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tmc_calculations.F File Reference

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module  tmc_calculations
 calculation section for TreeMonteCarlo


subroutine, public tmc_calculations::calc_potential_energy (conf, env_id, exact_approx_pot, tmc_env)
 start the calculation of the energy (distinguish between exact and approximate)
subroutine, public tmc_calculations::get_scaled_cell (cell, box_scale, scaled_hmat, scaled_cell, vol, abc, vec)
 handles properties and calculations of a scaled cell
subroutine, public tmc_calculations::get_cell_scaling (cell, scaled_hmat, box_scale)
 handles properties and calculations of a scaled cell
real(kind=dp) function, public tmc_calculations::nearest_distance (x1, x2, cell, box_scale)
 neares distance of atoms within the periodic boundary condition
subroutine, public tmc_calculations::geometrical_center (pos, center)
 calculate the geometrical center of an amount of atoms array size should be multiple of dim_per_elem
subroutine, public tmc_calculations::center_of_mass (pos, atoms, center)
 calculate the center of mass of an amount of atoms array size should be multiple of dim_per_elem
subroutine, public tmc_calculations::init_vel (vel, atoms, temerature, rng_stream, rnd_seed)
 routine sets initial velocity, using the Box-Muller Method for Normal (Gaussian) Deviates
real(kind=dp) function, public tmc_calculations::calc_e_kin (vel, atoms)
 routine calculates the kinetic energy, using the velocities and atom mass, both in atomic units
real(kind=dp) function, public tmc_calculations::compute_estimated_prob (elem_old, elem_new, e_classical_diff, rnd_nr, beta, tmc_params)
 extimates the probability of acceptance considering the intermetiate step energies
subroutine, public tmc_calculations::get_subtree_efficiency (tmc_env, eff)
 calculated the rate of used tree elements to created tree elements for every temperature