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helium_types::helium_solvent_type Type Reference

data structure for solvent helium More...

Data Fields

type(section_vals_type), pointer input => NULL()
 input data structure (the whole tree)
type(cp_logger_type), pointer logger => NULL()
integer num_env = 0
 number of He environments in runtime
integer atoms = 0
 number of atoms
integer beads = 0
 number of beads per atom (needs to be an integer multiple of the solute's number of beads)
integer bead_ratio = 0
 ratio of helium beads to system beads
real(kind=dp) density = 0.0_dp
 helium density for free bulk in box
real(kind=dp) he_mass_au = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) hb2m = 0.0_dp
 hbar squared over m for 4He in CP2k units
real(kind=dp) tau = 0.0_dp
 1/(k_B T p) with T - He temperature, p - number of beads
real(kind=dp) wpref = 0.0_dp
 prefactor for calculating superfluid fraction from <(M*W)^2>
real(kind=dp) apref = 0.0_dp
 prefactor for calculating superfluid fraction from <A^2/I_c>
logical periodic = .FALSE.
 true if bulk liquid helium in periodic box
integer cell_shape = 0
 unit cell shape for PBC calculations
real(kind=dp) cell_size = 0.0_dp
 size of the periodic box (helium only)
real(kind=dp) cell_size_inv = 0.0_dp
 1/cell_size (inverse)
real(kind=dp), dimension(3, 3) cell_m = 0.0_dp
 the unit cell vectors' matrix
real(kind=dp), dimension(3, 3) cell_m_inv = 0.0_dp
 invrse of the unit cell vectors' matrix
real(kind=dp), dimension(3) origin = 0.0_dp
 origin of the cell (first voxel position)
real(kind=dp) droplet_radius = 0.0_dp
 radius of the droplet
real(kind=dp), dimension(3) center = 0.0_dp
 COM of solute (if present) or center of periodic cell (if periodic) or COM of helium.
integer sampling_method = helium_sampling_ceperley
real(kind=dp) worm_centroid_drmax = 0.0_dp
integer worm_nstat = 0
integer worm_staging_l = 0
integer worm_repeat_crawl = 0
integer worm_all_limit = 0
integer worm_centroid_min = 0
integer worm_centroid_max = 0
integer worm_staging_min = 0
integer worm_staging_max = 0
integer worm_fcrawl_min = 0
integer worm_fcrawl_max = 0
integer worm_bcrawl_min = 0
integer worm_bcrawl_max = 0
integer worm_head_min = 0
integer worm_head_max = 0
integer worm_tail_min = 0
integer worm_tail_max = 0
integer worm_swap_min = 0
integer worm_swap_max = 0
integer worm_open_close_min = 0
integer worm_open_close_max = 0
integer worm_max_open_cycles = 0
real(kind=dp) worm_open_close_scale = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) worm_ln_openclose_scale = 0.0_dp
logical worm_allow_open = .FALSE.
logical worm_show_statistics = .FALSE.
real(kind=dp), dimension(3) worm_xtra_bead = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp), dimension(3) worm_xtra_bead_work = 0.0_dp
integer worm_atom_idx = 0
integer worm_bead_idx = 0
integer worm_atom_idx_work = 0
integer worm_bead_idx_work = 0
integer iw = 0
integer it = 0
logical worm_is_closed = .FALSE.
integer iter_norot = 0
 number of iterations to try for a given imaginary time slice rotation (num inner MC loop iters)
integer iter_rot = 0
 number of rotations to try (total number of iterations is iter_norot*iter_rot) (num outer MC loop iters)
integer maxcycle = 0
 maximum cyclic permutation change to attempt
integer m_dist_type = 0
 distribution from which the cycle length m is sampled
integer m_value = 0
 cycle length sampled with different probability than other lengths
real(kind=dp) m_ratio = 0.0_dp
 probability ratio betw m_value and other possible values of m
integer relrot = 0
 relative rotation in imaginary time wrt normal system/starting configuration
integer bisection = 0
 power of 2 number for bisection algorithm
integer bisctlog2 = 0
real(kind=dp) e_corr = 0.0_dp
 potential correction energy due to finite box
integer pdx = 0
 pair density expansion max exponent
integer num_steps = 0
 number of iterations in the current run
integer first_step = 0
 first step, restarted from MOTIONPINTITERATION (default value: 0)
integer last_step = 0
