
156!> \param cell_v ...
157!> \param rcutsq ...
158!> \param particle_set ...
159!> \param cell ...
160!> \return ...
161!> \par History
162!> Using a local list of neighbors
163! **************************************************************************************************
164 FUNCTION siep_a_ij(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, iparticle, jparticle, n_loc_size, &
165 full_loc_list, cell_v, rcutsq, particle_set, cell)
166 TYPE(siepmann_pot_type), POINTER :: siepmann
167 TYPE(pos_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: r_last_update_pbc
168 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iparticle, jparticle, n_loc_size
169 INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 1:n_loc_size) :: full_loc_list
170 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: cell_v
171 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: rcutsq
172 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
173 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
174 REAL(kind=dp) :: siep_a_ij
176 CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: element_symbol
177 INTEGER :: ilist, kparticle
178 REAL(kind=dp) :: costheta, drji, drjk, f, rab2_max, &
179 rji(3), rjk(3), theta
181 siep_a_ij = 0.0_dp
182 rab2_max = rcutsq
183 f = siepmann%F
184 CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=particle_set(iparticle)%atomic_kind, &
185 element_symbol=element_symbol)
186 IF (element_symbol /= "O") RETURN
187 rji(:) = -1.0_dp*(r_last_update_pbc(jparticle)%r(:) - r_last_update_pbc(iparticle)%r(:) + cell_v)
188 drji = sqrt(dot_product(rji, rji))
189 DO ilist = 1, n_loc_size
190 kparticle = full_loc_list(2, ilist)
191 IF (kparticle == jparticle) cycle
192 rjk(:) = pbc(r_last_update_pbc(jparticle)%r(:), r_last_update_pbc(kparticle)%r(:), cell)
193 drjk = dot_product(rjk, rjk)
194 IF (drjk > rab2_max) cycle
195 drjk = sqrt(drjk)
196 costheta = dot_product(rji, rjk)/(drji*drjk)
197 IF (costheta < -1.0_dp) costheta = -1.0_dp
198 IF (costheta > +1.0_dp) costheta = +1.0_dp
199 theta = acos(costheta)
200 siep_a_ij = siep_a_ij + exp(f*(cos(theta/2.0_dp))**2)
201 END DO
202 END FUNCTION siep_a_ij
204! **************************************************************************************************
205!> \brief derivative of a_ij
206!> \param siepmann ...
207!> \param r_last_update_pbc ...
208!> \param iparticle ...
209!> \param jparticle ...
210!> \param f_nonbond ...
211!> \param prefactor ...
212!> \param n_loc_size ...
213!> \param full_loc_list ...
214!> \param cell_v ...
215!> \param cell ...
216!> \param rcutsq ...
217!> \param use_virial ...
218!> \par History
219!> Using a local list of neighbors
220! **************************************************************************************************
221 SUBROUTINE siep_a_ij_d(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, iparticle, jparticle, f_nonbond, &
222 prefactor, n_loc_size, full_loc_list, &
223 cell_v, cell, rcutsq, use_virial)
224 TYPE(siepmann_pot_type), POINTER :: siepmann
225 TYPE(pos_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: r_last_update_pbc
226 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iparticle, jparticle
227 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT) :: f_nonbond
228 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: prefactor
229 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n_loc_size
230 INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 1:n_loc_size) :: full_loc_list
231 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: cell_v
232 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
233 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: rcutsq
234 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: use_virial
236 INTEGER :: ilist, kparticle, nparticle
237 REAL(kind=dp) :: costheta, d_expterm, dcos_thetahalf, &
238 drji, drjk, f, rab2_max, theta
