Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \brief Simple splines
10 !> Splines are fully specified by the interpolation points, except that
11 !> at the ends, we have the freedom to prescribe the second derivatives.
12 !> If we know a derivative at an end (exactly), then best is to impose that.
13 !> Otherwise, it is better to use the "consistent" end conditions: the second
14 !> derivative is determined such that it is smooth.
15 !>
16 !> High level API: spline3, spline3ders.
17 !> Low level API: the rest of public soubroutines.
18 !>
19 !> Use the high level API to obtain cubic spline fit with consistent boundary
20 !> conditions and optionally the derivatives. Use the low level API if more fine
21 !> grained control is needed.
22 !>
23 !> This module is based on a code written by John E. Pask, LLNL.
24 !> \par History
25 !> Adapted for use in CP2K (30.12.2016,JGH)
26 !> \author JGH
27 ! **************************************************************************************************
28 MODULE splines
30  USE kinds, ONLY: dp
31  USE lapack, ONLY: lapack_sgbsv
32 #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
38  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'splines'
40  PUBLIC :: spline3, spline3ders
44 ! **************************************************************************************************
45 !> \brief ...
46 !> \param x ...
47 !> \param y ...
48 !> \param xnew ...
49 !> \return ...
50 ! **************************************************************************************************
51  FUNCTION spline3(x, y, xnew) RESULT(ynew)
52  ! Takes the function values 'y' on the grid 'x' and returns new values 'ynew'
53  ! at the given grid 'xnew' using cubic splines interpolation with such
54  ! boundary conditions so that the 2nd derivative is consistent with the
55  ! interpolating cubic.
56  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: x(:), y(:), xnew(:)
57  REAL(dp) :: ynew(size(xnew))
59  INTEGER :: i, ip
60  REAL(dp) :: c(0:4, size(x) - 1)
62  ! get spline parameters: 2nd derivs at ends determined by cubic interpolation
63  CALL spline3pars(x, y, [2, 2], [0._dp, 0._dp], c)
65  ip = 0
66  DO i = 1, SIZE(xnew)
67  ip = iixmin(xnew(i), x, ip)
68  ynew(i) = poly3(xnew(i), c(:, ip))
69  END DO
72 ! **************************************************************************************************
73 !> \brief ...
74 !> \param x ...
75 !> \param y ...
76 !> \param xnew ...
77 !> \param ynew ...
78 !> \param dynew ...
79 !> \param d2ynew ...
80 ! **************************************************************************************************
81  SUBROUTINE spline3ders(x, y, xnew, ynew, dynew, d2ynew)
82  ! Just like 'spline', but also calculate 1st and 2nd derivatives
83  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: x(:), y(:), xnew(:)
84  REAL(dp), INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: ynew(:), dynew(:), d2ynew(:)
86  INTEGER :: i, ip
87  REAL(dp) :: c(0:4, size(x) - 1)
89  CALL spline3pars(x, y, [2, 2], [0._dp, 0._dp], c)
91  ip = 0
92  DO i = 1, SIZE(xnew)
93  ip = iixmin(xnew(i), x, ip)
94  IF (PRESENT(ynew)) ynew(i) = poly3(xnew(i), c(:, ip))
95  IF (PRESENT(dynew)) dynew(i) = dpoly3(xnew(i), c(:, ip))
96  IF (PRESENT(d2ynew)) d2ynew(i) = d2poly3(xnew(i), c(:, ip))
97  END DO
100 ! **************************************************************************************************
101 !> \brief ...
102 !> \param xi ...
103 !> \param yi ...
104 !> \param bctype ...
105 !> \param bcval ...
106 !> \param c ...