integer current_step = 0
 first_step + number of steps performed so far
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), pointer pos => NULL()
 position of the helium atoms DIM(3,atoms,beads)
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), pointer savepos => NULL()
 saved position of the helium atoms DIM(3,atoms,beads)
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), pointer work => NULL()
 same dimensions as pos
integer, dimension(:), pointer permutation => NULL()
 current permutation state DIM(atoms)
integer, dimension(:), pointer savepermutation => NULL()
 saved permutation state DIM(atoms)
integer, dimension(:), pointer iperm => NULL()
 inverse of the current permutation state DIM(atoms)
integer, dimension(:), pointer saveiperm => NULL()
 saved inverse of the current permutation state DIM(atoms)
integer, dimension(:), pointer ptable => NULL()
 proposed cyclic permutation, DIM(max_cycle)
integer(kind=int_8) accepts = 0_int_8
 number of accepted new configurations
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer tmatrix => NULL()
 ? permutation probability related
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer pmatrix => NULL()
 ? permutation probability related [use might change/new ones added/etc]
real(kind=dp) pweight = 0.0_dp
 ? permutation probability related
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer ipmatrix => NULL()
integer, dimension(:, :), pointer nmatrix => NULL()
type(spline_data_type), pointer vij => NULL()
 physical pair potential energy
type(spline_data_type), pointer u0 => NULL()
 pair density matrix coefficient (action) endpoint approx
type(spline_data_type), pointer e0 => NULL()
 pair density matrix coefficient (energy) endpoint approx raw spline data for pair density matrix off diagonal expansion beyond endpoint approx:
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), pointer, contiguous uoffdiag => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), pointer, contiguous eoffdiag => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(e_num_idsenergy_inst = 0.0_dp
 energy contributions (instantaneous)
real(kind=dp), dimension(e_num_idsenergy_avrg = 0.0_dp
 energy contributions (averaged)
type(helium_vector_type) wnumber = helium_vector_type()
 winding number
type(helium_vector_type) wnmber2 = helium_vector_type()
 winding number squared
type(helium_vector_type) proarea = helium_vector_type()
 projected area
type(helium_vector_type) prarea2 = helium_vector_type()
 projected area squared
type(helium_vector_type) mominer = helium_vector_type()
 moment of inertia
integer averages_iweight = 0
 weight for restarted averages
logical averages_restarted = .FALSE.
 flag indicating whether the averages have been restarted
real(kind=dp) link_action = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) inter_action = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) pair_action = 0.0_dp
integer rdf_nbin = 0
 number of bins for RDF
integer rdf_iweight = 0
 weight for restarted RDF
integer rho_iweight = 0
 weight for restarted RHO
integer rdf_num = 0
 number of X-He-RDFs
integer rdf_num_ctr = 0
 number of centers for RDF calc
real(kind=dp) rdf_delr = 0.0_dp
 delta r for RDF
real(kind=dp) rdf_maxr = 0.0_dp
 maximum r for RDF
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer rdf_centers => NULL()
 positions of RDF solute centers
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer rdf_inst => NULL()
 RDF (instantaneous/tmp array)
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer rdf_rstr => NULL()
 RDF (restarted)
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer rdf_accu => NULL()
 RDF (accumulated for one run)
logical rdf_present = .FALSE.
logical rdf_sol_he = .FALSE.
logical rdf_he_he = .FALSE.
integer rho_nbin = 0
integer rho_num_act = 0
 actual number of density estimators
integer rho_num_min_len_wdg = 0
 number of optional estimators based on winding cycles
integer rho_num_min_len_non = 0
 number of optional estimators based on non-winding cycles
