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2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief Performs a wavelet based solution of the Poisson equation.
10!> \author Florian Schiffmann (09.2007,fschiff)
11! **************************************************************************************************
14 USE kinds, ONLY: dp
15 USE mathconstants, ONLY: fourpi
21#include "../base/base_uses.f90"
27 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'ps_wavelet_util'
29 ! *** Public data types ***
31 PUBLIC :: psolver, &
38! **************************************************************************************************
39!> \brief Calculate the Poisson equation $\nabla^2 V(x,y,z)=-4 \pi \rho(x,y,z)$
40!> from a given $\rho$, for different boundary conditions an for different data distributions.
41!> Following the boundary conditions, it applies the Poisson Kernel previously calculated.
42!> \param geocode Indicates the boundary conditions (BC) of the problem:
43!> 'F' free BC, isolated systems.
44!> The program calculates the solution as if the given density is
45!> "alone" in R^3 space.
46!> 'S' surface BC, isolated in y direction, periodic in xz plane
47!> The given density is supposed to be periodic in the xz plane,
48!> so the dimensions in these direction mus be compatible with the FFT
49!> Beware of the fact that the isolated direction is y!
50!> 'P' periodic BC.
51!> The density is supposed to be periodic in all the three directions,
52!> then all the dimensions must be compatible with the FFT.
53!> No need for setting up the kernel.
54!> \param iproc label of the process,from 0 to nproc-1
55!> \param nproc number of processors
56!> \param n01 global dimension in the three directions.
57!> \param n02 global dimension in the three directions.
58!> \param n03 global dimension in the three directions.
59!> \param hx grid spacings. For the isolated BC case for the moment they are supposed to
60!> be equal in the three directions
61!> \param hy grid spacings. For the isolated BC case for the moment they are supposed to
62!> be equal in the three directions
63!> \param hz grid spacings. For the isolated BC case for the moment they are supposed to
64!> be equal in the three directions
65!> \param rhopot main input/output array.
66!> On input, it represents the density values on the grid points
67!> On output, it is the Hartree potential, namely the solution of the Poisson
68!> equation PLUS (when ixc/=0) the XC potential PLUS (again for ixc/=0) the
69!> pot_ion array. The output is non overlapping, in the sense that it does not
70!> consider the points that are related to gradient and WB calculation
71!> \param karray kernel of the poisson equation. It is provided in distributed case, with
72!> dimensions that are related to the output of the PS_dim4allocation routine
73!> it MUST be created by following the same geocode as the Poisson Solver.
74!> \param pw_grid ...
75!> \date February 2007
76!> \author Luigi Genovese
77!> \note The dimensions of the arrays must be compatible with geocode, nproc,
78!> ixc and iproc. Since the arguments of these routines are indicated with the *, it
79!> is IMPERATIVE to use the PS_dim4allocation routine for calculation arrays sizes.
80! **************************************************************************************************
81 SUBROUTINE psolver(geocode, iproc, nproc, n01, n02, n03, hx, hy, hz, &
82 rhopot, karray, pw_grid)
83 CHARACTER(len=1), INTENT(in) :: geocode
84 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iproc, nproc, n01, n02, n03
85 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(in) :: hx, hy, hz
86 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(*), INTENT(inout) :: rhopot
87 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(*), INTENT(in) :: karray
88 TYPE(pw_grid_type), POINTER :: pw_grid
90 INTEGER :: i1, i2, i3, iend, istart, j2, m1, m2, &
91 m3, md1, md2, md3, n1, n2, n3, nd1, &
92 nd2, nd3, nlim, nwb, nwbl, nwbr, nxc, &
93 nxcl, nxcr, nxt
94 REAL(kind=dp) :: factor, hgrid, red_fact, scal
95 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :) :: zf
97!the order of the finite-difference gradient (fixed)
98!calculate the dimensions wrt the geocode
100 IF (geocode == 'P') THEN
101 CALL p_fft_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
102 ELSE IF (geocode == 'S') THEN
103 CALL s_fft_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
104 ELSE IF (geocode == 'F') THEN
105 CALL f_fft_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
106 ELSE
107 cpabort("PSolver: geometry code not admitted")
108 END IF
109 !array allocations
110 ALLOCATE (zf(md1, md3, md2/nproc))
112 ! CALL timing(iproc,'Exchangecorr ','ON')
113 !dimension for exchange-correlation (different in the global or distributed case)
114 !let us calculate the dimension of the portion of the rhopot array to be passed