107 ! **************************************************************************************************
108  SUBROUTINE spline3pars(xi, yi, bctype, bcval, c)
109  ! Returns parameters c defining cubic spline interpolating x-y data xi, yi, with
110  ! boundary conditions specified by bcytpe, bcvals
111  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: xi(:), yi(:)
112  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: bctype(2)
113  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: bcval(2)
114  REAL(dp), INTENT(out) :: c(0:, :)
116  INTEGER :: i, i2, info, ipiv(4), j, n
117  REAL(dp) :: ae(4, 4), be(4), bemat(4, 1), c1, c2, c3, c4, ce(4), d2p1, d2pn, x0, xe(4), &
118  ye(4), hi(size(c, 2)), cs(2*size(c, 2)), bs(2*size(c, 2)), bmat(2*size(c, 2), 1), &
119  as(5, 2*size(c, 2))
120  INTEGER :: ipiv2(2*size(c, 2))
122  ! x values of data
123  ! y values of data
124  ! type of boundary condition at each end:
125  ! bctype(1) = type at left end, bctype(2) = type at right end.
126  ! 1 = specified 2nd derivative, 2 = 2nd derivative consistent with interpolating cubic.
127  ! boundary condition values at each end:
128  ! bcval(1) = value at left end, bcval(2) = value at right end
129  ! parameters defining spline: c(i,j) = ith parameter of jth
130  ! spline polynomial, p_j = sum_{i=1}^4 c(i,j) (x-c(0,j))^(i-1), j = 1..n-1, n = # of data pts.
131  ! dimensions: c(0:4,1:n-1)
132  ! spline eq. matrix -- LAPACK band form
133  ! spline eq. rhs vector
134  ! spline eq. solution vector
135  ! spline intervals
136  ! end-cubic eq. matrix
137  ! end-cubic eq. rhs vector
138  ! end-cubic eq. solution vector
139  ! x,y values at ends
140  ! 2nd derivatives at ends
141  ! expansion center
142  ! expansion coefficients
143  ! number of data points
144  ! lapack variables
146  ! check input parameters
147  IF (bctype(1) < 1 .OR. bctype(1) > 2) CALL stop_error("spline3pars error: bctype /= 1 or 2.")
148  IF (bctype(2) < 1 .OR. bctype(2) > 2) CALL stop_error("spline3pars error: bctype /= 1 or 2.")
149  IF (SIZE(c, 1) /= 5) CALL stop_error("spline3pars error: size(c,1) /= 5.")
150  IF (SIZE(c, 2) /= SIZE(xi) - 1) CALL stop_error("spline3pars error: size(c,2) /= size(xi)-1.")
151  IF (SIZE(xi) /= SIZE(yi)) CALL stop_error("spline3pars error: size(xi) /= size(yi)")
153  ! To get rid of compiler warnings:
154  d2p1 = 0
155  d2pn = 0
157  ! initializations
158  n = SIZE(xi)
159  DO i = 1, n - 1
160  hi(i) = xi(i + 1) - xi(i)
161  END DO
163  ! compute interpolating-cubic 2nd derivs at ends, if required
164  ! left end
165  IF (bctype(1) == 2) THEN
166  IF (n < 4) CALL stop_error("spline3pars error: n < 4")
167  xe = xi(1:4)
168  ye = yi(1:4)
169  x0 = xe(1) ! center at end
170  DO i = 1, 4
171  DO j = 1, 4
172  ae(i, j) = (xe(i) - x0)**(j - 1)
173  END DO
174  END DO
175  ae(:, 1) = 1 ! set 0^0 = 1
176  be = ye; bemat(:, 1) = be
177  CALL dgesv(4, 1, ae, 4, ipiv, bemat, 4, info)
178  IF (info /= 0) CALL stop_error("spline3pars error: dgesv error.")
179  ce = bemat(:, 1)
180  d2p1 = 2*ce(3)
181  END IF
182  ! right end
183  IF (bctype(2) == 2) THEN
184  IF (n < 4) CALL stop_error("spline3pars error: n < 4")
185  xe = xi(n - 3:n)
186  ye = yi(n - 3:n)
187  x0 = xe(4) ! center at end
188  DO i = 1, 4
189  DO j = 1, 4
190  ae(i, j) = (xe(i) - x0)**(j - 1)