integer rho_num_min_len_all = 0
 number of optional estimators based on all cycles
integer, dimension(:), pointer rho_min_len_wdg_vals => NULL()
 minimum lengths of winding cycles
integer, dimension(:), pointer rho_min_len_non_vals => NULL()
 minimum lengths of non-winding cycles
integer, dimension(:), pointer rho_min_len_all_vals => NULL()
 minimum lengths of all cycles
real(kind=dp) rho_delr = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) rho_maxr = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :, :), pointer rho_inst => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :, :), pointer rho_rstr => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :, :), pointer rho_accu => NULL()
logical rho_present = .FALSE.
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), pointer rho_incr => NULL()
 increment for density bining
type(density_properties_type), dimension(:), pointer rho_property => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer num_accepted => NULL()
 average number of accepted permutations of a given length on a given Levy level, plus one additional level which counts # of trials, REAL(BISCTLOG2+2, MAX_PERM_CYCLE) num_accepted(1,l) - # of trials for perm length l num_accepted(2,l) - # of selected perms of length l num_accepted(3,l) - # of perms of length l accepted at level 1 average over He environments/processors
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer plength_avrg => NULL()
 permutation length probability distribution DIM(atoms)
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer plength_inst => NULL()
 instantaneous permutation length probability DIM(atoms)
integer, dimension(:), pointer atom_plength => NULL()
 length of the permutation cycle the atom belongs to DIM(atoms)
type(rng_stream_type), pointer rng_stream_uniform => NULL()
 random number stream with uniform distribution
type(rng_stream_type), pointer rng_stream_gaussian => NULL()
 random number stream with gaussian distribution
logical solute_present = .FALSE.
 switch the interactions with the solute on or off
integer solute_atoms = 0
 number of solute atoms (pint_envndim/3)
integer solute_beads = 0
 number of solute beads (pint_envp)
integer get_helium_forces = 0
 parameter to determine whether the average or last MC force should be taken to MD
character(len=2), dimension(:), pointer solute_element => NULL()
 element names of solute atoms (pint_envndim/3)
type(cell_type), pointer solute_cell => NULL()
 dimensions of the solvated system cell (a,b,c) (should be removed at some point)
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer force_avrg => NULL()
 averaged forces exerted by He solvent on the solute DIM(p,ndim)
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer force_inst => NULL()
 instantaneous forces exerted by He on the solute (p,ndim)
character(len=2), dimension(:), pointer ename => NULL()
integer enum = 0
integer solute_interaction = 0
logical interaction_pot_scan = .FALSE.
 whether to perform solute-helium interaction scan
type(nnp_type), pointer nnp => NULL()
 neural network potential
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer nnp_sr_cut => NULL()
 hard core cutoff in addition to the nnp
integer, dimension(:), pointer itmp_atoms_1d => NULL()
 DIM(atoms) - same as permutation.
integer, dimension(:), pointer itmp_atoms_np_1d => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer rtmp_3_np_1d => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer rtmp_p_ndim_1d => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer rtmp_p_ndim_np_1d => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer rtmp_3_atoms_beads_1d => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer rtmp_3_atoms_beads_np_1d => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer rtmp_p_ndim_2d => NULL()
logical, dimension(:, :, :), pointer ltmp_3_atoms_beads_3d => NULL()
 DIM(3,atoms,beads) - same as pos.
logical, dimension(:), pointer ltmp_atoms_1d => NULL()
 DIM(atoms) - for unpacking the permutation.

