No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief Methods dealing with Neural Network potentials
10!> \author Christoph Schran (christoph.schran@rub.de)
11!> \date 2020-10-10
12! **************************************************************************************************
16 USE bibliography, ONLY: behler2007,&
20 cite_reference
21 USE cell_methods, ONLY: read_cell,&
23 USE cell_types, ONLY: cell_release,&
24 cell_type,&
45 USE kinds, ONLY: default_path_length,&
46 dp
55 USE nnp_environment_types, ONLY: &
59 USE nnp_model, ONLY: nnp_write_arc
65#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
71 LOGICAL, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: debug_this_module = .true.
72 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'nnp_environment'
74 PUBLIC :: nnp_init
75 PUBLIC :: nnp_init_model
79! **************************************************************************************************
80!> \brief Read and initialize all the information for neural network potentials
81!> \param nnp_env ...
82!> \param root_section ...
83!> \param para_env ...
84!> \param force_env_section ...
85!> \param subsys_section ...
86!> \param use_motion_section ...
87!> \date 2020-10-10
88!> \author Christoph Schran (christoph.schran@rub.de)
89! **************************************************************************************************
90 SUBROUTINE nnp_init(nnp_env, root_section, para_env, force_env_section, subsys_section, &
91 use_motion_section)
92 TYPE(nnp_type), INTENT(INOUT), POINTER :: nnp_env
93 TYPE(section_vals_type), INTENT(IN), POINTER :: root_section
94 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), INTENT(IN), POINTER :: para_env
95 TYPE(section_vals_type), INTENT(INOUT), POINTER :: force_env_section, subsys_section
96 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: use_motion_section
98 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'nnp_init'
100 INTEGER :: handle
101 LOGICAL :: explicit, use_ref_cell
102 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: abc
103 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell, cell_ref
104 TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER :: subsys
105 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: cell_section, nnp_section
107 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
108 CALL cite_reference(behler2007)
109 CALL cite_reference(behler2011)
110 CALL cite_reference(schran2020a)
111 CALL cite_reference(schran2020b)
113 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(nnp_env))
115 NULLIFY (cell_section, nnp_section, cell, cell_ref, subsys)
117 IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(subsys_section)) THEN
118 subsys_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "SUBSYS")
119 END IF
120 cell_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(subsys_section, "CELL")
121 nnp_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "NNP")
122 CALL section_vals_get(nnp_section, explicit=explicit)
123 IF (.NOT. explicit) THEN
124 cpwarn("NNP section not explicitly stated. Using default file names.")
125 END IF
127 CALL nnp_env_set(nnp_env=nnp_env, nnp_input=nnp_section, &
128 force_env_input=force_env_section)
130 CALL read_cell(cell=cell, cell_ref=cell_ref, use_ref_cell=use_ref_cell, cell_section=cell_section, &
131 para_env=para_env)
132 CALL get_cell(cell=cell, abc=abc)
133 CALL write_cell(cell=cell, subsys_section=subsys_section)
135 CALL cp_subsys_create(subsys, para_env, root_section, &
136 force_env_section=force_env_section, subsys_section=subsys_section, &
137 use_motion_section=use_motion_section)
139 CALL nnp_init_subsys(nnp_env=nnp_env, subsys=subsys, cell=cell, &
140 cell_ref=cell_ref, use_ref_cell=use_ref_cell, &
141 subsys_section=subsys_section)
143 CALL cell_release(cell)
144 CALL cell_release(cell_ref)
146 CALL timestop(handle)
148 END SUBROUTINE nnp_init
150! **************************************************************************************************
151!> \brief Read and initialize all the information for neural network potentials
152!> \param nnp_env ...
153!> \param subsys ...
154!> \param cell ...
155!> \param cell_ref ...
156!> \param use_ref_cell ...
157!> \param subsys_section ...
