No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief Routines for that prepare rtp and EMD
10!> \author Florian Schiffmann (02.09)
11! **************************************************************************************************
17 USE cp_dbcsr_api, ONLY: &
26 USE cp_fm_diag, ONLY: cp_fm_syevd
27 USE cp_fm_types, ONLY: cp_fm_create,&
36 USE input_constants, ONLY: do_arnoldi,&
37 do_bch,&
38 do_cn,&
39 do_em,&
40 do_etrs,&
41 do_exact,&
42 do_pade,&
45 USE kinds, ONLY: dp
50 USE qs_mo_types, ONLY: mo_set_type
57 USE rt_propagation_types, ONLY: get_rtp,&
60#include "../base/base_uses.f90"
66 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'rt_propagator_init'
68 PUBLIC :: init_propagators, &
73! **************************************************************************************************
74!> \brief prepares the initial matrices for the propagators
75!> \param qs_env ...
76!> \author Florian Schiffmann (02.09)
77! **************************************************************************************************
79 SUBROUTINE init_propagators(qs_env)
81 TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
83 INTEGER :: i, imat, unit_nr
84 REAL(kind=dp) :: dt, prefac
85 TYPE(cp_fm_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: mos_new, mos_next, mos_old
86 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
87 TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: exp_h_new, exp_h_old, matrix_ks, &
88 matrix_ks_im, propagator_matrix, &
89 rho_old, s_mat
90 TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER :: dft_control
91 TYPE(rt_prop_type), POINTER :: rtp
92 TYPE(rtp_control_type), POINTER :: rtp_control
94 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, &
95 rtp=rtp, &
96 dft_control=dft_control, &
97 matrix_s=s_mat, &
98 matrix_ks=matrix_ks, &
99 matrix_ks_im=matrix_ks_im)
101 rtp_control => dft_control%rtp_control
102 CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, exp_h_old=exp_h_old, exp_h_new=exp_h_new, &
103 propagator_matrix=propagator_matrix, dt=dt)
104 CALL s_matrices_create(s_mat, rtp)
105 CALL calc_sinvh(rtp, matrix_ks, matrix_ks_im, rtp_control)
106 DO i = 1, SIZE(exp_h_old)
107 CALL dbcsr_copy(exp_h_old(i)%matrix, exp_h_new(i)%matrix)
108 END DO
109 ! use the fact that CN propagator is a first order pade approximation on the EM propagator
110 IF (rtp_control%propagator == do_cn) THEN
111 rtp%orders(1, :) = 0; rtp%orders(2, :) = 1; rtp_control%mat_exp = do_pade; rtp_control%propagator = do_em
112 ELSE IF (rtp_control%mat_exp == do_pade .OR. rtp_control%mat_exp == do_taylor) THEN
113 IF (rtp%linear_scaling) THEN
114 CALL get_maxabs_eigval_sparse(rtp, s_mat, matrix_ks, rtp_control)
115 ELSE
116 CALL get_maxabs_eigval(rtp, s_mat, matrix_ks, rtp_control)
117 END IF
118 END IF
119 ! Safety check for the matrix exponantial scheme wrt the MO representation
120 IF ((rtp_control%mat_exp == do_pade .OR. rtp_control%mat_exp == do_arnoldi) .AND. rtp%linear_scaling) THEN
121 ! get a useful output_unit
122 logger => cp_get_default_logger()
123 IF (logger%para_env%is_source()) THEN
124 unit_nr = cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr(logger, local=.true.)
125 WRITE (unit_nr, *) "linear_scaling currently does not support pade nor arnoldi exponentials, switching to taylor"
126 END IF
127 rtp_control%mat_exp = do_taylor
129 ELSE IF (rtp_control%mat_exp == do_bch .AND. .NOT. rtp%linear_scaling) THEN
130 ! get a useful output_unit
131 logger => cp_get_default_logger()
132 IF (logger%para_env%is_source()) THEN
133 unit_nr = cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr(logger, local=.true.)