239 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: dcosdri, dcosdrj, dcosdrk, dri, drj, &
240 drk, rji, rji_hat, rjk, rjk_hat
242 rab2_max = rcutsq
243 f = siepmann%F
245 rji(:) = -1.0_dp*(r_last_update_pbc(jparticle)%r(:) - r_last_update_pbc(iparticle)%r(:) + cell_v)
246 drji = sqrt(dot_product(rji, rji))
247 rji_hat(:) = rji(:)/drji
249 nparticle = SIZE(r_last_update_pbc)
250 DO ilist = 1, n_loc_size
251 kparticle = full_loc_list(2, ilist)
252 IF (kparticle == jparticle) cycle
253 rjk(:) = pbc(r_last_update_pbc(jparticle)%r(:), r_last_update_pbc(kparticle)%r(:), cell)
254 drjk = dot_product(rjk, rjk)
255 IF (drjk > rab2_max) cycle
256 drjk = sqrt(drjk)
257 rjk_hat(:) = rjk(:)/drjk
258 costheta = dot_product(rji, rjk)/(drji*drjk)
259 IF (costheta < -1.0_dp) costheta = -1.0_dp
260 IF (costheta > +1.0_dp) costheta = +1.0_dp
262 dcosdri(:) = (1.0_dp/(drji))*(rjk_hat(:) - costheta*rji_hat(:))
263 dcosdrk(:) = (1.0_dp/(drjk))*(rji_hat(:) - costheta*rjk_hat(:))
264 dcosdrj(:) = -(dcosdri(:) + dcosdrk(:))
266 theta = acos(costheta)
267 dcos_thetahalf = -1.0_dp/(2.0_dp*sqrt(1 - costheta**2))
268 d_expterm = -2.0_dp*f*cos(theta/2.0_dp)*sin(theta/2.0_dp) &
269 *exp(f*(cos(theta/2.0_dp))**2)
271 dri = d_expterm*dcos_thetahalf*dcosdri
273 drj = d_expterm*dcos_thetahalf*dcosdrj
275 drk = d_expterm*dcos_thetahalf*dcosdrk
277 f_nonbond(1, iparticle) = f_nonbond(1, iparticle) + prefactor*dri(1)
278 f_nonbond(2, iparticle) = f_nonbond(2, iparticle) + prefactor*dri(2)
279 f_nonbond(3, iparticle) = f_nonbond(3, iparticle) + prefactor*dri(3)
281 f_nonbond(1, jparticle) = f_nonbond(1, jparticle) + prefactor*drj(1)
282 f_nonbond(2, jparticle) = f_nonbond(2, jparticle) + prefactor*drj(2)
283 f_nonbond(3, jparticle) = f_nonbond(3, jparticle) + prefactor*drj(3)
285 f_nonbond(1, kparticle) = f_nonbond(1, kparticle) + prefactor*drk(1)
286 f_nonbond(2, kparticle) = f_nonbond(2, kparticle) + prefactor*drk(2)
287 f_nonbond(3, kparticle) = f_nonbond(3, kparticle) + prefactor*drk(3)
289 IF (use_virial) THEN
290 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
291 "using virial with Siepmann-Sprik"// &
292 " not implemented")
293 END IF
294 END DO
295 END SUBROUTINE siep_a_ij_d
296! **************************************************************************************************
297!> \brief Phi_ij corresponds to Equation (3) in J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 102, p.511
298!> \param siepmann ...
299!> \param r_last_update_pbc ...
300!> \param iparticle ...
301!> \param jparticle ...
302!> \param cell_v ...
303!> \param cell ...
304!> \param rcutsq ...
305!> \param particle_set ...
306!> \param nr_oh ...
307!> \param nr_h3o ...
308!> \param nr_o ...
309!> \return ...
310!> \par History
311!> Using a local list of neighbors
312! **************************************************************************************************
313 FUNCTION siep_phi_ij(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, iparticle, jparticle, &
314 cell_v, cell, rcutsq, particle_set, nr_oh, nr_h3o, nr_o)
315 TYPE(siepmann_pot_type), POINTER :: siepmann
316 TYPE(pos_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: r_last_update_pbc
317 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iparticle, jparticle
318 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: cell_v
319 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
320 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: rcutsq
321 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
322 INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: nr_oh, nr_h3o, nr_o
323 REAL(kind=dp) :: siep_phi_ij
325 CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: element_symbol
326 INTEGER :: count_h, iatom, index_h1, index_h2, natom
327 REAL(kind=dp) :: cosphi, drih, drix, drji, h_max_dist, &
328 rab2_max, rih(3), rih1(3), rih2(3), &
329 rix(3), rji(3)
331 siep_phi_ij = 0.0_dp
332 count_h = 0