Detailed Description

data structure for solvent helium


Definition at line 93 of file helium_types.F.

Field Documentation

◆ input

type(section_vals_type), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::input => NULL()

input data structure (the whole tree)

Definition at line 95 of file helium_types.F.

◆ logger

type(cp_logger_type), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::logger => NULL()

Definition at line 96 of file helium_types.F.

◆ num_env

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::num_env = 0

number of He environments in runtime

Definition at line 98 of file helium_types.F.

◆ atoms

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::atoms = 0

number of atoms

Definition at line 100 of file helium_types.F.

◆ beads

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::beads = 0

number of beads per atom (needs to be an integer multiple of the solute's number of beads)

Definition at line 101 of file helium_types.F.

◆ bead_ratio

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::bead_ratio = 0

ratio of helium beads to system beads

Definition at line 102 of file helium_types.F.

◆ density

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::density = 0.0_dp

helium density for free bulk in box

Definition at line 103 of file helium_types.F.

◆ he_mass_au

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::he_mass_au = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 107 of file helium_types.F.

◆ hb2m

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::hb2m = 0.0_dp

hbar squared over m for 4He in CP2k units

Definition at line 108 of file helium_types.F.

◆ tau

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::tau = 0.0_dp

1/(k_B T p) with T - He temperature, p - number of beads

Definition at line 109 of file helium_types.F.

◆ wpref

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::wpref = 0.0_dp

prefactor for calculating superfluid fraction from <(M*W)^2>

Definition at line 110 of file helium_types.F.

◆ apref

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::apref = 0.0_dp

prefactor for calculating superfluid fraction from <A^2/I_c>

Definition at line 111 of file helium_types.F.

◆ periodic

logical helium_types::helium_solvent_type::periodic = .FALSE.

true if bulk liquid helium in periodic box

Definition at line 115 of file helium_types.F.

◆ cell_shape

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::cell_shape = 0

unit cell shape for PBC calculations

Definition at line 116 of file helium_types.F.

◆ cell_size

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::cell_size = 0.0_dp

size of the periodic box (helium only)

Definition at line 117 of file helium_types.F.

◆ cell_size_inv

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::cell_size_inv = 0.0_dp

1/cell_size (inverse)

Definition at line 118 of file helium_types.F.

◆ cell_m

real(kind=dp), dimension(3, 3) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::cell_m = 0.0_dp

the unit cell vectors' matrix

Definition at line 119 of file helium_types.F.

◆ cell_m_inv

real(kind=dp), dimension(3, 3) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::cell_m_inv = 0.0_dp

invrse of the unit cell vectors' matrix

Definition at line 120 of file helium_types.F.

◆ origin

real(kind=dp), dimension(3) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::origin = 0.0_dp

origin of the cell (first voxel position)

Definition at line 121 of file helium_types.F.

◆ droplet_radius

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::droplet_radius = 0.0_dp

radius of the droplet

Definition at line 122 of file helium_types.F.

◆ center

real(kind=dp), dimension(3) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::center = 0.0_dp

COM of solute (if present) or center of periodic cell (if periodic) or COM of helium.

Definition at line 124 of file helium_types.F.

◆ sampling_method

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::sampling_method = helium_sampling_ceperley

Definition at line 126 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_centroid_drmax

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_centroid_drmax = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 128 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_nstat

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_nstat = 0

Definition at line 129 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_staging_l

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_staging_l = 0

Definition at line 130 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_repeat_crawl

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_repeat_crawl = 0

Definition at line 131 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_all_limit

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_all_limit = 0

Definition at line 132 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_centroid_min

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_centroid_min = 0

Definition at line 133 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_centroid_max

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_centroid_max = 0

Definition at line 133 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_staging_min

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_staging_min = 0

Definition at line 134 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_staging_max

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_staging_max = 0

Definition at line 134 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_fcrawl_min

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_fcrawl_min = 0

Definition at line 135 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_fcrawl_max

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_fcrawl_max = 0

Definition at line 135 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_bcrawl_min

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_bcrawl_min = 0

Definition at line 136 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_bcrawl_max

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_bcrawl_max = 0

Definition at line 136 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_head_min