134 WRITE (unit_nr, *) "BCH exponential currently only support linear_scaling, switching to arnoldi"
135 END IF
136 rtp_control%mat_exp = do_arnoldi
138 END IF
139 ! We have no clue yet about next H so we use initial H for t and t+dt
140 ! Due to different nature of the propagator the prefactor has to be adopted
141 SELECT CASE (rtp_control%propagator)
142 CASE (do_etrs)
143 prefac = -0.5_dp*dt
144 CASE (do_em)
145 prefac = -1.0_dp*dt
147 DO imat = 1, SIZE(exp_h_new)
148 CALL dbcsr_copy(propagator_matrix(imat)%matrix, exp_h_new(imat)%matrix)
149 CALL dbcsr_scale(propagator_matrix(imat)%matrix, prefac)
150 END DO
152 ! For ETRS this bit could be avoided but it drastically simplifies the workflow afterwards.
153 ! If we compute the half propagated mos/exponential already here, we ensure everything is done
154 ! with the correct S matrix and all information as during RTP/EMD are computed.
155 ! Therefore we might accept to compute an unnesscesary exponential but understand the code afterwards
156 IF (rtp_control%propagator == do_etrs) THEN
157 IF (rtp_control%mat_exp == do_arnoldi) THEN
158 rtp%iter = 0
159 CALL propagate_arnoldi(rtp, rtp_control)
160 CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, mos_new=mos_new, mos_next=mos_next)
161 DO imat = 1, SIZE(mos_new)
162 CALL cp_fm_to_fm(mos_new(imat), mos_next(imat))
163 END DO
164 ELSEIF (rtp_control%mat_exp == do_bch .OR. rtp_control%mat_exp == do_exact) THEN
165 ELSE
166 IF (rtp%linear_scaling) THEN
167 CALL compute_exponential_sparse(exp_h_new, propagator_matrix, rtp_control, rtp)
168 ELSE
169 CALL compute_exponential(exp_h_new, propagator_matrix, rtp_control, rtp)
170 END IF
171 DO imat = 1, SIZE(exp_h_new)
172 CALL dbcsr_copy(exp_h_old(imat)%matrix, exp_h_new(imat)%matrix)
173 END DO
174 END IF
175 END IF
177 IF (rtp%linear_scaling) THEN
178 CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, rho_old=rho_old)
179 ELSE
180 CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, mos_old=mos_old)
181 END IF
182 CALL put_data_to_history(rtp, mos=mos_old, s_mat=s_mat, ihist=1, rho=rho_old)
184 END SUBROUTINE init_propagators
186! **************************************************************************************************
187!> \brief gets an estimate for the 2-norm of KS (diagnaliztion of KS) and
188!> calculates the order and number of squaring steps for Taylor or
189!> Pade matrix exponential
190!> \param rtp ...
191!> \param s_mat ...
192!> \param matrix_ks ...
193!> \param rtp_control ...
194!> \author Florian Schiffmann (02.09)
195! **************************************************************************************************
197 SUBROUTINE get_maxabs_eigval(rtp, s_mat, matrix_ks, rtp_control)
198 TYPE(rt_prop_type), POINTER :: rtp
199 TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: s_mat, matrix_ks
200 TYPE(rtp_control_type), POINTER :: rtp_control
202 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'get_maxabs_eigval'
203 REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: one = 1.0_dp, zero = 0.0_dp
205 INTEGER :: handle, ispin, method, ndim
206 LOGICAL :: emd
207 REAL(dp) :: max_eval, min_eval, norm2, scale, t
208 REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: eigval_h
209 TYPE(cp_fm_type) :: eigvec_h, h_fm, s_half, s_inv_fm, &
210 s_minus_half, tmp, tmp_mat_h