158!> \date 2020-10-10
159!> \author Christoph Schran (christoph.schran@rub.de)
160! **************************************************************************************************
161 SUBROUTINE nnp_init_subsys(nnp_env, subsys, cell, cell_ref, use_ref_cell, subsys_section)
162 TYPE(nnp_type), INTENT(INOUT), POINTER :: nnp_env
163 TYPE(cp_subsys_type), INTENT(IN), POINTER :: subsys
164 TYPE(cell_type), INTENT(INOUT), POINTER :: cell, cell_ref
165 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: use_ref_cell
166 TYPE(section_vals_type), INTENT(IN), POINTER :: subsys_section
168 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'nnp_init_subsys'
170 INTEGER :: handle, natom
171 TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: atomic_kind_set
172 TYPE(distribution_1d_type), POINTER :: local_molecules, local_particles
173 TYPE(molecule_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: molecule_kind_set
174 TYPE(molecule_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: molecule_set
175 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
177 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
179 NULLIFY (atomic_kind_set, molecule_kind_set, particle_set, molecule_set, &
180 local_molecules, local_particles)
182 particle_set => subsys%particles%els
183 atomic_kind_set => subsys%atomic_kinds%els
184 molecule_kind_set => subsys%molecule_kinds%els
185 molecule_set => subsys%molecules%els
187 !Print the molecule kind set
188 CALL write_molecule_kind_set(molecule_kind_set, subsys_section)
190 !Print the atomic coordinates
191 CALL write_fist_particle_coordinates(particle_set, subsys_section)
192 CALL write_particle_distances(particle_set, cell=cell, &
193 subsys_section=subsys_section)
194 CALL write_structure_data(particle_set, cell=cell, &
195 input_section=subsys_section)
197 !Distribute molecules and atoms using the new data structures
198 CALL distribute_molecules_1d(atomic_kind_set=atomic_kind_set, &
199 particle_set=particle_set, &
200 local_particles=local_particles, &
201 molecule_kind_set=molecule_kind_set, &
202 molecule_set=molecule_set, &
203 local_molecules=local_molecules, &
204 force_env_section=nnp_env%force_env_input)
206 natom = SIZE(particle_set)
208 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%nnp_forces(3, natom))
210 nnp_env%nnp_forces(:, :) = 0.0_dp
212 nnp_env%nnp_potential_energy = 0.0_dp
214 ! Set up arrays for calculation:
215 nnp_env%num_atoms = natom
216 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ele_ind(natom))
217 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%nuc_atoms(natom))
218 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%coord(3, natom))
219 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%atoms(natom))
220 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%sort(natom))
221 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%sort_inv(natom))
223 CALL cp_subsys_set(subsys, cell=cell)
225 CALL nnp_env_set(nnp_env=nnp_env, subsys=subsys, &
226 cell_ref=cell_ref, use_ref_cell=use_ref_cell, &
227 local_molecules=local_molecules, &
228 local_particles=local_particles)
230 CALL distribution_1d_release(local_particles)
231 CALL distribution_1d_release(local_molecules)
233 CALL nnp_init_model(nnp_env=nnp_env, printtag="NNP")
235 CALL timestop(handle)
237 END SUBROUTINE nnp_init_subsys
239! **************************************************************************************************
240!> \brief Initialize the Neural Network Potential
241!> \param nnp_env ...
242!> \param printtag ...
243!> \date 2020-10-10
244!> \author Christoph Schran (christoph.schran@rub.de)
245! **************************************************************************************************
246 SUBROUTINE nnp_init_model(nnp_env, printtag)
247 TYPE(nnp_type), INTENT(INOUT), POINTER :: nnp_env
248 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: printtag
250 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'nnp_init_model'
251 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: def_str_len = 256, &
254 CHARACTER(len=1), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: cactfnct
255 CHARACTER(len=2) :: ele
256 CHARACTER(len=def_str_len) :: dummy, line
257 CHARACTER(len=default_path_length) :: base_name, file_name
258 INTEGER :: handle, i, i_com, io, iweight, j, k, l, &
259 n_weight, nele, nuc_ele, symfnct_type, &
260 unit_nr
261 LOGICAL :: at_end, atom_e_found, explicit, first, &
262 found
263 REAL(kind=dp) :: energy
264 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: weights
265 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(7) :: test_array
266 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: work
267 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
268 TYPE(cp_parser_type) :: parser
269 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: bias_section, model_section
271 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
273 NULLIFY (logger)
275 logger => cp_get_default_logger()
277 IF (logger%para_env%is_source()) THEN
278 unit_nr = cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr(logger)
279 WRITE (unit_nr, *) ""
280 WRITE (unit_nr, *) trim(printtag)//"| Neural Network Potential Force Environment"
281 END IF
283 model_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(nnp_env%nnp_input, "MODEL")
284 CALL section_vals_get(model_section, n_repetition=nnp_env%n_committee)
285 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%atomic_energy(nnp_env%num_atoms, nnp_env%n_committee))
286 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%committee_energy(nnp_env%n_committee))
287 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%myforce(3, nnp_env%num_atoms, nnp_env%n_committee))
288 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%committee_forces(3, nnp_env%num_atoms, nnp_env%n_committee))
289 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%committee_stress(3, 3, nnp_env%n_committee))
291 CALL section_vals_val_get(nnp_env%nnp_input, "NNP_INPUT_FILE_NAME", c_val=file_name)
292 CALL parser_create(parser, file_name, para_env=logger%para_env)
294 ! read number of elements and cut_type and check for scale and center
295 nnp_env%scale_acsf = .false.
296 nnp_env%scale_sigma_acsf = .false.
297 ! Defaults for scale min and max:
298 nnp_env%scmin = 0.0_dp
299 nnp_env%scmax = 1.0_dp
300 nnp_env%center_acsf = .false.
301 nnp_env%normnodes = .false.