115 !to the xc routine
116 !this portion will depend on the need of calculating the gradient or not,
117 !and whether the White-Bird correction must be inserted or not
118 !(absent only in the LB ixc=13 case)
120 !nxc is the effective part of the third dimension that is being processed
121 !nxt is the dimension of the part of rhopot that must be passed to the gradient routine
122 !nwb is the dimension of the part of rhopot in the wb-postprocessing routine
123 !note: nxc <= nwb <= nxt
124 !the dimension are related by the values of nwbl and nwbr
125 ! nxc+nxcl+nxcr-2 = nwb
126 ! nwb+nwbl+nwbr = nxt
127 istart = iproc*(md2/nproc)
128 iend = min((iproc + 1)*md2/nproc, m2)
130 nxc = iend - istart
131 nwbl = 0
132 nwbr = 0
133 nxcl = 1
134 nxcr = 1
136 nwb = nxcl + nxc + nxcr - 2
137 nxt = nwbr + nwb + nwbl
139 !calculate the actual limit of the array for the zero padded FFT
140 IF (geocode == 'P') THEN
141 nlim = n2
142 ELSE IF (geocode == 'S') THEN
143 nlim = n2
144 ELSE IF (geocode == 'F') THEN
145 nlim = n2/2
146 END IF
148 !!$ print *,'density must go from',min(istart+1,m2),'to',iend,'with n2/2=',n2/2
149 !!$ print *,' it goes from',i3start+nwbl+nxcl-1,'to',i3start+nxc-1
151 IF (istart + 1 <= m2) THEN
152 red_fact = 1._dp
153 CALL scale_and_distribute(m1, m3, md1, md2, md3, nxc, rhopot, zf, nproc, red_fact)
154 ELSE IF (istart + 1 <= nlim) THEN !this condition assures that we have perform good zero padding
155 DO i2 = istart + 1, min(nlim, istart + md2/nproc)
156 j2 = i2 - istart
157 DO i3 = 1, md3
158 DO i1 = 1, md1
159 zf(i1, i3, j2) = 0._dp
160 END DO
161 END DO
162 END DO
163 END IF
165 !this routine builds the values for each process of the potential (zf), multiplying by scal
166 IF (geocode == 'P') THEN
167 !no powers of hgrid because they are incorporated in the plane wave treatment
168 scal = 1._dp/real(n1*n2*n3, kind=dp)
169 CALL p_poissonsolver(n1, n2, n3, nd1, nd2, nd3, md1, md2, md3, nproc, iproc, zf, &
170 scal, hx, hy, hz, pw_grid%para%rs_group)
171 ELSE IF (geocode == 'S') THEN
172 !only one power of hgrid
173 scal = hy/real(n1*n2*n3, kind=dp)
174 CALL s_poissonsolver(n1, n2, n3, nd1, nd2, nd3, md1, md2, md3, nproc, iproc, karray, zf, &
175 scal, pw_grid%para%rs_group)
176 ELSE IF (geocode == 'F') THEN
177 hgrid = max(hx, hy, hz)
178 scal = hgrid**3/real(n1*n2*n3, kind=dp)
179 CALL f_poissonsolver(n1, n2, n3, nd1, nd2, nd3, md1, md2, md3, nproc, iproc, karray, zf, &
180 scal, pw_grid%para%rs_group)
181 factor = 0.5_dp*hgrid**3
182 END IF
184 ! call timing(iproc,'PSolv_comput ','ON')
186 !the value of the shift depends on the distributed i/o or not
187 IF (geocode == 'F') THEN
188 red_fact = 1._dp
189 ELSE
190 red_fact = -fourpi
191 END IF
193 CALL scale_and_distribute(m1, m3, md1, md2, md3, nxc, zf, rhopot, nproc, red_fact)
197 END SUBROUTINE psolver
199! **************************************************************************************************
200!> \brief Calculate four sets of dimension needed for the calculation of the
201!> convolution for the periodic system
202!> \param n01 original real dimensions (input)
203!> \param n02 original real dimensions (input)
204!> \param n03 original real dimensions (input)
205!> \param m1 original real dimension, with m2 and m3 exchanged
206!> \param m2 original real dimension, with m2 and m3 exchanged
207!> \param m3 original real dimension, with m2 and m3 exchanged
208!> \param n1 the first FFT dimensions, for the moment supposed to be even
209!> \param n2 the first FFT dimensions, for the moment supposed to be even
210!> \param n3 the first FFT dimensions, for the moment supposed to be even
211!> \param md1 the n1,n2,n3 dimensions. They contain the real unpadded space,
212!> properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
213!> md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
214!> \param md2 the n1,n2,n3 dimensions. They contain the real unpadded space,
215!> properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
216!> md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
217!> \param md3 the n1,n2,n3 dimensions. They contain the real unpadded space,
218!> properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
219!> md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
220!> \param nd1 fourier dimensions for which the kernel is injective,
221!> formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
222!> enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
223!> \param nd2 fourier dimensions for which the kernel is injective,
224!> formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
225!> enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
226!> \param nd3 fourier dimensions for which the kernel is injective,
227!> formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
228!> enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
229!> \param nproc ...