191  END DO
192  END DO
193  ae(:, 1) = 1 ! set 0^0 = 1
194  be = ye; bemat(:, 1) = be
195  CALL dgesv(4, 1, ae, 4, ipiv, bemat, 4, info)
196  IF (info /= 0) CALL stop_error("spline3pars error: dgesv error.")
197  ce = bemat(:, 1)
198  d2pn = 2*ce(3)
199  END IF
201  ! set 2nd derivs at ends
202  IF (bctype(1) == 1) d2p1 = bcval(1)
203  IF (bctype(2) == 1) d2pn = bcval(2)
205  ! construct spline equations -- LAPACK band form
206  ! basis: phi1 = -(x-x_i)/h_i, phi2 = (x-x_{i+1})/h_i, phi3 = phi1^3-phi1, phi4 = phi2^3-phi2
207  ! on interval [x_i,x_{i+1}] of length h_i = x_{i+1}-x_i
208  !A=0 ! full matrix
209  as = 0
210  ! left end condition
211  as(4, 1) = 6/hi(1)**2
212  bs(1) = d2p1
213  ! internal knot conditions
214  DO i = 2, n - 1
215  i2 = 2*(i - 1)
216  as(5, i2 - 1) = 1/hi(i - 1)
217  as(4, i2) = 2/hi(i - 1)
218  as(3, i2 + 1) = 2/hi(i)
219  as(2, i2 + 2) = 1/hi(i)
220  as(5, i2) = 1/hi(i - 1)**2
221  as(4, i2 + 1) = -1/hi(i)**2
222  bs(i2) = (yi(i + 1) - yi(i))/hi(i) - (yi(i) - yi(i - 1))/hi(i - 1)
223  bs(i2 + 1) = 0
224  END DO
225  ! right end condition
226  as(4, 2*(n - 1)) = 6/hi(n - 1)**2
227  bs(2*(n - 1)) = d2pn
229  ! solve spline equations -- LAPACK band form
230  bmat(:, 1) = bs
231  CALL lapack_sgbsv(2*(n - 1), 1, 2, 1, as, 5, ipiv2, bmat, 2*(n - 1), info)
232  IF (info /= 0) CALL stop_error("spline3pars error: dgbsv error.")
233  cs = bmat(:, 1)
235  ! transform to (x-x0)^(i-1) basis and return
236  DO i = 1, n - 1
237  ! coefficients in spline basis:
238  c1 = yi(i)
239  c2 = yi(i + 1)
240  c3 = cs(2*i - 1)
241  c4 = cs(2*i)
242  ! coefficients in (x-x0)^(i-1) basis
243  c(0, i) = xi(i)
244  c(1, i) = c1
245  c(2, i) = -(c1 - c2 + 2*c3 + c4)/hi(i)
246  c(3, i) = 3*c3/hi(i)**2
247  c(4, i) = (-c3 + c4)/hi(i)**3
248  END DO
251 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
253 ! **************************************************************************************************
254 !> \brief ...
255 !> \param x ...
256 !> \param xi ...
257 !> \param c ...
258 !> \param val ...
259 !> \param der ...
260 ! **************************************************************************************************
261  SUBROUTINE spline3valder(x, xi, c, val, der)
262  ! Returns value and 1st derivative of spline defined by knots xi and parameters c
263  ! returned by spline3pars
264  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: x, xi(:), c(0:, :)
265  REAL(dp), INTENT(out) :: val, der
267  INTEGER :: i1, n
269  ! point at which to evaluate spline
270  ! spline knots (x values of data)
271  ! spline parameters: c(i,j) = ith parameter of jth
272  ! spline polynomial, p_j = sum_{i=1}^4 c(i,j) (x-c(0,j))^(i-1), j = 1..n-1, n = # of data pts.
273  ! dimensions: c(0:4,1:n-1)
274  ! value of spline at x
275  ! 1st derivative of spline at x
276  ! number of knots
278  ! initialize, check input parameters
279  n = SIZE(xi)
280  IF (SIZE(c, 1) /= 5) CALL stop_error("spline3 error: size(c,1) /= 5.")
281  IF (SIZE(c, 2) /= SIZE(xi) - 1) CALL stop_error("spline3 error: size(c,2) /= size(xi)-1.")
282  ! find interval containing x
283  i1 = iix(x, xi)
284  ! return value and derivative
285  val = poly3(x, c(:, i1))
286  der = dpoly3(x, c(:, i1))
289 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
291 ! **************************************************************************************************
292 !> \brief ...