333 index_h1 = 0
334 index_h2 = 0
335 rab2_max = rcutsq
336 h_max_dist = 2.27_dp ! 1.2 angstrom
337 natom = SIZE(particle_set)
338 CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=particle_set(iparticle)%atomic_kind, &
339 element_symbol=element_symbol)
340 IF (element_symbol /= "O") RETURN
341 rji(:) = -1.0_dp*(r_last_update_pbc(jparticle)%r(:) - r_last_update_pbc(iparticle)%r(:) + cell_v)
342 drji = sqrt(dot_product(rji, rji))
344 DO iatom = 1, natom
345 CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=particle_set(iatom)%atomic_kind, &
346 element_symbol=element_symbol)
347 IF (element_symbol /= "H") cycle
348 rih(:) = pbc(r_last_update_pbc(iparticle)%r(:), r_last_update_pbc(iatom)%r(:), cell)
349 drih = sqrt(dot_product(rih, rih))
350 IF (drih >= h_max_dist) cycle
351 count_h = count_h + 1
352 IF (count_h == 1) THEN
353 index_h1 = iatom
354 ELSEIF (count_h == 2) THEN
355 index_h2 = iatom
356 END IF
357 END DO
359 IF (count_h == 0) THEN
360 IF (siepmann%allow_o_formation) THEN
361 IF (PRESENT(nr_o)) nr_o = nr_o + 1
362 siep_phi_ij = 0.0_dp
363 ELSE
364 cpabort("No H atoms for O found")
365 END IF
366 ELSEIF (count_h == 1) THEN
367 IF (siepmann%allow_oh_formation) THEN
368 IF (PRESENT(nr_oh)) nr_oh = nr_oh + 1
369 siep_phi_ij = 0.0_dp
370 ELSE
371 cpabort("Only one H atom of O atom found")
372 END IF
373 ELSEIF (count_h == 3) THEN
374 IF (siepmann%allow_h3o_formation) THEN
375 IF (PRESENT(nr_h3o)) nr_h3o = nr_h3o + 1
376 siep_phi_ij = 0.0_dp
377 ELSE
378 cpabort("Three H atoms for O atom found")
379 END IF
380 ELSEIF (count_h > 3) THEN
381 cpabort("Error in Siepmann-Sprik part: too many H atoms for O")
382 END IF
384 IF (count_h == 2) THEN
385 !dipole vector rix of the H2O molecule
386 rih1(:) = pbc(r_last_update_pbc(iparticle)%r(:), r_last_update_pbc(index_h1)%r(:), cell)
387 rih2(:) = pbc(r_last_update_pbc(iparticle)%r(:), r_last_update_pbc(index_h2)%r(:), cell)
388 rix(:) = rih1(:) + rih2(:)
389 drix = sqrt(dot_product(rix, rix))
390 cosphi = dot_product(rji, rix)/(drji*drix)
391 IF (cosphi < -1.0_dp) cosphi = -1.0_dp
392 IF (cosphi > +1.0_dp) cosphi = +1.0_dp
393 siep_phi_ij = exp(-8.0_dp*((cosphi - 1)/4.0_dp)**4)
394 END IF
395 END FUNCTION siep_phi_ij
397! **************************************************************************************************
398!> \brief derivative of Phi_ij
399!> \param siepmann ...
400!> \param r_last_update_pbc ...
401!> \param iparticle ...
402!> \param jparticle ...
403!> \param f_nonbond ...
404!> \param prefactor ...
405!> \param cell_v ...
406!> \param cell ...
407!> \param rcutsq ...
408!> \param use_virial ...
409!> \param particle_set ...
410!> \par History
411!> Using a local list of neighbors
412! **************************************************************************************************
413 SUBROUTINE siep_phi_ij_d(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, iparticle, jparticle, f_nonbond, &
414 prefactor, cell_v, cell, rcutsq, use_virial, particle_set)
415 TYPE(siepmann_pot_type), POINTER :: siepmann
416 TYPE(pos_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: r_last_update_pbc
417 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iparticle, jparticle
418 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT) :: f_nonbond
419 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: prefactor
420 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: cell_v
421 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
422 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: rcutsq
423 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: use_virial
424 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
426 CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: element_symbol
427 INTEGER :: count_h, iatom, index_h1, index_h2, natom
428 REAL(kind=dp) :: cosphi, dphi, drih, drix, drji, &
429 h_max_dist, phi_ij, rab2_max