302 nnp_env%n_hlayer = 0
304 IF (logger%para_env%is_source()) THEN
305 unit_nr = cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr(logger)
306 WRITE (unit_nr, *) trim(printtag)//"| Reading NNP input from file: ", trim(file_name)
307 END IF
309 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "number_of_elements", .true., found, line, &
310 search_from_begin_of_file=.true.)
311 IF (found) THEN
312 READ (line, *) dummy, nnp_env%n_ele
313 ELSE
314 CALL cp_abort(__location__, trim(printtag)// &
315 "| number of elements missing in NNP_INPUT_FILE")
316 END IF
318 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "scale_symmetry_functions_sigma", .true., found, &
319 search_from_begin_of_file=.true.)
320 nnp_env%scale_sigma_acsf = found
322 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "scale_symmetry_functions", .true., found, &
323 search_from_begin_of_file=.true.)
324 nnp_env%scale_acsf = found
326 ! Test if there are two keywords of this:
327 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "scale_symmetry_functions", .true., found)
328 IF (found .AND. nnp_env%scale_sigma_acsf) THEN
329 cpwarn('Two scaling keywords in the input, we will ignore sigma scaling in this case')
330 nnp_env%scale_sigma_acsf = .false.
331 ELSE IF (.NOT. found .AND. nnp_env%scale_sigma_acsf) THEN
332 nnp_env%scale_acsf = .false.
333 END IF
335 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "scale_min_short_atomic", .true., found, line, &
336 search_from_begin_of_file=.true.)
337 IF (found) READ (line, *) dummy, nnp_env%scmin
339 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "scale_max_short_atomic", .true., found, line, &
340 search_from_begin_of_file=.true.)
341 IF (found) READ (line, *) dummy, nnp_env%scmax
343 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "center_symmetry_functions", .true., found, &
344 search_from_begin_of_file=.true.)
345 nnp_env%center_acsf = found
346 ! n2p2 overwrites sigma scaling, if centering is requested:
347 IF (nnp_env%scale_sigma_acsf .AND. nnp_env%center_acsf) THEN
348 nnp_env%scale_sigma_acsf = .false.
349 END IF
351 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "normalize_nodes", .true., found, &
352 search_from_begin_of_file=.true.)
353 nnp_env%normnodes = found
355 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "cutoff_type", .true., found, line, &
356 search_from_begin_of_file=.true.)
357 IF (found) THEN
358 READ (line, *) dummy, nnp_env%cut_type
359 ELSE
360 CALL cp_abort(__location__, trim(printtag)// &
361 "| no cutoff type specified in NNP_INPUT_FILE")
362 END IF
364 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "global_hidden_layers_short", .true., found, line, &
365 search_from_begin_of_file=.true.)
366 IF (found) THEN
367 READ (line, *) dummy, nnp_env%n_hlayer
368 ELSE
369 CALL cp_abort(__location__, trim(printtag)// &
370 "| number of hidden layers missing in NNP_INPUT_FILE")
371 END IF
372 nnp_env%n_layer = nnp_env%n_hlayer + 2
374 nele = nnp_env%n_ele
375 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%rad(nele))
376 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(nele))
377 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%n_rad(nele))
378 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%n_ang(nele))
379 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%actfnct(nnp_env%n_hlayer + 1))
380 ALLOCATE (cactfnct(nnp_env%n_hlayer + 1))
381 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ele(nele))
382 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%nuc_ele(nele))
383 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%arc(nele))
384 DO i = 1, nele
385 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%arc(i)%layer(nnp_env%n_layer))
386 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(nnp_env%n_layer))
387 END DO
388 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%n_hnodes(nnp_env%n_hlayer))
389 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%atom_energies(nele))
390 nnp_env%atom_energies = 0.0_dp
392 ! read elements, broadcast and sort
393 CALL parser_reset(parser)
394 DO
395 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "elements", .true., found, line)
396 IF (found) THEN
397 READ (line, *) dummy
398 IF (trim(adjustl(dummy)) == "elements") THEN
399 READ (line, *) dummy, nnp_env%ele(:)
400 CALL nnp_sort_ele(nnp_env%ele, nnp_env%nuc_ele)
401 EXIT
402 END IF
403 ELSE
404 CALL cp_abort(__location__, trim(printtag)// &
405 "| elements not specified in NNP_INPUT_FILE")
406 END IF
407 END DO
409 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "remove_atom_energies", .true., atom_e_found, &
410 search_from_begin_of_file=.true.)
412 IF (atom_e_found) THEN
413 CALL parser_reset(parser)
414 i = 0
415 DO
416 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "atom_energy", .true., found, line)
417 IF (found) THEN
418 READ (line, *) dummy, ele, energy
419 DO j = 1, nele
420 IF (nnp_env%ele(j) == trim(ele)) THEN
421 i = i + 1
422 nnp_env%atom_energies(j) = energy
423 END IF
424 END DO
425 IF (i == nele) EXIT
426 ELSE
427 CALL cp_abort(__location__, trim(printtag)// &
428 "| atom energies are not specified")
429 END IF
430 END DO
431 END IF
433 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "global_nodes_short", .true., found, line, &
434 search_from_begin_of_file=.true.)