211 TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER :: s_inv
213 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
215 CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, s_inv=s_inv, dt=t)
217 CALL cp_fm_create(s_inv_fm, &
218 matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, &
219 name="S_inv")
220 CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(s_inv, s_inv_fm)
222 CALL cp_fm_create(s_half, &
223 matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, &
224 name="S_half")
226 CALL cp_fm_create(s_minus_half, &
227 matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, &
228 name="S_minus_half")
230 CALL cp_fm_create(h_fm, &
231 matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, &
232 name="RTP_H_FM")
234 CALL cp_fm_create(tmp_mat_h, &
235 matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, &
236 name="TMP_H")
238 ndim = s_inv_fm%matrix_struct%nrow_global
239 scale = 1.0_dp
240 IF (rtp_control%propagator == do_etrs) scale = 2.0_dp
241 t = -t/scale
243 ! Create the overlap matrices
245 CALL cp_fm_create(tmp, &
246 matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, &
247 name="tmp_mat")
249 CALL cp_fm_create(eigvec_h, &
250 matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, &
251 name="tmp_EVEC")
253 ALLOCATE (eigval_h(ndim))
254 CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(s_mat(1)%matrix, tmp)
255 CALL cp_fm_uplo_to_full(tmp, eigvec_h)
257 CALL cp_fm_syevd(tmp, eigvec_h, eigval_h)
259 eigval_h(:) = one/eigval_h(:)
260 CALL backtransform_matrix(eigval_h, eigvec_h, s_inv_fm)
261 eigval_h(:) = sqrt(eigval_h(:))
262 CALL backtransform_matrix(eigval_h, eigvec_h, s_minus_half)
263 eigval_h(:) = one/eigval_h(:)
264 CALL backtransform_matrix(eigval_h, eigvec_h, s_half)
265 CALL cp_fm_release(eigvec_h)
266 CALL cp_fm_release(tmp)
268 IF (rtp_control%mat_exp == do_taylor) method = 1
269 IF (rtp_control%mat_exp == do_pade) method = 2
270 emd = (.NOT. rtp_control%fixed_ions)
272 DO ispin = 1, SIZE(matrix_ks)
274 CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(matrix_ks(ispin)%matrix, h_fm)
275 CALL cp_fm_uplo_to_full(h_fm, tmp_mat_h)
276 CALL cp_fm_scale(t, h_fm)
278 CALL parallel_gemm("N", "N", ndim, ndim, ndim, one, h_fm, s_minus_half, zero, &
279 tmp_mat_h)
280 CALL parallel_gemm("N", "N", ndim, ndim, ndim, one, s_minus_half, tmp_mat_h, zero, &
281 h_fm)
283 CALL cp_fm_syevd(h_fm, tmp_mat_h, eigval_h)
284 min_eval = minval(eigval_h)
285 max_eval = maxval(eigval_h)
286 norm2 = 2.0_dp*max(abs(min_eval), abs(max_eval))
287 CALL get_nsquare_norder(norm2, rtp%orders(1, ispin), rtp%orders(2, ispin), &
288 rtp_control%eps_exp, method, emd)
289 END DO
291 DEALLOCATE (eigval_h)
293 CALL copy_fm_to_dbcsr(s_inv_fm, s_inv)
294 CALL cp_fm_release(s_inv_fm)
295 CALL cp_fm_release(s_half)
296 CALL cp_fm_release(s_minus_half)
297 CALL cp_fm_release(h_fm)
298 CALL cp_fm_release(tmp_mat_h)
300 CALL timestop(handle)
302 END SUBROUTINE get_maxabs_eigval
304! **************************************************************************************************
305!> \brief gets an estimate for the 2-norm of KS (diagnaliztion of KS) and
306!> calculates the order and number of squaring steps for Taylor or
307!> Pade matrix exponential. Based on the full matrix code.
308!> \param rtp ...
309!> \param s_mat ...
310!> \param matrix_ks ...
311!> \param rtp_control ...