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_head_min = 0

Definition at line 137 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_head_max

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_head_max = 0

Definition at line 137 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_tail_min

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_tail_min = 0

Definition at line 138 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_tail_max

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_tail_max = 0

Definition at line 138 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_swap_min

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_swap_min = 0

Definition at line 139 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_swap_max

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_swap_max = 0

Definition at line 139 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_open_close_min

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_open_close_min = 0

Definition at line 140 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_open_close_max

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_open_close_max = 0

Definition at line 140 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_max_open_cycles

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_max_open_cycles = 0

Definition at line 141 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_open_close_scale

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_open_close_scale = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 142 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_ln_openclose_scale

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_ln_openclose_scale = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 143 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_allow_open

logical helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_allow_open = .FALSE.

Definition at line 144 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_show_statistics

logical helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_show_statistics = .FALSE.

Definition at line 144 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_xtra_bead

real(kind=dp), dimension(3) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_xtra_bead = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 147 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_xtra_bead_work

real(kind=dp), dimension(3) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_xtra_bead_work = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 147 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_atom_idx

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_atom_idx = 0

Definition at line 148 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_bead_idx

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_bead_idx = 0

Definition at line 148 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_atom_idx_work

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_atom_idx_work = 0

Definition at line 149 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_bead_idx_work

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_bead_idx_work = 0

Definition at line 149 of file helium_types.F.

◆ iw

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::iw = 0

Definition at line 150 of file helium_types.F.

◆ it

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::it = 0

Definition at line 150 of file helium_types.F.

◆ worm_is_closed

logical helium_types::helium_solvent_type::worm_is_closed = .FALSE.

Definition at line 151 of file helium_types.F.

◆ iter_norot

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::iter_norot = 0

number of iterations to try for a given imaginary time slice rotation (num inner MC loop iters)

Definition at line 153 of file helium_types.F.

◆ iter_rot

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::iter_rot = 0

number of rotations to try (total number of iterations is iter_norot*iter_rot) (num outer MC loop iters)

Definition at line 154 of file helium_types.F.

◆ maxcycle

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::maxcycle = 0

maximum cyclic permutation change to attempt

Definition at line 156 of file helium_types.F.

◆ m_dist_type

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::m_dist_type = 0

distribution from which the cycle length m is sampled

Definition at line 157 of file helium_types.F.

◆ m_value

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::m_value = 0

cycle length sampled with different probability than other lengths

Definition at line 158 of file helium_types.F.

◆ m_ratio

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::m_ratio = 0.0_dp

probability ratio betw m_value and other possible values of m

Definition at line 159 of file helium_types.F.

◆ relrot

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::relrot = 0

relative rotation in imaginary time wrt normal system/starting configuration

Definition at line 161 of file helium_types.F.

◆ bisection

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::bisection = 0

power of 2 number for bisection algorithm

Definition at line 162 of file helium_types.F.

◆ bisctlog2

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::bisctlog2 = 0


Definition at line 163 of file helium_types.F.

◆ e_corr

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::e_corr = 0.0_dp

potential correction energy due to finite box

Definition at line 165 of file helium_types.F.

◆ pdx

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::pdx = 0

pair density expansion max exponent

Definition at line 166 of file helium_types.F.

◆ num_steps

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::num_steps = 0

number of iterations in the current run

Definition at line 170 of file helium_types.F.

◆ first_step

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::first_step = 0

first step, restarted from MOTIONPINTITERATION (default value: 0)

Definition at line 171 of file helium_types.F.

◆ last_step

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::last_step = 0

Definition at line 172 of file helium_types.F.

◆ current_step

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::current_step = 0

first_step + number of steps performed so far

Definition at line 173 of file helium_types.F.

◆ pos

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::pos => NULL()

position of the helium atoms DIM(3,atoms,beads)

Definition at line 177 of file helium_types.F.