435 IF (found) THEN
436 READ (line, *) dummy, nnp_env%n_hnodes(:)
437 ELSE
438 CALL cp_abort(__location__, trim(printtag)// &
439 "NNP| global_nodes_short not specified in NNP_INPUT_FILE")
440 END IF
442 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "global_activation_short", .true., found, line, &
443 search_from_begin_of_file=.true.)
444 IF (found) THEN
445 READ (line, *) dummy, cactfnct(:)
446 ELSE
447 CALL cp_abort(__location__, trim(printtag)// &
448 "| global_activation_short not specified in NNP_INPUT_FILE")
449 END IF
451 DO i = 1, nnp_env%n_hlayer + 1
452 SELECT CASE (cactfnct(i))
453 CASE ("t")
454 nnp_env%actfnct(i) = nnp_actfnct_tanh
455 CASE ("g")
456 nnp_env%actfnct(i) = nnp_actfnct_gaus
457 CASE ("l")
458 nnp_env%actfnct(i) = nnp_actfnct_lin
459 CASE ("c")
460 nnp_env%actfnct(i) = nnp_actfnct_cos
461 CASE ("s")
462 nnp_env%actfnct(i) = nnp_actfnct_sig
463 CASE ("S")
464 nnp_env%actfnct(i) = nnp_actfnct_invsig
465 CASE ("e")
466 nnp_env%actfnct(i) = nnp_actfnct_exp
467 CASE ("p")
468 nnp_env%actfnct(i) = nnp_actfnct_softplus
469 CASE ("h")
470 nnp_env%actfnct(i) = nnp_actfnct_quad
472 CALL cp_abort(__location__, trim(printtag)// &
473 "| Activation function unkown")
475 END DO
477 ! determine n_rad and n_ang
478 DO i = 1, nele
479 nnp_env%n_rad(i) = 0
480 nnp_env%n_ang(i) = 0
481 END DO
483 ! count symfunctions
484 CALL parser_reset(parser)
485 first = .true.
486 DO
487 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "symfunction_short", .true., found, line)
488 IF (found) THEN
489 READ (line, *) dummy, ele, symfnct_type
490 DO i = 1, nele
491 IF (trim(ele) .EQ. nnp_env%ele(i)) THEN
492 IF (symfnct_type .EQ. 2) THEN
493 nnp_env%n_rad(i) = nnp_env%n_rad(i) + 1
494 ELSE IF (symfnct_type .EQ. 3) THEN
495 nnp_env%n_ang(i) = nnp_env%n_ang(i) + 1
496 ELSE
497 CALL cp_abort(__location__, trim(printtag)// &
498 "| Symmetry function type not supported")
499 END IF
500 END IF
501 END DO
502 first = .false.
503 ELSE
504 IF (first) CALL cp_abort(__location__, trim(printtag)// &
505 "| no symfunction_short specified in NNP_INPUT_FILE")
506 ! no additional symfnct found
507 EXIT
508 END IF
509 END DO
511 DO i = 1, nele
512 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%rad(i)%y(nnp_env%n_rad(i)))
513 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%rad(i)%funccut(nnp_env%n_rad(i)))
514 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%rad(i)%eta(nnp_env%n_rad(i)))
515 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%rad(i)%rs(nnp_env%n_rad(i)))
516 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%rad(i)%loc_min(nnp_env%n_rad(i)))
517 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%rad(i)%loc_max(nnp_env%n_rad(i)))
518 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%rad(i)%loc_av(nnp_env%n_rad(i)))
519 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%rad(i)%sigma(nnp_env%n_rad(i)))
520 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%rad(i)%ele(nnp_env%n_rad(i)))
521 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%rad(i)%nuc_ele(nnp_env%n_rad(i)))
522 nnp_env%rad(i)%funccut = 0.0_dp
523 nnp_env%rad(i)%eta = 0.0_dp
524 nnp_env%rad(i)%rs = 0.0_dp
525 nnp_env%rad(i)%ele = 'X'
526 nnp_env%rad(i)%nuc_ele = 0
528 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%y(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
529 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%funccut(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
530 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%eta(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
531 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%zeta(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
532 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%prefzeta(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
533 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%lam(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
534 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%loc_min(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
535 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%loc_max(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
536 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%loc_av(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
537 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%sigma(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
538 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%ele1(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
539 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%ele2(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
540 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%nuc_ele1(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
541 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%ang(i)%nuc_ele2(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
542 nnp_env%ang(i)%funccut = 0.0_dp
543 nnp_env%ang(i)%eta = 0.0_dp
544 nnp_env%ang(i)%zeta = 0.0_dp
545 nnp_env%ang(i)%prefzeta = 1.0_dp
546 nnp_env%ang(i)%lam = 0.0_dp
547 nnp_env%ang(i)%ele1 = 'X'
548 nnp_env%ang(i)%ele2 = 'X'
549 nnp_env%ang(i)%nuc_ele1 = 0
550 nnp_env%ang(i)%nuc_ele2 = 0
552 ! set number of nodes
553 nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(1) = nnp_env%n_rad(i) + nnp_env%n_ang(i)
554 nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(2:nnp_env%n_layer - 1) = nnp_env%n_hnodes
555 nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(nnp_env%n_layer) = 1
556 DO j = 1, nnp_env%n_layer
557 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%arc(i)%layer(j)%node(nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(j)))
558 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%arc(i)%layer(j)%node_grad(nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(j)))
559 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%arc(i)%layer(j)%tmp_der(nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(1), nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(j)))
560 END DO
561 END DO
563 ! read, bcast and sort symfnct parameters
564 DO i = 1, nele
565 nnp_env%n_rad(i) = 0
566 nnp_env%n_ang(i) = 0
567 END DO
568 CALL parser_reset(parser)
569 first = .true.