312!> \author Samuel Andermatt (02.14)
313! **************************************************************************************************
315 SUBROUTINE get_maxabs_eigval_sparse(rtp, s_mat, matrix_ks, rtp_control)
316 TYPE(rt_prop_type), POINTER :: rtp
317 TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: s_mat, matrix_ks
318 TYPE(rtp_control_type), POINTER :: rtp_control
320 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'get_maxabs_eigval_sparse'
321 REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: one = 1.0_dp, zero = 0.0_dp
323 INTEGER :: handle, ispin, method
324 LOGICAL :: converged, emd
325 REAL(dp) :: max_ev, min_ev, norm2, scale, t
326 TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER :: s_half, s_minus_half, tmp, tmp2
328 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
330 CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, dt=t)
332 NULLIFY (s_half)
333 ALLOCATE (s_half)
334 CALL dbcsr_create(s_half, template=s_mat(1)%matrix)
335 NULLIFY (s_minus_half)
336 ALLOCATE (s_minus_half)
337 CALL dbcsr_create(s_minus_half, template=s_mat(1)%matrix)
338 NULLIFY (tmp)
339 ALLOCATE (tmp)
340 CALL dbcsr_create(tmp, template=s_mat(1)%matrix, matrix_type="N")
341 NULLIFY (tmp2)
342 ALLOCATE (tmp2)
343 CALL dbcsr_create(tmp2, template=s_mat(1)%matrix, matrix_type="N")
344 scale = 1.0_dp
345 IF (rtp_control%propagator == do_etrs) scale = 2.0_dp
346 t = -t/scale
347 emd = (.NOT. rtp_control%fixed_ions)
349 IF (rtp_control%mat_exp == do_taylor) method = 1
350 IF (rtp_control%mat_exp == do_pade) method = 2
351 CALL matrix_sqrt_newton_schulz(s_half, s_minus_half, s_mat(1)%matrix, rtp%filter_eps, &
352 rtp%newton_schulz_order, rtp%lanzcos_threshold, rtp%lanzcos_max_iter)
353 DO ispin = 1, SIZE(matrix_ks)
354 CALL dbcsr_multiply("N", "N", t, matrix_ks(ispin)%matrix, s_minus_half, zero, tmp, &
355 filter_eps=rtp%filter_eps)
356 CALL dbcsr_multiply("N", "N", one, s_minus_half, tmp, zero, tmp2, &
357 filter_eps=rtp%filter_eps)
358 CALL arnoldi_extremal(tmp2, max_ev, min_ev, threshold=rtp%lanzcos_threshold, &
359 max_iter=rtp%lanzcos_max_iter, converged=converged)
360 norm2 = 2.0_dp*max(abs(min_ev), abs(max_ev))
361 CALL get_nsquare_norder(norm2, rtp%orders(1, ispin), rtp%orders(2, ispin), &
362 rtp_control%eps_exp, method, emd)
363 END DO
365 CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix(s_half)
366 CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix(s_minus_half)
368 CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix(tmp2)
370 CALL timestop(handle)
374! **************************************************************************************************
375!> \brief Is still left from diagonalization, should be removed later but is
376!> still needed for the guess for the pade/Taylor method
377!> \param Eval ...
378!> \param eigenvec ...
379!> \param matrix ...
380!> \author Florian Schiffmann (02.09)
381! **************************************************************************************************
383 SUBROUTINE backtransform_matrix(Eval, eigenvec, matrix)
385 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: eval
386 TYPE(cp_fm_type), INTENT(IN) :: eigenvec, matrix
388 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'backtransform_matrix'
389 REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: one = 1.0_dp, zero = 0.0_dp
391 INTEGER :: handle, i, j, l, ncol_local, ndim, &
392 nrow_local
393 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: col_indices, row_indices
394 TYPE(cp_fm_type) :: tmp
396 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
397 CALL cp_fm_create(tmp, &
398 matrix_struct=matrix%matrix_struct, &
399 name="TMP_BT")
400 CALL cp_fm_get_info(matrix, nrow_local=nrow_local, ncol_local=ncol_local, &
401 row_indices=row_indices, col_indices=col_indices)
403 ndim = matrix%matrix_struct%nrow_global
405 CALL cp_fm_set_all(tmp, zero, zero)
406 DO i = 1, ncol_local
407 l = col_indices(i)
408 DO j = 1, nrow_local
409 tmp%local_data(j, i) = eigenvec%local_data(j, i)*eval(l)
410 END DO
411 END DO
412 CALL parallel_gemm("N", "T", ndim, ndim, ndim, one, tmp, eigenvec, zero, &
413 matrix)
415 CALL cp_fm_release(tmp)
416 CALL timestop(handle)
418 END SUBROUTINE backtransform_matrix
420! **************************************************************************************************
421!> \brief Computes the density matrix from the mos
422!> Update: Initialized the density matrix from complex mos (for
423!> instance after delta kick)
424!> \param rtp ...