430 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: dcosdrh, dcosdri, dcosdrj, drh, dri, &
431 drj, rih, rih1, rih2, rix, rix_hat, &
432 rji, rji_hat
434 count_h = 0
435 index_h1 = 0
436 index_h2 = 0
437 rab2_max = rcutsq
438 h_max_dist = 2.27_dp ! 1.2 angstrom
439 natom = SIZE(particle_set)
440 phi_ij = siep_phi_ij(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, iparticle, jparticle, &
441 cell_v, cell, rcutsq, &
442 particle_set)
443 rji(:) = -1.0_dp*(r_last_update_pbc(jparticle)%r(:) - r_last_update_pbc(iparticle)%r(:) + cell_v)
444 drji = sqrt(dot_product(rji, rji))
445 rji_hat(:) = rji(:)/drji
447 DO iatom = 1, natom
448 CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=particle_set(iatom)%atomic_kind, &
449 element_symbol=element_symbol)
450 IF (element_symbol /= "H") cycle
451 rih(:) = pbc(r_last_update_pbc(iparticle)%r(:), r_last_update_pbc(iatom)%r(:), cell)
452 drih = sqrt(dot_product(rih, rih))
453 IF (drih >= h_max_dist) cycle
454 count_h = count_h + 1
455 IF (count_h == 1) THEN
456 index_h1 = iatom
457 ELSEIF (count_h == 2) THEN
458 index_h2 = iatom
459 END IF
460 END DO
462 IF (count_h == 0 .AND. .NOT. siepmann%allow_o_formation) THEN
463 cpabort("No H atoms for O found")
464 ELSEIF (count_h == 1 .AND. .NOT. siepmann%allow_oh_formation) THEN
465 cpabort("Only one H atom for O atom found")
466 ELSEIF (count_h == 3 .AND. .NOT. siepmann%allow_h3o_formation) THEN
467 cpabort("Three H atoms for O atom found")
468 ELSEIF (count_h > 3) THEN
469 cpabort("Error in Siepmann-Sprik part: too many H atoms for O")
470 END IF
472 IF (count_h == 2) THEN
473 !dipole vector rix of the H2O molecule
474 rih1(:) = pbc(r_last_update_pbc(iparticle)%r(:), r_last_update_pbc(index_h1)%r(:), cell)
475 rih2(:) = pbc(r_last_update_pbc(iparticle)%r(:), r_last_update_pbc(index_h2)%r(:), cell)
476 rix(:) = rih1(:) + rih2(:)
477 drix = sqrt(dot_product(rix, rix))
478 rix_hat(:) = rix(:)/drix
479 cosphi = dot_product(rji, rix)/(drji*drix)
480 IF (cosphi < -1.0_dp) cosphi = -1.0_dp
481 IF (cosphi > +1.0_dp) cosphi = +1.0_dp
483 dcosdrj(:) = (1.0_dp/(drji))*(-rix_hat(:) + cosphi*rji_hat(:))
484 ! for H atoms:
485 dcosdrh(:) = (1.0_dp/(drix))*(rji_hat(:) - cosphi*rix_hat(:))
486 dcosdri(:) = -dcosdrj - 2.0_dp*dcosdrh
488 dphi = phi_ij*(-8.0_dp)*((cosphi - 1)/4.0_dp)**3
490 dri = dphi*dcosdri
491 drj = dphi*dcosdrj
492 drh = dphi*dcosdrh
494 f_nonbond(1, iparticle) = f_nonbond(1, iparticle) + prefactor*dri(1)
495 f_nonbond(2, iparticle) = f_nonbond(2, iparticle) + prefactor*dri(2)
496 f_nonbond(3, iparticle) = f_nonbond(3, iparticle) + prefactor*dri(3)
498 f_nonbond(1, jparticle) = f_nonbond(1, jparticle) + prefactor*drj(1)
499 f_nonbond(2, jparticle) = f_nonbond(2, jparticle) + prefactor*drj(2)
500 f_nonbond(3, jparticle) = f_nonbond(3, jparticle) + prefactor*drj(3)
502 f_nonbond(1, index_h1) = f_nonbond(1, index_h1) + prefactor*drh(1)
503 f_nonbond(2, index_h1) = f_nonbond(2, index_h1) + prefactor*drh(2)
504 f_nonbond(3, index_h1) = f_nonbond(3, index_h1) + prefactor*drh(3)
506 f_nonbond(1, index_h2) = f_nonbond(1, index_h2) + prefactor*drh(1)
507 f_nonbond(2, index_h2) = f_nonbond(2, index_h2) + prefactor*drh(2)
508 f_nonbond(3, index_h2) = f_nonbond(3, index_h2) + prefactor*drh(3)
510 IF (use_virial) THEN
511 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
512 "using virial with Siepmann-Sprik"// &
513 " not implemented")
514 END IF
516 END IF
517 END SUBROUTINE siep_phi_ij_d
519! **************************************************************************************************
520!> \brief forces generated by the three-body term
521!> \param siepmann ...
522!> \param r_last_update_pbc ...
523!> \param cell_v ...
524!> \param n_loc_size ...
525!> \param full_loc_list ...
526!> \param iparticle ...
527!> \param jparticle ...
528!> \param f_nonbond ...
529!> \param use_virial ...
530!> \param rcutsq ...
531!> \param cell ...
532!> \param particle_set ...