570 nnp_env%max_cut = 0.0_dp
571 DO
572 CALL parser_search_string(parser, "symfunction_short", .true., found, line)
573 IF (found) THEN
574 READ (line, *) dummy, ele, symfnct_type
575 DO i = 1, nele
576 IF (trim(ele) .EQ. nnp_env%ele(i)) THEN
577 IF (symfnct_type .EQ. 2) THEN
578 nnp_env%n_rad(i) = nnp_env%n_rad(i) + 1
579 READ (line, *) dummy, ele, symfnct_type, &
580 nnp_env%rad(i)%ele(nnp_env%n_rad(i)), &
581 nnp_env%rad(i)%eta(nnp_env%n_rad(i)), &
582 nnp_env%rad(i)%rs(nnp_env%n_rad(i)), &
583 nnp_env%rad(i)%funccut(nnp_env%n_rad(i))
584 IF (nnp_env%max_cut < nnp_env%rad(i)%funccut(nnp_env%n_rad(i))) THEN
585 nnp_env%max_cut = nnp_env%rad(i)%funccut(nnp_env%n_rad(i))
586 END IF
587 ELSE IF (symfnct_type .EQ. 3) THEN
588 nnp_env%n_ang(i) = nnp_env%n_ang(i) + 1
589 READ (line, *) dummy, ele, symfnct_type, &
590 nnp_env%ang(i)%ele1(nnp_env%n_ang(i)), &
591 nnp_env%ang(i)%ele2(nnp_env%n_ang(i)), &
592 nnp_env%ang(i)%eta(nnp_env%n_ang(i)), &
593 nnp_env%ang(i)%lam(nnp_env%n_ang(i)), &
594 nnp_env%ang(i)%zeta(nnp_env%n_ang(i)), &
595 nnp_env%ang(i)%funccut(nnp_env%n_ang(i))
596 nnp_env%ang(i)%prefzeta(nnp_env%n_ang(i)) = &
597 2.0_dp**(1.0_dp - nnp_env%ang(i)%zeta(nnp_env%n_ang(i)))
598 IF (nnp_env%max_cut < nnp_env%ang(i)%funccut(nnp_env%n_ang(i))) THEN
599 nnp_env%max_cut = nnp_env%ang(i)%funccut(nnp_env%n_ang(i))
600 END IF
601 ELSE
602 CALL cp_abort(__location__, trim(printtag)// &
603 "| Symmetry function type not supported")
604 END IF
605 END IF
606 END DO
607 first = .false.