293 !> \param x ...
294 !> \param xi ...
295 !> \return ...
296 ! **************************************************************************************************
297  INTEGER FUNCTION iix(x, xi) RESULT(i1)
298  ! Returns index i of interval [xi(i),xi(i+1)] containing x in mesh xi,
299  ! with intervals indexed by left-most points.
300  ! N.B.: x outside [x1,xn] are indexed to nearest end.
301  ! Uses bisection, except if "x" lies in the first or second elements (which is
302  ! often the case)
303  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: x, xi(:)
305  INTEGER :: i2, ic, n
307 ! target value
308 ! mesh, xi(i) < xi(i+1)
309 ! number of mesh points
311  n = SIZE(xi)
312  i1 = 1
313  IF (n < 2) THEN
314  CALL stop_error("error in iix: n < 2")
315  ELSEIF (n == 2) THEN
316  i1 = 1
317  ELSEIF (n == 3) THEN
318  IF (x <= xi(2)) THEN ! first element
319  i1 = 1
320  ELSE
321  i1 = 2
322  END IF
323  ELSEIF (x <= xi(1)) THEN ! left end
324  i1 = 1
325  ELSEIF (x <= xi(2)) THEN ! first element
326  i1 = 1
327  ELSEIF (x <= xi(3)) THEN ! second element
328  i1 = 2
329  ELSEIF (x >= xi(n)) THEN ! right end
330  i1 = n - 1
331  ELSE
332  ! bisection: xi(i1) <= x < xi(i2)
333  i1 = 3; i2 = n
334  DO
335  IF (i2 - i1 == 1) EXIT
336  ic = i1 + (i2 - i1)/2
337  IF (x >= xi(ic)) THEN
338  i1 = ic
339  ELSE
340  i2 = ic
341  END IF
342  END DO
343  END IF
346 ! **************************************************************************************************
347 !> \brief ...
348 !> \param x ...
349 !> \param xi ...
350 !> \param i_min ...
351 !> \return ...
352 ! **************************************************************************************************
353  INTEGER FUNCTION iixmin(x, xi, i_min) RESULT(ip)
354  ! Just like iix, but assumes that x >= xi(i_min)
355  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: x, xi(:)
356  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: i_min
358  IF (i_min >= 1 .AND. i_min <= SIZE(xi) - 1) THEN
359  ip = iix(x, xi(i_min:)) + i_min - 1
360  ELSE
361  ip = iix(x, xi)
362  END IF
365 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
367 ! **************************************************************************************************
368 !> \brief ...
369 !> \param x ...
370 !> \param n ...
371 !> \param x1 ...
372 !> \param xn ...
373 !> \return ...
374 ! **************************************************************************************************
375  FUNCTION iixun(x, n, x1, xn)
376  ! Returns index i of interval [x(i),x(i+1)] containing x in uniform mesh defined by
377  ! x(i) = x1 + (i-1)/(n-1)*(xn-x1), i = 1 .. n,
378  ! with intervals indexed by left-most points.
379  ! N.B.: x outside [x1,xn] are indexed to nearest end.
380  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: x
381  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: n
382  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: x1, xn
383  INTEGER :: iixun
385  INTEGER :: i
387  ! index i of interval [x(i),x(i+1)] containing x
388  ! target value
389  ! number of mesh points
390  ! initial point of mesh
391  ! final point of mesh
393  ! compute index
394  i = int((x - x1)/(xn - x1)*(n - 1)) + 1
395  ! reset if outside 1..n
396  IF (i < 1) i = 1
397  IF (i > n - 1) i = n - 1
398  iixun = i
401 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
403 ! **************************************************************************************************
404 !> \brief ...
405 !> \param x ...
406 !> \param n ...
407 !> \param x1 ...
408 !> \param alpha ...
409 !> \param beta ...
410 !> \return ...
411 ! **************************************************************************************************
412  FUNCTION iixexp(x, n, x1, alpha, beta)
413  ! Returns index i of interval [x(i),x(i+1)] containing x in exponential mesh defined by
414  ! x(i) = x1 + alpha [ exp(beta(i-1)) - 1 ], i = 1 .. n,
415  ! where alpha = (x(n) - x(1))/[ exp(beta(n-1)) - 1 ],
416  ! beta = log(r)/(n-2), r = (x(n)-x(n-1))/(x(2)-x(1)) = ratio of last to first interval,
417  ! and intervals indexed by left-most points.