◆ savepos

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::savepos => NULL()

saved position of the helium atoms DIM(3,atoms,beads)

Definition at line 178 of file helium_types.F.

◆ work

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::work => NULL()

same dimensions as pos

Definition at line 179 of file helium_types.F.

◆ permutation

integer, dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::permutation => NULL()

current permutation state DIM(atoms)

Definition at line 181 of file helium_types.F.

◆ savepermutation

integer, dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::savepermutation => NULL()

saved permutation state DIM(atoms)

Definition at line 182 of file helium_types.F.

◆ iperm

integer, dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::iperm => NULL()

inverse of the current permutation state DIM(atoms)

Definition at line 183 of file helium_types.F.

◆ saveiperm

integer, dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::saveiperm => NULL()

saved inverse of the current permutation state DIM(atoms)

Definition at line 184 of file helium_types.F.

◆ ptable

integer, dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::ptable => NULL()

proposed cyclic permutation, DIM(max_cycle)

Definition at line 185 of file helium_types.F.

◆ accepts

integer(kind=int_8) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::accepts = 0_int_8

number of accepted new configurations

Definition at line 186 of file helium_types.F.

◆ tmatrix

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::tmatrix => NULL()

? permutation probability related

Definition at line 188 of file helium_types.F.

◆ pmatrix

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::pmatrix => NULL()

? permutation probability related [use might change/new ones added/etc]

Definition at line 189 of file helium_types.F.

◆ pweight

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::pweight = 0.0_dp

? permutation probability related

Definition at line 190 of file helium_types.F.

◆ ipmatrix

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::ipmatrix => NULL()

Definition at line 191 of file helium_types.F.

◆ nmatrix

integer, dimension(:, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::nmatrix => NULL()

Definition at line 192 of file helium_types.F.

◆ vij

type(spline_data_type), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::vij => NULL()

physical pair potential energy

Definition at line 194 of file helium_types.F.

◆ u0

type(spline_data_type), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::u0 => NULL()

pair density matrix coefficient (action) endpoint approx

Definition at line 195 of file helium_types.F.

◆ e0

type(spline_data_type), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::e0 => NULL()

pair density matrix coefficient (energy) endpoint approx raw spline data for pair density matrix off diagonal expansion beyond endpoint approx:

Definition at line 196 of file helium_types.F.

◆ uoffdiag

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), pointer, contiguous helium_types::helium_solvent_type::uoffdiag => NULL()


Definition at line 198 of file helium_types.F.

◆ eoffdiag

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), pointer, contiguous helium_types::helium_solvent_type::eoffdiag => NULL()


Definition at line 199 of file helium_types.F.

◆ energy_inst

real(kind=dp), dimension(e_num_ids) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::energy_inst = 0.0_dp

energy contributions (instantaneous)

Definition at line 203 of file helium_types.F.

◆ energy_avrg

real(kind=dp), dimension(e_num_ids) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::energy_avrg = 0.0_dp

energy contributions (averaged)

Definition at line 204 of file helium_types.F.

◆ wnumber

type(helium_vector_type) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::wnumber = helium_vector_type()

winding number

Definition at line 205 of file helium_types.F.

◆ wnmber2

type(helium_vector_type) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::wnmber2 = helium_vector_type()

winding number squared

Definition at line 206 of file helium_types.F.

◆ proarea

type(helium_vector_type) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::proarea = helium_vector_type()

projected area

Definition at line 207 of file helium_types.F.

◆ prarea2

type(helium_vector_type) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::prarea2 = helium_vector_type()

projected area squared

Definition at line 208 of file helium_types.F.

◆ mominer

type(helium_vector_type) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::mominer = helium_vector_type()

moment of inertia

Definition at line 209 of file helium_types.F.

◆ averages_iweight

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::averages_iweight = 0

weight for restarted averages

Definition at line 210 of file helium_types.F.