533!> \par History
534!> Using a local list of neighbors
535! **************************************************************************************************
536 SUBROUTINE siepmann_forces_v3(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, cell_v, n_loc_size, &
537 full_loc_list, iparticle, jparticle, f_nonbond, &
538 use_virial, rcutsq, cell, particle_set)
539 TYPE(siepmann_pot_type), POINTER :: siepmann
540 TYPE(pos_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: r_last_update_pbc
541 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: cell_v
542 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n_loc_size
543 INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 1:n_loc_size) :: full_loc_list
544 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iparticle, jparticle
545 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT) :: f_nonbond
546 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: use_virial
547 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: rcutsq
548 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
549 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
551 CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: element_symbol
552 REAL(kind=dp) :: a_ij, beta, drji, e, f2, f2_d, f_a1, &
553 f_a2, fac, prefactor, rji(3), &
554 rji_hat(3)
556 beta = siepmann%beta
557 e = siepmann%E
559 CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=particle_set(iparticle)%atomic_kind, &
560 element_symbol=element_symbol)
561 IF (element_symbol /= "O") RETURN
563 rji(:) = -1.0_dp*(r_last_update_pbc(jparticle)%r(:) - r_last_update_pbc(iparticle)%r(:) + cell_v)
564 drji = sqrt(dot_product(rji, rji))
565 rji_hat(:) = rji(:)/drji
567 fac = -1.0_dp !gradient to force
568 a_ij = siep_a_ij(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, iparticle, jparticle, n_loc_size, &
569 full_loc_list, cell_v, rcutsq, particle_set, cell)
570 f2 = siep_f2(siepmann, drji)
571 f2_d = siep_f2_d(siepmann, drji)
573 ! Lets do the f_A1 piece derivative of f2
574 f_a1 = e*f2_d*drji**(-beta)*a_ij*fac*(1.0_dp/drji)
575 f_nonbond(1, iparticle) = f_nonbond(1, iparticle) + f_a1*rji(1)
576 f_nonbond(2, iparticle) = f_nonbond(2, iparticle) + f_a1*rji(2)
577 f_nonbond(3, iparticle) = f_nonbond(3, iparticle) + f_a1*rji(3)
578 f_nonbond(1, jparticle) = f_nonbond(1, jparticle) - f_a1*rji(1)
579 f_nonbond(2, jparticle) = f_nonbond(2, jparticle) - f_a1*rji(2)
580 f_nonbond(3, jparticle) = f_nonbond(3, jparticle) - f_a1*rji(3)
582 IF (use_virial) THEN
583 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
584 "using virial with Siepmann-Sprik"// &
585 " not implemented")
586 END IF
588 ! Lets do the f_A2 piece derivative of rji**(-beta)
589 f_a2 = e*f2*(-beta)*drji**(-beta - 1)*a_ij*fac*(1.0_dp/drji)
590 f_nonbond(1, iparticle) = f_nonbond(1, iparticle) + f_a2*rji(1)
591 f_nonbond(2, iparticle) = f_nonbond(2, iparticle) + f_a2*rji(2)
592 f_nonbond(3, iparticle) = f_nonbond(3, iparticle) + f_a2*rji(3)
593 f_nonbond(1, jparticle) = f_nonbond(1, jparticle) - f_a2*rji(1)
594 f_nonbond(2, jparticle) = f_nonbond(2, jparticle) - f_a2*rji(2)
595 f_nonbond(3, jparticle) = f_nonbond(3, jparticle) - f_a2*rji(3)
597 IF (use_virial) THEN
598 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
599 "using virial with Siepmann-Sprik"// &
600 " not implemented")
601 END IF
603 ! Lets do the f_A3 piece derivative: of a_ij
604 prefactor = e*f2*drji**(-beta)*fac
605 CALL siep_a_ij_d(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, iparticle, jparticle, f_nonbond, &
606 prefactor, n_loc_size, full_loc_list, cell_v, &
607 cell, rcutsq, use_virial)
609 END SUBROUTINE siepmann_forces_v3
611! **************************************************************************************************
612!> \brief forces generated by the dipole term
613!> \param siepmann ...
614!> \param r_last_update_pbc ...
615!> \param cell_v ...
616!> \param cell ...
617!> \param iparticle ...
618!> \param jparticle ...
619!> \param f_nonbond ...
620!> \param use_virial ...
621!> \param rcutsq ...
622!> \param particle_set ...