608 ELSE
609 IF (first) CALL cp_abort(__location__, trim(printtag)// &
610 "| no symfunction_short specified in NNP_INPUT_FILE")
611 ! no additional symfnct found
612 EXIT
613 END IF
614 END DO
616 DO i = 1, nele
617 DO j = 1, nnp_env%n_rad(i)
618 CALL get_ptable_info(nnp_env%rad(i)%ele(j), number=nnp_env%rad(i)%nuc_ele(j))
619 END DO
620 DO j = 1, nnp_env%n_ang(i)
621 CALL get_ptable_info(nnp_env%ang(i)%ele1(j), number=nnp_env%ang(i)%nuc_ele1(j))
622 CALL get_ptable_info(nnp_env%ang(i)%ele2(j), number=nnp_env%ang(i)%nuc_ele2(j))
623 ! sort ele1 and ele2
624 IF (nnp_env%ang(i)%nuc_ele1(j) .GT. nnp_env%ang(i)%nuc_ele2(j)) THEN
625 ele = nnp_env%ang(i)%ele1(j)
626 nnp_env%ang(i)%ele1(j) = nnp_env%ang(i)%ele2(j)
627 nnp_env%ang(i)%ele2(j) = ele
628 nuc_ele = nnp_env%ang(i)%nuc_ele1(j)
629 nnp_env%ang(i)%nuc_ele1(j) = nnp_env%ang(i)%nuc_ele2(j)
630 nnp_env%ang(i)%nuc_ele2(j) = nuc_ele
631 END IF
632 END DO
633 END DO
634 ! Done with input.nn file
635 CALL parser_release(parser)
637 ! sort symmetry functions and output information
638 CALL nnp_sort_acsf(nnp_env)
639 CALL nnp_write_acsf(nnp_env, logger%para_env, printtag)
640 CALL nnp_write_arc(nnp_env, logger%para_env, printtag)
642 ! read scaling information from file
643 IF (nnp_env%scale_acsf .OR. nnp_env%center_acsf .OR. nnp_env%scale_sigma_acsf) THEN
644 IF (logger%para_env%is_source()) THEN
645 WRITE (unit_nr, *) trim(printtag)//"| Reading scaling information from file: ", trim(file_name)
646 END IF
647 CALL section_vals_val_get(nnp_env%nnp_input, "SCALE_FILE_NAME", &
648 c_val=file_name)
649 CALL parser_create(parser, file_name, para_env=logger%para_env)
651 ! Get number of elements in scaling file
652 CALL parser_read_line(parser, 1)
653 k = 0
654 DO WHILE (k < 7)
655 READ (parser%input_line, *, iostat=io) test_array(1:k)
656 IF (io == -1) EXIT
657 k = k + 1
658 END DO
659 k = k - 1
661 IF (k == 5 .AND. nnp_env%scale_sigma_acsf) THEN
662 cpabort("Sigma scaling requested, but scaling.data does not contain sigma.")
663 END IF
665 CALL parser_reset(parser)
666 DO i = 1, nnp_env%n_ele
667 DO j = 1, nnp_env%n_rad(i)
668 CALL parser_read_line(parser, 1)
669 IF (nnp_env%scale_sigma_acsf) THEN
670 READ (parser%input_line, *) dummy, dummy, &
671 nnp_env%rad(i)%loc_min(j), &
672 nnp_env%rad(i)%loc_max(j), &
673 nnp_env%rad(i)%loc_av(j), &
674 nnp_env%rad(i)%sigma(j)
675 ELSE
676 READ (parser%input_line, *) dummy, dummy, &
677 nnp_env%rad(i)%loc_min(j), &
678 nnp_env%rad(i)%loc_max(j), &
679 nnp_env%rad(i)%loc_av(j)
680 END IF
681 END DO
682 DO j = 1, nnp_env%n_ang(i)
683 CALL parser_read_line(parser, 1)
684 IF (nnp_env%scale_sigma_acsf) THEN
685 READ (parser%input_line, *) dummy, dummy, &
686 nnp_env%ang(i)%loc_min(j), &
687 nnp_env%ang(i)%loc_max(j), &
688 nnp_env%ang(i)%loc_av(j), &
689 nnp_env%ang(i)%sigma(j)
690 ELSE
691 READ (parser%input_line, *) dummy, dummy, &
692 nnp_env%ang(i)%loc_min(j), &
693 nnp_env%ang(i)%loc_max(j), &
694 nnp_env%ang(i)%loc_av(j)
695 END IF
696 END DO
697 END DO
698 CALL parser_release(parser)
699 END IF
701 CALL nnp_init_acsf_groups(nnp_env)
703 ! read weights from file
704 DO i = 1, nnp_env%n_ele
705 DO j = 2, nnp_env%n_layer
706 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%arc(i)%layer(j)%weights(nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(j - 1), &
707 nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(j), nnp_env%n_committee))
708 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%arc(i)%layer(j)%bweights(nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(j), nnp_env%n_committee))