425!> \param mos ...
426!> \param mos_old ...
427!> \author Samuel Andermatt (08.15)
428!> \author Guillaume Le Breton (01.23)
429! **************************************************************************************************
431 SUBROUTINE rt_initialize_rho_from_mos(rtp, mos, mos_old)
433 TYPE(rt_prop_type), POINTER :: rtp
434 TYPE(mo_set_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: mos
435 TYPE(cp_fm_type), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: mos_old
437 INTEGER :: im, ispin, ncol, re
438 REAL(kind=dp) :: alpha
439 TYPE(cp_fm_type) :: mos_occ, mos_occ_im
440 TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: rho_new, rho_old
442 CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, rho_old=rho_old, rho_new=rho_new)
444 IF (PRESENT(mos_old)) THEN
445 ! Used the mos from delta kick. Initialize both real and im part
446 DO ispin = 1, SIZE(mos_old)/2
447 re = 2*ispin - 1; im = 2*ispin
448 CALL dbcsr_set(rho_old(re)%matrix, 0.0_dp)
449 CALL cp_fm_get_info(mos(ispin)%mo_coeff, ncol_global=ncol)
450 CALL cp_fm_create(mos_occ, &
451 matrix_struct=mos(ispin)%mo_coeff%matrix_struct, &
452 name="mos_occ")
453 !Real part of rho
454 CALL cp_fm_to_fm(mos_old(re), mos_occ)
455 IF (mos(ispin)%uniform_occupation) THEN
456 alpha = 3.0_dp - real(SIZE(mos_old)/2, dp)
457 CALL cp_fm_column_scale(mos_occ, mos(ispin)%occupation_numbers/alpha)
458 CALL cp_dbcsr_plus_fm_fm_t(sparse_matrix=rho_old(re)%matrix, &
459 matrix_v=mos_occ, &
460 ncol=ncol, &
461 alpha=alpha, keep_sparsity=.false.)
462 ELSE
463 alpha = 1.0_dp
464 CALL cp_fm_column_scale(mos_occ, mos(ispin)%occupation_numbers/alpha)
465 CALL cp_dbcsr_plus_fm_fm_t(sparse_matrix=rho_old(re)%matrix, &
466 matrix_v=mos_old(re), &
467 matrix_g=mos_occ, &
468 ncol=ncol, &
469 alpha=alpha, keep_sparsity=.false.)
470 END IF
472 ! Add complex part of MOs, i*i=-1
473 CALL cp_fm_to_fm(mos_old(im), mos_occ)
474 IF (mos(ispin)%uniform_occupation) THEN
475 alpha = 3.0_dp - real(SIZE(mos_old)/2, dp)
476 CALL cp_fm_column_scale(mos_occ, mos(ispin)%occupation_numbers/alpha)
477 CALL cp_dbcsr_plus_fm_fm_t(sparse_matrix=rho_old(re)%matrix, &
478 matrix_v=mos_occ, &
479 ncol=ncol, &
480 alpha=alpha, keep_sparsity=.false.)
481 ELSE
482 alpha = 1.0_dp
483 CALL cp_fm_column_scale(mos_occ, mos(ispin)%occupation_numbers/alpha)
484 CALL cp_dbcsr_plus_fm_fm_t(sparse_matrix=rho_old(re)%matrix, &
485 matrix_v=mos_old(im), &
486 matrix_g=mos_occ, &
487 ncol=ncol, &
488 alpha=alpha, keep_sparsity=.false.)
489 END IF
490 CALL dbcsr_filter(rho_old(re)%matrix, rtp%filter_eps)
491 CALL dbcsr_copy(rho_new(re)%matrix, rho_old(re)%matrix)
493 ! Imaginary part of rho
494 CALL cp_fm_create(mos_occ_im, &
495 matrix_struct=mos(ispin)%mo_coeff%matrix_struct, &
496 name="mos_occ_im")
497 alpha = 3.0_dp - real(SIZE(mos_old)/2, dp)
498 CALL cp_fm_to_fm(mos_old(re), mos_occ)
499 CALL cp_fm_column_scale(mos_occ, mos(ispin)%occupation_numbers/alpha)
500 CALL cp_fm_to_fm(mos_old(im), mos_occ_im)
501 CALL cp_fm_column_scale(mos_occ_im, mos(ispin)%occupation_numbers/alpha)
502 CALL cp_dbcsr_plus_fm_fm_t(sparse_matrix=rho_old(im)%matrix, &
503 matrix_v=mos_occ_im, &
504 matrix_g=mos_occ, &
505 ncol=ncol, &
506 alpha=2.0_dp*alpha, &
507 symmetry_mode=-1, keep_sparsity=.false.)
509 CALL dbcsr_filter(rho_old(im)%matrix, rtp%filter_eps)
510 CALL dbcsr_copy(rho_new(im)%matrix, rho_old(im)%matrix)
511 CALL cp_fm_release(mos_occ_im)
512 CALL cp_fm_release(mos_occ)
513 END DO
514 ! Release the mos used to apply the delta kick, no longer required
515 CALL rt_prop_release_mos(rtp)
516 ELSE
517 DO ispin = 1, SIZE(mos)
518 re = 2*ispin - 1
519 CALL dbcsr_set(rho_old(re)%matrix, 0.0_dp)
520 CALL cp_fm_get_info(mos(ispin)%mo_coeff, ncol_global=ncol)
522 CALL cp_fm_create(mos_occ, &
523 matrix_struct=mos(ispin)%mo_coeff%matrix_struct, &
524 name="mos_occ")
525 CALL cp_fm_to_fm(mos(ispin)%mo_coeff, mos_occ)
526 IF (mos(ispin)%uniform_occupation) THEN
527 alpha = 3.0_dp - real(SIZE(mos), dp)
528 CALL cp_fm_column_scale(mos_occ, mos(ispin)%occupation_numbers/alpha)
529 CALL cp_dbcsr_plus_fm_fm_t(sparse_matrix=rho_old(re)%matrix, &
530 matrix_v=mos_occ, &
531 ncol=ncol, &
532 alpha=alpha, keep_sparsity=.false.)
533 ELSE
534 alpha = 1.0_dp
535 CALL cp_fm_column_scale(mos_occ, mos(ispin)%occupation_numbers/alpha)
536 CALL cp_dbcsr_plus_fm_fm_t(sparse_matrix=rho_old(re)%matrix, &
537 matrix_v=mos(ispin)%mo_coeff, &
538 matrix_g=mos_occ, &
539 ncol=ncol, &
540 alpha=alpha, keep_sparsity=.false.)
541 END IF
542 CALL dbcsr_filter(rho_old(re)%matrix, rtp%filter_eps)
543 CALL dbcsr_copy(rho_new(re)%matrix, rho_old(re)%matrix)
544 CALL cp_fm_release(mos_occ)
545 END DO
546 END IF
548 END SUBROUTINE rt_initialize_rho_from_mos
550END MODULE rt_propagator_init
arnoldi iteration using dbcsr
Definition arnoldi_api.F:16
subroutine, public arnoldi_extremal(matrix_a, max_ev, min_ev, converged, threshold, max_iter)
simple wrapper to estimate extremal eigenvalues with arnoldi, using the old lanczos interface this hi...
Defines control structures, which contain the parameters and the settings for the DFT-based calculati...
subroutine, public dbcsr_scale(matrix, alpha_scalar)
subroutine, public dbcsr_deallocate_matrix(matrix)
subroutine, public dbcsr_copy(matrix_b, matrix_a, name, keep_sparsity, keep_imaginary)
subroutine, public dbcsr_multiply(transa, transb, alpha, matrix_a, matrix_b, beta, matrix_c, first_row, last_row, first_column, last_column, first_k, last_k, retain_sparsity, filter_eps, flop)
subroutine, public dbcsr_filter(matrix, eps)
subroutine, public dbcsr_set(matrix, alpha)
DBCSR operations in CP2K.
subroutine, public copy_dbcsr_to_fm(matrix, fm)
Copy a DBCSR matrix to a BLACS matrix.
subroutine, public cp_dbcsr_plus_fm_fm_t(sparse_matrix, matrix_v, matrix_g, ncol, alpha, keep_sparsity, symmetry_mode)
performs the multiplication sparse_matrix+dense_mat*dens_mat^T if matrix_g is not explicitly given,...
subroutine, public copy_fm_to_dbcsr(fm, matrix, keep_sparsity)
Copy a BLACS matrix to a dbcsr matrix.
basic linear algebra operations for full matrices
subroutine, public cp_fm_column_scale(matrixa, scaling)
scales column i of matrix a with scaling(i)
subroutine, public cp_fm_uplo_to_full(matrix, work, uplo)
given a triangular matrix according to uplo, computes the corresponding full matrix
subroutine, public cp_fm_scale(alpha, matrix_a)
scales a matrix matrix_a = alpha * matrix_b
used for collecting some of the diagonalization schemes available for cp_fm_type. cp_fm_power also mo...
Definition cp_fm_diag.F:17
subroutine, public cp_fm_syevd(matrix, eigenvectors, eigenvalues, info)
Computes all eigenvalues and vectors of a real symmetric matrix significantly faster than syevx,...
Definition cp_fm_diag.F:434
represent a full matrix distributed on many processors
Definition cp_fm_types.F:15
subroutine, public cp_fm_get_info(matrix, name, nrow_global, ncol_global, nrow_block, ncol_block, nrow_local, ncol_local, row_indices, col_indices, local_data, context, nrow_locals, ncol_locals, matrix_struct, para_env)
returns all kind of information about the full matrix
subroutine, public cp_fm_set_all(matrix, alpha, beta)
set all elements of a matrix to the same value, and optionally the diagonal to a different one
subroutine, public cp_fm_create(matrix, matrix_struct, name, use_sp)
creates a new full matrix with the given structure
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
recursive integer function, public cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr(logger, local, skip_not_ionode)
asks the default unit number of the given logger. try to use cp_logger_get_unit_nr
type(cp_logger_type) function, pointer, public cp_get_default_logger()
returns the default logger
collects all constants needed in input so that they can be used without circular dependencies
integer, parameter, public do_bch
integer, parameter, public do_etrs
integer, parameter, public do_pade
integer, parameter, public do_cn
integer, parameter, public do_exact
integer, parameter, public do_taylor
integer, parameter, public do_em
integer, parameter, public do_arnoldi
Routines useful for iterative matrix calculations.
subroutine, public matrix_sqrt_newton_schulz(matrix_sqrt, matrix_sqrt_inv, matrix, threshold, order, eps_lanczos, max_iter_lanczos, symmetrize, converged, iounit)
compute the sqrt of a matrix via the sign function and the corresponding Newton-Schulz iterations the...
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
Routines for calculating a complex matrix exponential.
Definition matrix_exp.F:13
subroutine, public get_nsquare_norder(norm, nsquare, norder, eps_exp, method, do_emd)
optimization function for pade/taylor order and number of squaring steps
Definition matrix_exp.F:244
basic linear algebra operations for full matrixes
subroutine, public get_qs_env(qs_env, atomic_kind_set, qs_kind_set, cell, super_cell, cell_ref, use_ref_cell, kpoints, dft_control, mos, sab_orb, sab_all, qmmm, qmmm_periodic, sac_ae, sac_ppl, sac_lri, sap_ppnl, sab_vdw, sab_scp, sap_oce, sab_lrc, sab_se, sab_xtbe, sab_tbe, sab_core, sab_xb, sab_xtb_pp, sab_xtb_nonbond, sab_almo, sab_kp, sab_kp_nosym, particle_set, energy, force, matrix_h, matrix_h_im, matrix_ks, matrix_ks_im, matrix_vxc, run_rtp, rtp, matrix_h_kp, matrix_h_im_kp, matrix_ks_kp, matrix_ks_im_kp, matrix_vxc_kp, kinetic_kp, matrix_s_kp, matrix_w_kp, matrix_s_ri_aux_kp, matrix_s, matrix_s_ri_aux, matrix_w, matrix_p_mp2, matrix_p_mp2_admm, rho, rho_xc, pw_env, ewald_env, ewald_pw, active_space, mpools, input, para_env, blacs_env, scf_control, rel_control, kinetic, qs_charges, vppl, rho_core, rho_nlcc, rho_nlcc_g, ks_env, ks_qmmm_env, wf_history, scf_env, local_particles, local_molecules, distribution_2d, dbcsr_dist, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, subsys, cp_subsys, oce, local_rho_set, rho_atom_set, task_list, task_list_soft, rho0_atom_set, rho0_mpole, rhoz_set, ecoul_1c, rho0_s_rs, rho0_s_gs, do_kpoints, has_unit_metric, requires_mo_derivs, mo_derivs, mo_loc_history, nkind, natom, nelectron_total, nelectron_spin, efield, neighbor_list_id, linres_control, xas_env, virial, cp_ddapc_env, cp_ddapc_ewald, outer_scf_history, outer_scf_ihistory, x_data, et_coupling, dftb_potential, results, se_taper, se_store_int_env, se_nddo_mpole, se_nonbond_env, admm_env, lri_env, lri_density, exstate_env, ec_env, harris_env, dispersion_env, gcp_env, vee, rho_external, external_vxc, mask, mp2_env, bs_env, kg_env, wanniercentres, atprop, ls_scf_env, do_transport, transport_env, v_hartree_rspace, s_mstruct_changed, rho_changed, potential_changed, forces_up_to_date, mscfg_env, almo_scf_env, gradient_history, variable_history, embed_pot, spin_embed_pot, polar_env, mos_last_converged, eeq, rhs)
Get the QUICKSTEP environment.
Definition and initialisation of the mo data type.
Definition qs_mo_types.F:22
Routines for calculating a complex matrix exponential.
subroutine, public compute_exponential_sparse(propagator, propagator_matrix, rtp_control, rtp)
Sparse versions of the matrix exponentials.
subroutine, public compute_exponential(propagator, propagator_matrix, rtp_control, rtp)
decides which type of exponential has to be computed
subroutine, public propagate_arnoldi(rtp, rtp_control)
computes U_prop*MOs using arnoldi subspace algorithm
Routines for propagating the orbitals.
subroutine, public calc_sinvh(rtp, matrix_ks, matrix_ks_im, rtp_control)
computes S_inv*H, if needed Sinv*B and S_inv*H_imag and store these quantities to the
subroutine, public put_data_to_history(rtp, mos, rho, s_mat, ihist)
subroutine, public s_matrices_create(s_mat, rtp)
calculates the needed overlap-like matrices depending on the way the exponential is calculated,...
Types and set_get for real time propagation depending on runtype and diagonalization method different...
subroutine, public rt_prop_release_mos(rtp)
Deallocated the mos for rtp...
subroutine, public get_rtp(rtp, exp_h_old, exp_h_new, h_last_iter, rho_old, rho_next, rho_new, mos, mos_new, mos_old, mos_next, s_inv, s_half, s_minus_half, b_mat, c_mat, propagator_matrix, mixing, mixing_factor, s_der, dt, nsteps, sinvh, sinvh_imag, sinvb, admm_mos)
Routines for that prepare rtp and EMD.
subroutine, public init_propagators(qs_env)
prepares the initial matrices for the propagators
subroutine, public rt_initialize_rho_from_mos(rtp, mos, mos_old)
Computes the density matrix from the mos Update: Initialized the density matrix from complex mos (for...
represent a full matrix
type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be l...