623!> \par History
624!> Using a local list of neighbors
625! **************************************************************************************************
626 SUBROUTINE siepmann_forces_v2(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, cell_v, cell, &
627 iparticle, jparticle, f_nonbond, use_virial, rcutsq, particle_set)
628 TYPE(siepmann_pot_type), POINTER :: siepmann
629 TYPE(pos_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: r_last_update_pbc
630 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: cell_v
631 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
632 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iparticle, jparticle
633 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT) :: f_nonbond
634 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: use_virial
635 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: rcutsq
636 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
638 CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: element_symbol
639 REAL(kind=dp) :: d, drji, f2, f2_d, f_a1, f_a2, fac, &
640 phi_ij, prefactor, rji(3)
642 d = siepmann%D
644 CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=particle_set(iparticle)%atomic_kind, &
645 element_symbol=element_symbol)
646 IF (element_symbol /= "O") RETURN
648 rji(:) = -1.0_dp*(r_last_update_pbc(jparticle)%r(:) - r_last_update_pbc(iparticle)%r(:) + cell_v)
649 drji = sqrt(dot_product(rji, rji))
651 fac = -1.0_dp
652 phi_ij = siep_phi_ij(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, iparticle, jparticle, &
653 cell_v, cell, rcutsq, particle_set)
654 f2 = siep_f2(siepmann, drji)
655 f2_d = siep_f2_d(siepmann, drji)
657 ! Lets do the f_A1 piece derivative of f2
658 f_a1 = -d*f2_d*drji**(-3)*phi_ij*fac*(1.0_dp/drji)
659 f_nonbond(1, iparticle) = f_nonbond(1, iparticle) + f_a1*rji(1)
660 f_nonbond(2, iparticle) = f_nonbond(2, iparticle) + f_a1*rji(2)
661 f_nonbond(3, iparticle) = f_nonbond(3, iparticle) + f_a1*rji(3)
662 f_nonbond(1, jparticle) = f_nonbond(1, jparticle) - f_a1*rji(1)
663 f_nonbond(2, jparticle) = f_nonbond(2, jparticle) - f_a1*rji(2)
664 f_nonbond(3, jparticle) = f_nonbond(3, jparticle) - f_a1*rji(3)
666 IF (use_virial) THEN
667 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
668 "using virial with Siepmann-Sprik"// &
669 " not implemented")
670 END IF
672! ! Lets do the f_A2 piece derivative of rji**(-3)
673 f_a2 = -d*f2*(-3.0_dp)*drji**(-4)*phi_ij*fac*(1.0_dp/drji)
674 f_nonbond(1, iparticle) = f_nonbond(1, iparticle) + f_a2*rji(1)
675 f_nonbond(2, iparticle) = f_nonbond(2, iparticle) + f_a2*rji(2)
676 f_nonbond(3, iparticle) = f_nonbond(3, iparticle) + f_a2*rji(3)
677 f_nonbond(1, jparticle) = f_nonbond(1, jparticle) - f_a2*rji(1)
678 f_nonbond(2, jparticle) = f_nonbond(2, jparticle) - f_a2*rji(2)
679 f_nonbond(3, jparticle) = f_nonbond(3, jparticle) - f_a2*rji(3)
681 IF (use_virial) THEN
682 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
683 "using virial with Siepmann-Sprik"// &
684 " not implemented")
685 END IF
687 ! Lets do the f_A3 piece derivative: of Phi_ij
688 prefactor = -d*f2*drji**(-3)*fac
689 CALL siep_phi_ij_d(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, iparticle, jparticle, f_nonbond, &
690 prefactor, cell_v, cell, &
691 rcutsq, use_virial, particle_set)
693 END SUBROUTINE siepmann_forces_v2
695! **************************************************************************************************
696!> \brief ...
697!> \param nonbonded ...
698!> \param potparm ...
699!> \param glob_loc_list ...
700!> \param glob_cell_v ...
701!> \param glob_loc_list_a ...
702!> \param cell ...
703!> \par History
704! **************************************************************************************************
705 SUBROUTINE setup_siepmann_arrays(nonbonded, potparm, glob_loc_list, glob_cell_v, &
706 glob_loc_list_a, cell)
707 TYPE(fist_neighbor_type), POINTER :: nonbonded
708 TYPE(pair_potential_pp_type), POINTER :: potparm
709 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: glob_loc_list
710 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: glob_cell_v
711 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: glob_loc_list_a
712 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
714 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'setup_siepmann_arrays'
716 INTEGER :: handle, i, iend, igrp, ikind, ilist, &
717 ipair, istart, jkind, nkinds, npairs, &
718 npairs_tot
719 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: work_list, work_list2
721 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: cell_v, cvi
722 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: rwork_list
723 TYPE(neighbor_kind_pairs_type), POINTER :: neighbor_kind_pair
724 TYPE(pair_potential_single_type), POINTER :: pot
726 cpassert(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(glob_loc_list))
727 cpassert(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(glob_loc_list_a))
728 cpassert(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(glob_cell_v))
729 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
730 npairs_tot = 0
731 nkinds = SIZE(potparm%pot, 1)
732 DO ilist = 1, nonbonded%nlists
733 neighbor_kind_pair => nonbonded%neighbor_kind_pairs(ilist)
734 npairs = neighbor_kind_pair%npairs
735 IF (npairs == 0) cycle
736 kind_group_loop1: DO igrp = 1, neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind
737 istart = neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_start(igrp)
738 iend = neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_end(igrp)
739 ikind = neighbor_kind_pair%ij_kind(1, igrp)
740 jkind = neighbor_kind_pair%ij_kind(2, igrp)
741 pot => potparm%pot(ikind, jkind)%pot
742 npairs = iend - istart + 1
743 IF (pot%no_mb) cycle
744 DO i = 1, SIZE(pot%type)
745 IF (pot%type(i) == siepmann_type) npairs_tot = npairs_tot + npairs
746 END DO
747 END DO kind_group_loop1
748 END DO
749 ALLOCATE (work_list(npairs_tot))
750 ALLOCATE (work_list2(npairs_tot))
751 ALLOCATE (glob_loc_list(2, npairs_tot))
752 ALLOCATE (glob_cell_v(3, npairs_tot))
753 ! Fill arrays with data
754 npairs_tot = 0
755 DO ilist = 1, nonbonded%nlists
756 neighbor_kind_pair => nonbonded%neighbor_kind_pairs(ilist)
757 npairs = neighbor_kind_pair%npairs
758 IF (npairs == 0) cycle
759 kind_group_loop2: DO igrp = 1, neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind
760 istart = neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_start(igrp)
761 iend = neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_end(igrp)
762 ikind = neighbor_kind_pair%ij_kind(1, igrp)
763 jkind = neighbor_kind_pair%ij_kind(2, igrp)
764 list => neighbor_kind_pair%list
765 cvi = neighbor_kind_pair%cell_vector
766 pot => potparm%pot(ikind, jkind)%pot
767 npairs = iend - istart + 1
768 IF (pot%no_mb) cycle
769 cell_v = matmul(cell%hmat, cvi)
770 DO i = 1, SIZE(pot%type)
772 IF (pot%type(i) == siepmann_type) THEN
773 DO ipair = 1, npairs
774 glob_loc_list(:, npairs_tot + ipair) = list(:, istart - 1 + ipair)
775 glob_cell_v(1:3, npairs_tot + ipair) = cell_v(1:3)
776 END DO
777 npairs_tot = npairs_tot + npairs
778 END IF
779 END DO
780 END DO kind_group_loop2
781 END DO
782 ! Order the arrays w.r.t. the first index of glob_loc_list
783 CALL sort(glob_loc_list(1, :), npairs_tot, work_list)
784 DO ipair = 1, npairs_tot
785 work_list2(ipair) = glob_loc_list(2, work_list(ipair))
786 END DO
787 glob_loc_list(2, :) = work_list2
788 DEALLOCATE (work_list2)
789 ALLOCATE (rwork_list(3, npairs_tot))
790 DO ipair = 1, npairs_tot
791 rwork_list(:, ipair) = glob_cell_v(:, work_list(ipair))
792 END DO
793 glob_cell_v = rwork_list
794 DEALLOCATE (rwork_list)
795 DEALLOCATE (work_list)
796 ALLOCATE (glob_loc_list_a(npairs_tot))
797 glob_loc_list_a = glob_loc_list(1, :)
798 CALL timestop(handle)
799 END SUBROUTINE setup_siepmann_arrays
801! **************************************************************************************************
802!> \brief ...
803!> \param glob_loc_list ...
804!> \param glob_cell_v ...
805!> \param glob_loc_list_a ...
806! **************************************************************************************************
807 SUBROUTINE destroy_siepmann_arrays(glob_loc_list, glob_cell_v, glob_loc_list_a)
808 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: glob_loc_list
809 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: glob_cell_v
810 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: glob_loc_list_a
812 IF (ASSOCIATED(glob_loc_list)) THEN
813 DEALLOCATE (glob_loc_list)
814 END IF
815 IF (ASSOCIATED(glob_loc_list_a)) THEN
816 DEALLOCATE (glob_loc_list_a)
817 END IF
818 IF (ASSOCIATED(glob_cell_v)) THEN
819 DEALLOCATE (glob_cell_v)
820 END IF
822 END SUBROUTINE destroy_siepmann_arrays
824! **************************************************************************************************
825!> \brief prints the number of OH- ions or H3O+ ions near surface
826!> \param nr_ions number of ions
827!> \param mm_section ...
828!> \param para_env ...
829!> \param print_oh flag indicating if number OH- is printed
830!> \param print_h3o flag indicating if number H3O+ is printed
831!> \param print_o flag indicating if number O^(2-) is printed
832! **************************************************************************************************
833 SUBROUTINE print_nr_ions_siepmann(nr_ions, mm_section, para_env, print_oh, &
834 print_h3o, print_o)
835 INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: nr_ions
836 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: mm_section
837 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: para_env
838 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: print_oh, print_h3o, print_o
840 INTEGER :: iw
841 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
843 NULLIFY (logger)
845 CALL para_env%sum(nr_ions)
846 logger => cp_get_default_logger()
848 iw = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, mm_section, "PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO", &
849 extension=".mmLog")
851 IF (iw > 0 .AND. nr_ions > 0 .AND. print_oh) THEN
852 WRITE (iw, '(/,A,T71,I10,/)') " SIEPMANN: number of OH- ions at surface", nr_ions
853 END IF
854 IF (iw > 0 .AND. nr_ions > 0 .AND. print_h3o) THEN
855 WRITE (iw, '(/,A,T71,I10,/)') " SIEPMANN: number of H3O+ ions at surface", nr_ions
856 END IF
857 IF (iw > 0 .AND. nr_ions > 0 .AND. print_o) THEN
858 WRITE (iw, '(/,A,T71,I10,/)') " SIEPMANN: number of O^2- ions at surface", nr_ions
859 END IF
861 CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iw, logger, mm_section, "PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
863 END SUBROUTINE print_nr_ions_siepmann
865END MODULE manybody_siepmann
static GRID_HOST_DEVICE double fac(const int i)
Factorial function, e.g. fac(5) = 5! = 120.
Definition grid_common.h:51
Define the atomic kind types and their sub types.
subroutine, public get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind, fist_potential, element_symbol, name, mass, kind_number, natom, atom_list, rcov, rvdw, z, qeff, apol, cpol, mm_radius, shell, shell_active, damping)
Get attributes of an atomic kind.
Handles all functions related to the CELL.
Definition cell_types.F:15
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
type(cp_logger_type) function, pointer, public cp_get_default_logger()
returns the default logger
routines to handle the output, The idea is to remove the decision of wheter to output and what to out...
integer function, public cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, basis_section, print_key_path, extension, middle_name, local, log_filename, ignore_should_output, file_form, file_position, file_action, file_status, do_backup, on_file, is_new_file, mpi_io, fout)
subroutine, public cp_print_key_finished_output(unit_nr, logger, basis_section, print_key_path, local, ignore_should_output, on_file, mpi_io)
should be called after you finish working with a unit obtained with cp_print_key_unit_nr,...
Define the neighbor list data types and the corresponding functionality.
objects that represent the structure of input sections and the data contained in an input section
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
An array-based list which grows on demand. When the internal array is full, a new array of twice the ...
Definition list.F:24
implementation of dipole and three-body part of Siepmann-Sprik potential dipole term: 3rd term in Eq....
subroutine, public siepmann_energy(pot_loc, siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, atom_a, atom_b, nloc_size, full_loc_list, cell_v, cell, drij, particle_set, nr_oh, nr_h3o, nr_o)
energy of two-body dipole term and three-body term
subroutine, public setup_siepmann_arrays(nonbonded, potparm, glob_loc_list, glob_cell_v, glob_loc_list_a, cell)
subroutine, public siepmann_forces_v2(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, cell_v, cell, iparticle, jparticle, f_nonbond, use_virial, rcutsq, particle_set)
forces generated by the dipole term
subroutine, public siepmann_forces_v3(siepmann, r_last_update_pbc, cell_v, n_loc_size, full_loc_list, iparticle, jparticle, f_nonbond, use_virial, rcutsq, cell, particle_set)
forces generated by the three-body term
subroutine, public print_nr_ions_siepmann(nr_ions, mm_section, para_env, print_oh, print_h3o, print_o)
prints the number of OH- ions or H3O+ ions near surface
subroutine, public destroy_siepmann_arrays(glob_loc_list, glob_cell_v, glob_loc_list_a)
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
integer, parameter, public siepmann_type
Define the data structure for the particle information.
All kind of helpful little routines.
Definition util.F:14
Type defining parameters related to the simulation cell.
Definition cell_types.F:55
type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be l...
stores all the informations relevant to an mpi environment