418  ! N.B.: x outside [x1,xn] are indexed to nearest end.
419  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: x
420  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: n
421  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: x1, alpha, beta
422  INTEGER :: iixexp
424  INTEGER :: i
426  ! index i of interval [x(i),x(i+1)] containing x
427  ! target value
428  ! number of mesh points
429  ! initial point of mesh
430  ! mesh parameter:
431  ! x(i) = x1 + alpha [ exp(beta(i-1)) - 1 ], i = 1 .. n,
432  ! where alpha = (x(n) - x(1))/[ exp(beta(n-1)) - 1 ],
433  ! beta = log(r)/(n-2), r = (x(n)-x(n-1))/(x(2)-x(1)) = ratio of last to first interval,
434  ! mesh parameter
436  ! compute index
437  i = int(log((x - x1)/alpha + 1)/beta) + 1
438  ! reset if outside 1..n
439  IF (i < 1) i = 1
440  IF (i > n - 1) i = n - 1
441  iixexp = i
444 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
446 ! **************************************************************************************************
447 !> \brief ...
448 !> \param x ...
449 !> \param c ...
450 !> \return ...
451 ! **************************************************************************************************
452  FUNCTION poly3(x, c)
453  ! returns value of polynomial \sum_{i=1}^4 c(i) (x-c(0))^(i-1)
454  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: x, c(0:)
455  REAL(dp) :: poly3
457  REAL(dp) :: dx
459  ! point at which to evaluate polynomial
460  ! coefficients: poly = \sum_{i=1}^4 c(i) (x-c(0))^(i-1)
462  dx = x - c(0)
463  poly3 = c(1) + c(2)*dx + c(3)*dx**2 + c(4)*dx**3
466 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
468 ! **************************************************************************************************
469 !> \brief ...
470 !> \param x ...
471 !> \param c ...
472 !> \return ...
473 ! **************************************************************************************************
474  FUNCTION dpoly3(x, c)
475  ! returns 1st derivative of polynomial \sum_{i=1}^4 c(i) (x-c(0))^(i-1)
476  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: x, c(0:)
477  REAL(dp) :: dpoly3
479  REAL(dp) :: dx
481  ! point at which to evaluate polynomial
482  ! coefficients: poly = \sum_{i=1}^4 c(i) (x-c(0))^(i-1)
484  dx = x - c(0)
485  dpoly3 = c(2) + 2*c(3)*dx + 3*c(4)*dx**2
488 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
490 ! **************************************************************************************************
491 !> \brief ...
492 !> \param x ...
493 !> \param c ...
494 !> \return ...
495 ! **************************************************************************************************
496  FUNCTION d2poly3(x, c)
497  ! returns 2nd derivative of polynomial \sum_{i=1}^4 c(i) (x-c(0))^(i-1)
498  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: x, c(0:)
499  REAL(dp) :: d2poly3
501  REAL(dp) :: dx
503  ! point at which to evaluate polynomial
504  ! coefficients: poly = \sum_{i=1}^4 c(i) (x-c(0))^(i-1)
506  dx = x - c(0)
507  d2poly3 = 2*c(3) + 6*c(4)*dx
510 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
512 ! **************************************************************************************************
513 !> \brief ...
514 !> \param msg ...
515 ! **************************************************************************************************
516  SUBROUTINE stop_error(msg)
517  ! Aborts the program
518  CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: msg
520 ! Message to print on stdout
521  cpabort(msg)
524 END MODULE splines
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
Interface to the LAPACK F77 library.
Definition: lapack.F:17
Simple splines Splines are fully specified by the interpolation points, except that at the ends,...
Definition: splines.F:28
subroutine, public spline3ders(x, y, xnew, ynew, dynew, d2ynew)
Definition: splines.F:82
real(dp) function, dimension(size(xnew)), public spline3(x, y, xnew)
Definition: splines.F:52