◆ averages_restarted

logical helium_types::helium_solvent_type::averages_restarted = .FALSE.

flag indicating whether the averages have been restarted

Definition at line 211 of file helium_types.F.

◆ link_action

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::link_action = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 213 of file helium_types.F.

◆ inter_action

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::inter_action = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 213 of file helium_types.F.

◆ pair_action

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::pair_action = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 213 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_nbin

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_nbin = 0

number of bins for RDF

Definition at line 216 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_iweight

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_iweight = 0

weight for restarted RDF

Definition at line 217 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_iweight

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_iweight = 0

weight for restarted RHO

Definition at line 218 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_num

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_num = 0

number of X-He-RDFs

Definition at line 219 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_num_ctr

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_num_ctr = 0

number of centers for RDF calc

Definition at line 220 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_delr

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_delr = 0.0_dp

delta r for RDF

Definition at line 221 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_maxr

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_maxr = 0.0_dp

maximum r for RDF

Definition at line 222 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_centers

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_centers => NULL()

positions of RDF solute centers

Definition at line 223 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_inst

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_inst => NULL()

RDF (instantaneous/tmp array)

Definition at line 224 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_rstr

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_rstr => NULL()

RDF (restarted)

Definition at line 225 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_accu

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_accu => NULL()

RDF (accumulated for one run)

Definition at line 226 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_present

logical helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_present = .FALSE.

Definition at line 227 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_sol_he

logical helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_sol_he = .FALSE.

Definition at line 228 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rdf_he_he

logical helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rdf_he_he = .FALSE.

Definition at line 229 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_nbin

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_nbin = 0

Definition at line 231 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_num_act

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_num_act = 0

actual number of density estimators

Definition at line 232 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_num_min_len_wdg

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_num_min_len_wdg = 0

number of optional estimators based on winding cycles

Definition at line 233 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_num_min_len_non

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_num_min_len_non = 0

number of optional estimators based on non-winding cycles

Definition at line 234 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_num_min_len_all

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_num_min_len_all = 0

number of optional estimators based on all cycles

Definition at line 235 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_min_len_wdg_vals

integer, dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_min_len_wdg_vals => NULL()

minimum lengths of winding cycles

Definition at line 236 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_min_len_non_vals

integer, dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_min_len_non_vals => NULL()

minimum lengths of non-winding cycles

Definition at line 237 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_min_len_all_vals

integer, dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_min_len_all_vals => NULL()

minimum lengths of all cycles

Definition at line 238 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_delr

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_delr = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 239 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_maxr

real(kind=dp) helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_maxr = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 239 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_inst

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_inst => NULL()

Definition at line 240 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_rstr

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_rstr => NULL()

Definition at line 241 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_accu

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_accu => NULL()

Definition at line 242 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_present

logical helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_present = .FALSE.

Definition at line 243 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_incr

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_incr => NULL()

increment for density bining

Definition at line 244 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rho_property

type(density_properties_type), dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rho_property => NULL()

Definition at line 246 of file helium_types.F.

◆ num_accepted

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::num_accepted => NULL()

average number of accepted permutations of a given length on a given Levy level, plus one additional level which counts # of trials, REAL(BISCTLOG2+2, MAX_PERM_CYCLE) num_accepted(1,l) - # of trials for perm length l num_accepted(2,l) - # of selected perms of length l num_accepted(3,l) - # of perms of length l accepted at level 1 average over He environments/processors

Definition at line 248 of file helium_types.F.

◆ plength_avrg

real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::plength_avrg => NULL()

permutation length probability distribution DIM(atoms)

Definition at line 255 of file helium_types.F.

◆ plength_inst

real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::plength_inst => NULL()

instantaneous permutation length probability DIM(atoms)

Definition at line 256 of file helium_types.F.