230!> \date October 2006
231!> \author Luigi Genovese
232!> \note This four sets of dimensions are actually redundant (mi=n0i),
233!> due to the backward-compatibility
234!> with the other geometries of the Poisson Solver.
235!> The dimensions 2 and 3 are exchanged.
236! **************************************************************************************************
237 SUBROUTINE p_fft_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
238 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: n01, n02, n03
239 INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, &
240 nd1, nd2, nd3
241 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nproc
243 INTEGER :: l1, l2, l3
245!dimensions of the density in the real space
247 m1 = n01
248 m2 = n03
249 m3 = n02
251 ! real space grid dimension (suitable for number of processors)
252 l1 = m1
253 l2 = m2
254 l3 = m3 !beware of the half dimension
255 CALL fourier_dim(l1, n1)
256 IF (n1 == m1) THEN
257 ELSE
258 print *, 'the FFT in the x direction is not allowed'
259 print *, 'n01 dimension', n01
260 cpabort("")
261 END IF
262 l1 = l1 + 1
263 CALL fourier_dim(l2, n2)
264 IF (n2 == m2) THEN
265 ELSE
266 print *, 'the FFT in the z direction is not allowed'
267 print *, 'n03 dimension', n03
268 cpabort("")
269 END IF
270 CALL fourier_dim(l3, n3)
271 IF (n3 == m3) THEN
272 ELSE
273 print *, 'the FFT in the y direction is not allowed'
274 print *, 'n02 dimension', n02
275 cpabort("")
276 END IF
278 !dimensions that contain the unpadded real space,
279 ! compatible with the number of processes
280 md1 = n1
281 md2 = n2
282 md3 = n3
283 DO WHILE (nproc*(md2/nproc) .LT. n2)
284 md2 = md2 + 1
285 END DO
287 !dimensions of the kernel, 1/8 of the total volume,
288 !compatible with nproc
289 nd1 = n1/2 + 1
290 nd2 = n2/2 + 1
291 nd3 = n3/2 + 1
292 DO WHILE (modulo(nd3, nproc) .NE. 0)
293 nd3 = nd3 + 1
294 END DO
296 END SUBROUTINE p_fft_dimensions
298! **************************************************************************************************
299!> \brief Calculate four sets of dimension needed for the calculation of the
300!> convolution for the surface system
301!> \param n01 original real dimensions (input)
302!> \param n02 original real dimensions (input)
303!> \param n03 original real dimensions (input)
304!> \param m1 original real dimension, with 2 and 3 exchanged
305!> \param m2 original real dimension, with 2 and 3 exchanged
306!> \param m3 original real dimension, with 2 and 3 exchanged
307!> \param n1 the first FFT dimensions, for the moment supposed to be even
308!> \param n2 the first FFT dimensions, for the moment supposed to be even
309!> \param n3 the double of the first FFT even dimension greater than m3
310!> (improved for the HalFFT procedure)
311!> \param md1 the n1,n2 dimensions.
312!> \param md2 the n1,n2,n3 dimensions.
313!> \param md3 the half of n3 dimension. They contain the real unpadded space,
314!> properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
315!> md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
316!> \param nd1 fourier dimensions for which the kernel is injective,
317!> formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
318!> enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
319!> \param nd2 fourier dimensions for which the kernel is injective,
320!> formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
321!> enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
322!> \param nd3 fourier dimensions for which the kernel is injective,
323!> formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
324!> enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
325!> \param nproc ...
326!> \date October 2006
327!> \author Luigi Genovese
328!> \note This four sets of dimensions are actually redundant (mi=n0i),
329!> due to the backward-compatibility
330!> with the Poisson Solver with other geometries.
331!> Dimensions n02 and n03 were exchanged
332! **************************************************************************************************
333 SUBROUTINE s_fft_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
334 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: n01, n02, n03
335 INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, &
336 nd1, nd2, nd3
337 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nproc
339 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'S_FFT_dimensions'
341 INTEGER :: handle, l1, l2, l3
343!dimensions of the density in the real space
345 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
346 m1 = n01
347 m2 = n03
348 m3 = n02
350 ! real space grid dimension (suitable for number of processors)
351 l1 = m1
352 l2 = m2
353 l3 = m3 !beware of the half dimension
354 CALL fourier_dim(l1, n1)
355 IF (n1 == m1) THEN
356 ELSE
357 print *, 'the FFT in the x direction is not allowed'
358 print *, 'n01 dimension', n01
359 cpabort("")
360 END IF
361 l1 = l1 + 1
362 CALL fourier_dim(l2, n2)
363 IF (n2 == m2) THEN
364 ELSE
365 print *, 'the FFT in the z direction is not allowed'
366 print *, 'n03 dimension', n03
367 cpabort("")
368 END IF
369 DO
370 CALL fourier_dim(l3, n3)
371 IF (modulo(n3, 2) == 0) THEN
372 EXIT
373 END IF
374 l3 = l3 + 1
375 END DO
376 n3 = 2*n3
378 !dimensions that contain the unpadded real space,
379 ! compatible with the number of processes
380 md1 = n1
381 md2 = n2
382 md3 = n3/2
383 DO WHILE (nproc*(md2/nproc) .LT. n2)
384 md2 = md2 + 1
385 END DO
387 !dimensions of the kernel, 1/8 of the total volume,
388 !compatible with nproc
390 !these two dimensions are like that since they are even
391 nd1 = n1/2 + 1
392 nd2 = n2/2 + 1
394 nd3 = n3/2 + 1
395 DO WHILE (modulo(nd3, nproc) .NE. 0)
396 nd3 = nd3 + 1
397 END DO
398 CALL timestop(handle)
400 END SUBROUTINE s_fft_dimensions
402! **************************************************************************************************
403!> \brief Calculate four sets of dimension needed for the calculation of the
404!> zero-padded convolution
405!> \param n01 original real dimensions (input)
406!> \param n02 original real dimensions (input)
407!> \param n03 original real dimensions (input)
408!> \param m1 original real dimension with the dimension 2 and 3 exchanged
409!> \param m2 original real dimension with the dimension 2 and 3 exchanged
410!> \param m3 original real dimension with the dimension 2 and 3 exchanged
411!> \param n1 ...
412!> \param n2 ...
413!> \param n3 the double of the first FFT even dimension greater than m3
414!> (improved for the HalFFT procedure)
415!> \param md1 half of n1,n2,n3 dimension. They contain the real unpadded space,
416!> properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
417!> md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
418!> \param md2 half of n1,n2,n3 dimension. They contain the real unpadded space,
419!> properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
420!> md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
421!> \param md3 half of n1,n2,n3 dimension. They contain the real unpadded space,
422!> properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
423!> md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
424!> \param nd1 fourier dimensions for which the kernel FFT is injective,
425!> formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
426!> enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
427!> \param nd2 fourier dimensions for which the kernel FFT is injective,
428!> formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
429!> enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
430!> \param nd3 fourier dimensions for which the kernel FFT is injective,
431!> formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
432!> enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
433!> \param nproc ...
434!> \date February 2006
435!> \author Luigi Genovese
436!> \note The dimension m2 and m3 correspond to n03 and n02 respectively
437!> this is needed since the convolution routine manage arrays of dimension
438!> (md1,md3,md2/nproc)
439! **************************************************************************************************
440 SUBROUTINE f_fft_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
441 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: n01, n02, n03
442 INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, &
443 nd1, nd2, nd3
444 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nproc
446 INTEGER :: l1, l2, l3
448!dimensions of the density in the real space, inverted for convenience
450 m1 = n01
451 m2 = n03
452 m3 = n02
453 ! real space grid dimension (suitable for number of processors)
454 l1 = 2*m1
455 l2 = 2*m2
456 l3 = m3 !beware of the half dimension
457 DO
458 CALL fourier_dim(l1, n1)
459 IF (modulo(n1, 2) == 0) THEN
460 EXIT
461 END IF
462 l1 = l1 + 1
463 END DO
464 DO
465 CALL fourier_dim(l2, n2)
466 IF (modulo(n2, 2) == 0) THEN
467 EXIT
468 END IF
469 l2 = l2 + 1
470 END DO
471 DO
472 CALL fourier_dim(l3, n3)
473 IF (modulo(n3, 2) == 0) THEN
474 EXIT
475 END IF
476 l3 = l3 + 1
477 END DO
478 n3 = 2*n3
480 !dimensions that contain the unpadded real space,
481 ! compatible with the number of processes
482 md1 = n1/2
483 md2 = n2/2
484 md3 = n3/2
485 DO WHILE (nproc*(md2/nproc) .LT. n2/2)
486 md2 = md2 + 1
487 END DO
489 !dimensions of the kernel, 1/8 of the total volume,
490 !compatible with nproc
491 nd1 = n1/2 + 1
492 nd2 = n2/2 + 1
493 nd3 = n3/2 + 1
495 DO WHILE (modulo(nd3, nproc) .NE. 0)
496 nd3 = nd3 + 1
497 END DO
499 END SUBROUTINE f_fft_dimensions
501! **************************************************************************************************
502!> \brief ...
503!> \param m1 ...
504!> \param m3 ...
505!> \param md1 ...
506!> \param md2 ...
507!> \param md3 ...
508!> \param nxc ...
509!> \param rhopot ...
510!> \param zf ...
511!> \param nproc ...
512!> \param factor ...
513! **************************************************************************************************
514 SUBROUTINE scale_and_distribute(m1, m3, md1, md2, md3, nxc, &
515 rhopot, zf, nproc, factor)
517 !Arguments----------------------
518 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: m1, m3, md1, md2, md3, nxc, nproc
519 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(md1, md3, md2/nproc), &
520 INTENT(inout) :: zf, rhopot
521 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(in) :: factor
523 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'scale_and_distribute'
525 INTEGER :: handle, j1, j3, jp2
527 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
529 IF (nxc .GE. 1) THEN
530 DO jp2 = 1, nxc
531 DO j3 = 1, m3
532 DO j1 = 1, m1
533 zf(j1, j3, jp2) = factor*rhopot(j1, j3, jp2)
534 END DO
535 DO j1 = m1 + 1, md1
536 zf(j1, j3, jp2) = 0._dp
537 END DO
538 END DO
539 DO j3 = m3 + 1, md3
540 DO j1 = 1, md1
541 zf(j1, j3, jp2) = 0._dp
542 END DO
543 END DO
544 END DO
545 DO jp2 = nxc + 1, md2/nproc
546 DO j3 = 1, md3
547 DO j1 = 1, md1
548 zf(j1, j3, jp2) = 0._dp
549 END DO
550 END DO
551 END DO
552 ELSE
553 zf = 0._dp
554 END IF
555 CALL timestop(handle)
557 END SUBROUTINE scale_and_distribute
558END MODULE ps_wavelet_util
static GRID_HOST_DEVICE int modulo(int a, int m)
Equivalent of Fortran's MODULO, which always return a positive number. https://gcc....
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
Definition of mathematical constants and functions.
real(kind=dp), parameter, public fourpi
Creates the wavelet kernel for the wavelet based poisson solver.
subroutine, public s_poissonsolver(n1, n2, n3, nd1, nd2, nd3, md1, md2, md3, nproc, iproc, pot, zf, scal, mpi_group)
!HERE POT MUST BE THE KERNEL (BEWARE THE HALF DIMENSION) ****h* BigDFT/S_PoissonSolver (Based on suit...
subroutine, public f_poissonsolver(n1, n2, n3, nd1, nd2, nd3, md1, md2, md3, nproc, iproc, pot, zf, scal, mpi_group)
(Based on suitable modifications of S.Goedecker routines) Applies the local FFT space Kernel to the d...
subroutine, public p_poissonsolver(n1, n2, n3, nd1, nd2, nd3, md1, md2, md3, nproc, iproc, zf, scal, hx, hy, hz, mpi_group)
subroutine, public fourier_dim(n, n_next)
Give a number n_next > n compatible for the FFT.
Performs a wavelet based solution of the Poisson equation.
subroutine, public p_fft_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
Calculate four sets of dimension needed for the calculation of the convolution for the periodic syste...
subroutine, public psolver(geocode, iproc, nproc, n01, n02, n03, hx, hy, hz, rhopot, karray, pw_grid)
Calculate the Poisson equation $\nabla^2 V(x,y,z)=-4 \pi \rho(x,y,z)$ from a given $\rho$,...
subroutine, public s_fft_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
Calculate four sets of dimension needed for the calculation of the convolution for the surface system...
subroutine, public f_fft_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
Calculate four sets of dimension needed for the calculation of the zero-padded convolution.