709 END DO
710 END DO
711 DO i_com = 1, nnp_env%n_committee
712 CALL section_vals_val_get(model_section, "WEIGHTS", c_val=base_name, i_rep_section=i_com)
713 IF (logger%para_env%is_source()) THEN
714 WRITE (unit_nr, *) trim(printtag)//"| Initializing weights for model: ", i_com
715 END IF
716 DO i = 1, nnp_env%n_ele
717 WRITE (file_name, '(A,I0.3,A)') trim(base_name)//".", nnp_env%nuc_ele(i), ".data"
718 IF (logger%para_env%is_source()) THEN
719 WRITE (unit_nr, *) trim(printtag)//"| Reading weights from file: ", trim(file_name)
720 END IF
721 CALL parser_create(parser, file_name, para_env=logger%para_env)
722 n_weight = 0
723 DO WHILE (.true.)
724 CALL parser_read_line(parser, 1, at_end)
725 IF (at_end) EXIT
726 n_weight = n_weight + 1
727 END DO
729 ALLOCATE (weights(n_weight))
731 CALL parser_reset(parser)
732 DO j = 1, n_weight
733 CALL parser_read_line(parser, 1)
734 READ (parser%input_line, *) weights(j)
735 END DO
736 CALL parser_release(parser)
738 ! sort weights into corresponding arrays
739 iweight = 0
740 DO j = 2, nnp_env%n_layer
741 DO k = 1, nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(j - 1)
742 DO l = 1, nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(j)
743 iweight = iweight + 1
744 nnp_env%arc(i)%layer(j)%weights(k, l, i_com) = weights(iweight)
745 END DO
746 END DO
748 DO k = 1, nnp_env%arc(i)%n_nodes(j)
749 iweight = iweight + 1
750 nnp_env%arc(i)%layer(j)%bweights(k, i_com) = weights(iweight)
751 END DO
752 END DO
754 DEALLOCATE (weights)
755 END DO
756 END DO
758 !Initialize extrapolation counter
759 nnp_env%expol = 0
761 ! Bias the standard deviation of committee disagreement
762 NULLIFY (bias_section)
763 explicit = .false.
764 !HELIUM NNP does atm not allow for bias (not even defined)
765 bias_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(nnp_env%nnp_input, "BIAS", can_return_null=.true.)
766 IF (ASSOCIATED(bias_section)) CALL section_vals_get(bias_section, explicit=explicit)
767 nnp_env%bias = .false.
768 IF (explicit) THEN
769 IF (nnp_env%n_committee > 1) THEN
770 IF (logger%para_env%is_source()) THEN
771 WRITE (unit_nr, *) "NNP| Biasing of committee disagreement enabled"
772 END IF
773 nnp_env%bias = .true.
774 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%bias_forces(3, nnp_env%num_atoms))
775 ALLOCATE (nnp_env%bias_e_avrg(nnp_env%n_committee))
776 CALL section_vals_val_get(bias_section, "SIGMA_0", r_val=nnp_env%bias_sigma0)
777 CALL section_vals_val_get(bias_section, "K_B", r_val=nnp_env%bias_kb)
778 nnp_env%bias_e_avrg(:) = 0.0_dp
779 CALL section_vals_val_get(bias_section, "ALIGN_NNP_ENERGIES", explicit=explicit)
780 nnp_env%bias_align = explicit
781 IF (explicit) THEN
782 NULLIFY (work)
783 CALL section_vals_val_get(bias_section, "ALIGN_NNP_ENERGIES", r_vals=work)
784 IF (SIZE(work) .NE. nnp_env%n_committee) THEN
785 cpabort("ALIGN_NNP_ENERGIES size mismatch wrt committee size.")
786 END IF
787 nnp_env%bias_e_avrg(:) = work
788 IF (logger%para_env%is_source()) THEN
789 WRITE (unit_nr, *) trim(printtag)//"| Biasing is aligned by shifting the energy prediction of the C-NNP members"
790 END IF
791 END IF
792 ELSE
793 cpwarn("NNP committee size is 1, BIAS section is ignored.")
794 END IF
795 END IF
797 IF (logger%para_env%is_source()) THEN
798 WRITE (unit_nr, *) trim(printtag)//"| NNP force environment initialized"
799 END IF
801 CALL timestop(handle)
803 END SUBROUTINE nnp_init_model
805END MODULE nnp_environment
Define the atomic kind types and their sub types.
collects all references to literature in CP2K as new algorithms / method are included from literature...
integer, save, public schran2020b
integer, save, public schran2020a
integer, save, public behler2011
integer, save, public behler2007
Handles all functions related to the CELL.
recursive subroutine, public read_cell(cell, cell_ref, use_ref_cell, cell_section, check_for_ref, para_env)
subroutine, public write_cell(cell, subsys_section, tag)
Write the cell parameters to the output unit.
Handles all functions related to the CELL.
Definition cell_types.F:15
subroutine, public cell_release(cell)
releases the given cell (see doc/ReferenceCounting.html)
Definition cell_types.F:559
subroutine, public get_cell(cell, alpha, beta, gamma, deth, orthorhombic, abc, periodic, h, h_inv, symmetry_id, tag)
Get informations about a simulation cell.
Definition cell_types.F:195
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
recursive integer function, public cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr(logger, local, skip_not_ionode)
asks the default unit number of the given logger. try to use cp_logger_get_unit_nr
type(cp_logger_type) function, pointer, public cp_get_default_logger()
returns the default logger
Utility routines to read data from files. Kept as close as possible to the old parser because.
subroutine, public parser_read_line(parser, nline, at_end)
Read the next line from a logical unit "unit" (I/O node only). Skip (nline-1) lines and skip also all...
subroutine, public parser_search_string(parser, string, ignore_case, found, line, begin_line, search_from_begin_of_file)
Search a string pattern in a file defined by its logical unit number "unit". A case sensitive search ...
Utility routines to read data from files. Kept as close as possible to the old parser because.
subroutine, public parser_reset(parser)
Resets the parser: rewinding the unit and re-initializing all parser structures.
subroutine, public parser_release(parser)
releases the parser
subroutine, public parser_create(parser, file_name, unit_nr, para_env, end_section_label, separator_chars, comment_char, continuation_char, quote_char, section_char, parse_white_lines, initial_variables, apply_preprocessing)
Start a parser run. Initial variables allow to @SET stuff before opening the file.
Initialize a small environment for a particular calculation.
subroutine, public cp_subsys_create(subsys, para_env, root_section, force_env_section, subsys_section, use_motion_section, qmmm, qmmm_env, exclusions, elkind)
Creates allocates and fills subsys from given input.
types that represent a subsys, i.e. a part of the system
subroutine, public cp_subsys_set(subsys, atomic_kinds, particles, local_particles, molecules, molecule_kinds, local_molecules, para_env, colvar_p, shell_particles, core_particles, gci, multipoles, results, cell)
sets various propreties of the subsys
stores a lists of integer that are local to a processor. The idea is that these integers represent ob...
subroutine, public distribution_1d_release(distribution_1d)
releases the given distribution_1d
Distribution methods for atoms, particles, or molecules.
subroutine, public distribute_molecules_1d(atomic_kind_set, particle_set, local_particles, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, local_molecules, force_env_section, prev_molecule_kind_set, prev_local_molecules)
Distribute molecules and particles.
objects that represent the structure of input sections and the data contained in an input section
recursive type(section_vals_type) function, pointer, public section_vals_get_subs_vals(section_vals, subsection_name, i_rep_section, can_return_null)
returns the values of the requested subsection
subroutine, public section_vals_get(section_vals, ref_count, n_repetition, n_subs_vals_rep, section, explicit)
returns various attributes about the section_vals
subroutine, public section_vals_val_get(section_vals, keyword_name, i_rep_section, i_rep_val, n_rep_val, val, l_val, i_val, r_val, c_val, l_vals, i_vals, r_vals, c_vals, explicit)
returns the requested value
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
integer, parameter, public default_path_length
Definition kinds.F:58
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
Define the molecule kind structure types and the corresponding functionality.
subroutine, public write_molecule_kind_set(molecule_kind_set, subsys_section)
Write a moleculeatomic kind set data set to the output unit.
Define the data structure for the molecule information.
Functionality for atom centered symmetry functions for neural network potentials.
Definition nnp_acsf.F:14
subroutine, public nnp_write_acsf(nnp, para_env, printtag)
Write symmetry function information.
Definition nnp_acsf.F:1197
subroutine, public nnp_init_acsf_groups(nnp)
Initialize symmetry function groups.
Definition nnp_acsf.F:1055
subroutine, public nnp_sort_acsf(nnp)
Sort symmetry functions according to different criteria.
Definition nnp_acsf.F:796
subroutine, public nnp_sort_ele(ele, nuc_ele)
Sort element array according to atomic number.
Definition nnp_acsf.F:756
Data types for neural network potentials.
integer, parameter, public nnp_actfnct_lin
subroutine, public nnp_env_set(nnp_env, nnp_forces, subsys, atomic_kind_set, particle_set, local_particles, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, local_molecules, nnp_input, force_env_input, cell, cell_ref, use_ref_cell, nnp_potential_energy)
Sets various attributes of the nnp environment.
integer, parameter, public nnp_actfnct_cos
integer, parameter, public nnp_actfnct_invsig
integer, parameter, public nnp_actfnct_sig
integer, parameter, public nnp_actfnct_exp
integer, parameter, public nnp_actfnct_softplus
integer, parameter, public nnp_actfnct_quad
integer, parameter, public nnp_actfnct_gaus
integer, parameter, public nnp_actfnct_tanh
Methods dealing with Neural Network potentials.
subroutine, public nnp_init_model(nnp_env, printtag)
Initialize the Neural Network Potential.
subroutine, public nnp_init(nnp_env, root_section, para_env, force_env_section, subsys_section, use_motion_section)
Read and initialize all the information for neural network potentials.
Methods dealing with core routines for artificial neural networks.
Definition nnp_model.F:13
subroutine, public nnp_write_arc(nnp, para_env, printtag)
Write neural network architecture information.
Definition nnp_model.F:47
Define methods related to particle_type.
subroutine, public write_fist_particle_coordinates(particle_set, subsys_section, charges)
Write the atomic coordinates to the output unit.
subroutine, public write_structure_data(particle_set, cell, input_section)
Write structure data requested by a separate structure data input section to the output unit....
subroutine, public write_particle_distances(particle_set, cell, subsys_section)
Write the matrix of the particle distances to the output unit.
Define the data structure for the particle information.
Periodic Table related data definitions.
subroutine, public get_ptable_info(symbol, number, amass, ielement, covalent_radius, metallic_radius, vdw_radius, found)
Pass information about the kind given the element symbol.
Provides all information about an atomic kind.
Type defining parameters related to the simulation cell.
Definition cell_types.F:55
type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be l...
represents a system: atoms, molecules, their pos,vel,...
structure to store local (to a processor) ordered lists of integers.
stores all the informations relevant to an mpi environment
Main data type collecting all relevant data for neural network potentials.