◆ atom_plength

integer, dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::atom_plength => NULL()

length of the permutation cycle the atom belongs to DIM(atoms)

Definition at line 257 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rng_stream_uniform

type(rng_stream_type), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rng_stream_uniform => NULL()

random number stream with uniform distribution

Definition at line 259 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rng_stream_gaussian

type(rng_stream_type), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rng_stream_gaussian => NULL()

random number stream with gaussian distribution

Definition at line 260 of file helium_types.F.

◆ solute_present

logical helium_types::helium_solvent_type::solute_present = .FALSE.

switch the interactions with the solute on or off

Definition at line 264 of file helium_types.F.

◆ solute_atoms

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::solute_atoms = 0

number of solute atoms (pint_envndim/3)

Definition at line 265 of file helium_types.F.

◆ solute_beads

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::solute_beads = 0

number of solute beads (pint_envp)

Definition at line 266 of file helium_types.F.

◆ get_helium_forces

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::get_helium_forces = 0

parameter to determine whether the average or last MC force should be taken to MD

Definition at line 267 of file helium_types.F.

◆ solute_element

character(len=2), dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::solute_element => NULL()

element names of solute atoms (pint_envndim/3)

Definition at line 268 of file helium_types.F.

◆ solute_cell

type(cell_type), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::solute_cell => NULL()

dimensions of the solvated system cell (a,b,c) (should be removed at some point)

Definition at line 269 of file helium_types.F.

◆ force_avrg

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::force_avrg => NULL()

averaged forces exerted by He solvent on the solute DIM(p,ndim)

Definition at line 270 of file helium_types.F.

◆ force_inst

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::force_inst => NULL()

instantaneous forces exerted by He on the solute (p,ndim)

Definition at line 271 of file helium_types.F.

◆ ename

character(len=2), dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::ename => NULL()

Definition at line 272 of file helium_types.F.

◆ enum

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::enum = 0

Definition at line 273 of file helium_types.F.

◆ solute_interaction

integer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::solute_interaction = 0

Definition at line 274 of file helium_types.F.

◆ interaction_pot_scan

logical helium_types::helium_solvent_type::interaction_pot_scan = .FALSE.

whether to perform solute-helium interaction scan

Definition at line 276 of file helium_types.F.

◆ nnp

type(nnp_type), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::nnp => NULL()

neural network potential

Definition at line 278 of file helium_types.F.

◆ nnp_sr_cut

real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::nnp_sr_cut => NULL()

hard core cutoff in addition to the nnp

Definition at line 279 of file helium_types.F.

◆ itmp_atoms_1d

integer, dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::itmp_atoms_1d => NULL()

DIM(atoms) - same as permutation.

Definition at line 283 of file helium_types.F.

◆ itmp_atoms_np_1d

integer, dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::itmp_atoms_np_1d => NULL()


Definition at line 284 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rtmp_3_np_1d

real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rtmp_3_np_1d => NULL()


Definition at line 285 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rtmp_p_ndim_1d

real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rtmp_p_ndim_1d => NULL()


Definition at line 286 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rtmp_p_ndim_np_1d

real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rtmp_p_ndim_np_1d => NULL()


Definition at line 287 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rtmp_3_atoms_beads_1d

real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rtmp_3_atoms_beads_1d => NULL()


Definition at line 288 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rtmp_3_atoms_beads_np_1d

real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rtmp_3_atoms_beads_np_1d => NULL()

Definition at line 289 of file helium_types.F.

◆ rtmp_p_ndim_2d

real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::rtmp_p_ndim_2d => NULL()


Definition at line 290 of file helium_types.F.

◆ ltmp_3_atoms_beads_3d

logical, dimension(:, :, :), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::ltmp_3_atoms_beads_3d => NULL()

DIM(3,atoms,beads) - same as pos.

Definition at line 291 of file helium_types.F.

◆ ltmp_atoms_1d

logical, dimension(:), pointer helium_types::helium_solvent_type::ltmp_atoms_1d => NULL()

DIM(atoms) - for unpacking the permutation.

Definition at line 292 of file helium_types.F.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: