No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief Tree Monte Carlo entry point, set up, CPU redistribution and
10!> input reading
11!> \par History
12!> 11.2012 created [Mandes Schoenherr]
13!> \author Mandes
14! **************************************************************************************************
17 USE bibliography, ONLY: cite_reference,&
19 USE cp_files, ONLY: close_file,&
21 USE cp_log_handling, ONLY: &
29 USE header, ONLY: tmc_ana_header,&
36 USE kinds, ONLY: default_path_length,&
38 dp
39 USE machine, ONLY: default_output_unit,&
42 USE parallel_rng_types, ONLY: uniform,&
44 USE physcon, ONLY: au2a => angstrom,&
45 au2bar => bar
46 USE tmc_analysis, ONLY: analysis_init,&
55 USE tmc_master, ONLY: do_tmc_master
59 USE tmc_stati, ONLY: &
65 USE tmc_tree_types, ONLY: tree_type
66 USE tmc_types, ONLY: tmc_comp_set_type,&
74 USE tmc_worker, ONLY: do_tmc_worker,&
77#include "../base/base_uses.f90"
83 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'tmc_setup'
85 PUBLIC :: do_tmc, do_analyze_files
89! **************************************************************************************************
90!> \brief tmc_entry point
91!> \param input_declaration ...
92!> \param root_section ...
93!> \param para_env ...
94!> \param globenv the global environment for the simulation
95!> \author Mandes 11.2012
96! **************************************************************************************************
97 SUBROUTINE do_tmc(input_declaration, root_section, para_env, globenv)
98 TYPE(section_type), POINTER :: input_declaration
99 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: root_section
100 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
101 TYPE(global_environment_type), POINTER :: globenv
103 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'do_tmc'
105 INTEGER :: bcast_output_unit, handle, i, ierr, &
106 output_unit
107 LOGICAL :: init_rng, success
108 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: init_rng_seed
109 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger, logger_sub
110 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: tmc_ana_section
111 TYPE(tmc_ana_list_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: tmc_ana_env_list
112 TYPE(tmc_env_type), POINTER :: tmc_env
114! start the timing
116 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
118 CALL cite_reference(schonherr2014)
120 NULLIFY (logger, logger_sub, tmc_env, tmc_ana_env_list)
121 logger => cp_get_default_logger()
122 output_unit = cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger)
124 ! write header, on the 'rank 0' of the global communicator
125 IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
126 CALL tmc_header(output_unit)
127 CALL m_flush(output_unit)
128 END IF
129 ! ugly, we need to know the output unit on source, everywhere, in particular
130 ! the tmc master
131 IF (output_unit .NE. default_output_unit .AND. output_unit .GT. 0) THEN
132 WRITE (unit=output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") repeat("-", 79)
133 WRITE (unit=output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") "The TMC output files are:"
134 WRITE (unit=output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") &
135 trim(tmc_master_out_file_name)//" the TMC master"
136 WRITE (unit=output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") &
137 trim(tmc_energy_worker_out_file_name)//" the worker outputs (energy calculations etc.)"
138 WRITE (unit=output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") &
139 trim(tmc_ana_out_file_name)//" the analysis output"
140 WRITE (unit=output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") repeat("-", 79)
141 END IF
142 bcast_output_unit = output_unit
143 CALL para_env%bcast(bcast_output_unit)
145 ! create tmc_env
146 CALL tmc_env_create(tmc_env)
147 CALL tmc_preread_input(root_section, tmc_env)
148 CALL tmc_redistributing_cores(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set, para_env, &
149 ana_on_the_fly=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%ana_on_the_fly, &
150 success=success)
152 IF (success) THEN
153 ! initialize master and worker environment
154 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr .EQ. 0) THEN
155 CALL tmc_master_env_create(tmc_env) ! create master env
156 ELSE IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr .NE. 0) THEN
157 CALL tmc_worker_env_create(tmc_env) ! create worker env
158 END IF
160 CALL tmc_read_input(root_section, tmc_env)
161 !CALL init_move_types(tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
163 ! init random number generator: use determistic random numbers
164 init_rng = .true.
165 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr .EQ. 0) THEN
166 IF (tmc_env%m_env%rnd_init .GT. 0) THEN
167 init_rng = .false.
168 ALLOCATE (init_rng_seed(3, 2))
169 init_rng_seed(:, :) = &
170 reshape((/tmc_env%m_env%rnd_init*42.0_dp, &
171 tmc_env%m_env%rnd_init*54.0_dp, &
172 tmc_env%m_env%rnd_init*63.0_dp, &
173 tmc_env%m_env%rnd_init*98.0_dp, &
174 tmc_env%m_env%rnd_init*10.0_dp, &
175 tmc_env%m_env%rnd_init*2.0_dp/), &
176 (/3, 2/))
177 tmc_env%rng_stream = rng_stream_type( &
178 name="TMC_deterministic_rng_stream", &
179 seed=init_rng_seed(:, :), &
180 distribution_type=uniform)
181 DEALLOCATE (init_rng_seed)
182 END IF
183 END IF
184 IF (init_rng) THEN
185 tmc_env%rng_stream = rng_stream_type( &
186 name="TMC_rng_stream", &
187 distribution_type=uniform)
188 END IF
190 ! start running master and worker routines
191 ! the master
192 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr .EQ. 0) THEN
193 !TODO get the correct usage of creating and handling the logger...
194 CALL cp_logger_create(logger_sub, para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_only, &
195 default_global_unit_nr=default_output_unit, close_global_unit_on_dealloc=.false.)
196 CALL cp_logger_set(logger_sub, local_filename="tmc_main")
197 CALL cp_add_default_logger(logger_sub)
199 ! if we're doing output to the screen, keep it there, else this master
200 ! opens a file (not that two different ranks are writing to the
201 ! default_output_unit, we leave it up to mpirun or so to merge stuff
202 IF (bcast_output_unit == default_output_unit) THEN
203 tmc_env%m_env%io_unit = default_output_unit
204 ELSE
205 CALL open_file(file_name=tmc_master_out_file_name, file_status="UNKNOWN", &
206 file_action="WRITE", file_position="APPEND", &
207 unit_number=tmc_env%m_env%io_unit)
208 CALL tmc_header(tmc_env%m_env%io_unit)
209 END IF
210 ! print the intresting parameters and starting values
211 CALL tmc_print_params(tmc_env)
212 CALL print_move_types(init=.true., file_io=tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, &
213 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
214 CALL do_tmc_master(tmc_env=tmc_env, globenv=globenv) ! start the master routine
216 IF (bcast_output_unit .NE. tmc_env%m_env%io_unit) THEN
217 CALL close_file(unit_number=tmc_env%m_env%io_unit)
218 END IF
221 CALL cp_logger_release(logger_sub)
223 ! the worker groups
224 ELSE IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr .GT. 0) THEN
225 NULLIFY (logger_sub)
226 ! create separate logger and error handler for each worker
227 CALL cp_logger_create(logger_sub, para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_sub_group, &
228 default_global_unit_nr=default_output_unit, close_global_unit_on_dealloc=.false.)
229 CALL cp_logger_set(logger_sub, local_filename="tmc_localLog")
230 CALL cp_add_default_logger(logger_sub)
231 tmc_env%w_env%io_unit = default_output_unit
233 ! energy worker
234 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr .LE. tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr) THEN
235 CALL create_force_env(new_env_id=tmc_env%w_env%env_id_ener, &
236 input_declaration=input_declaration, &
237 input_path=tmc_env%params%energy_inp_file, &
238 mpi_comm=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_sub_group, &
239 output_path=trim(expand_file_name_int(file_name=tmc_energy_worker_out_file_name, &
240 ivalue=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr)), &
241 ierr=ierr)
242 IF (ierr .NE. 0) &
243 cpabort("creating force env result in error "//cp_to_string(ierr))
244 END IF
245 ! worker for configurational change
246 IF (tmc_env%params%NMC_inp_file .NE. "" .AND. &
247 (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_cc_nr .EQ. 0 .OR. &
248 tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr .GT. tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr)) THEN
249 CALL create_force_env(new_env_id=tmc_env%w_env%env_id_approx, &
250 input_declaration=input_declaration, &
251 input_path=tmc_env%params%NMC_inp_file, &
252 mpi_comm=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_sub_group, &
253 output_path=trim(expand_file_name_int(file_name=tmc_nmc_worker_out_file_name, &
254 ivalue=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr)), &
255 ierr=ierr)
256 IF (ierr .NE. 0) &
257 cpabort("creating approx force env result in error "//cp_to_string(ierr))
258 END IF
259 CALL do_tmc_worker(tmc_env=tmc_env) ! start the worker routine
261 IF (tmc_env%w_env%env_id_ener .GT. 0) &
262 CALL destroy_force_env(tmc_env%w_env%env_id_ener, ierr)
263 IF (tmc_env%w_env%env_id_approx .GT. 0) &
264 CALL destroy_force_env(tmc_env%w_env%env_id_approx, ierr)
267 CALL cp_logger_release(logger_sub)
269 ! the analysis group
270 ELSE IF (ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana)) THEN
271 ! unused worker groups can do analysis
272 NULLIFY (logger_sub)
273 ! create separate logger and error handler for each worker
274 CALL cp_logger_create(logger_sub, para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana, &
275 default_global_unit_nr=default_output_unit, close_global_unit_on_dealloc=.false.)
276 tmc_env%w_env%io_unit = default_output_unit
277 CALL cp_logger_set(logger_sub, local_filename="tmc_ana_localLog")
278 CALL cp_add_default_logger(logger_sub)
279 ! if we're doing output to the screen, keep it there, else this master
280 ! opens a file (not that two different ranks are writing to the
281 ! default_output_unit, we leave it up to mpirun or so to merge stuff
282 IF (bcast_output_unit == default_output_unit) THEN
283 output_unit = default_output_unit
284 ELSE
285 CALL open_file(file_name=tmc_ana_out_file_name, file_status="UNKNOWN", &
286 file_action="WRITE", file_position="APPEND", &
287 unit_number=output_unit)
288 CALL tmc_ana_header(output_unit)
289 END IF
291 ALLOCATE (tmc_ana_env_list(tmc_env%params%nr_temp))
292 tmc_ana_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(root_section, "MOTION%TMC%TMC_ANALYSIS")
293 DO i = 1, tmc_env%params%nr_temp
294 CALL tmc_read_ana_input(tmc_ana_section, tmc_ana_env_list(i)%temp)
295 tmc_ana_env_list(i)%temp%io_unit = output_unit
296 END DO
297 CALL do_tmc_worker(tmc_env=tmc_env, ana_list=tmc_ana_env_list) ! start the worker routine for analysis
298 DO i = 1, tmc_env%params%nr_temp
299 IF (ASSOCIATED(tmc_ana_env_list(i)%temp%last_elem)) &
300 CALL deallocate_sub_tree_node(tree_elem=tmc_ana_env_list(i)%temp%last_elem)
301 CALL tmc_ana_env_release(tmc_ana_env_list(i)%temp)
302 END DO
303 DEALLOCATE (tmc_ana_env_list)
304 IF (bcast_output_unit .NE. output_unit) THEN
305 CALL close_file(unit_number=tmc_env%m_env%io_unit)
306 END IF
308 CALL cp_logger_release(logger_sub)
310 END IF ! unused worker groups have nothing to do
312 ! delete the random numbers
313 DEALLOCATE (tmc_env%rng_stream)
315 ! deallocate the move types
316 CALL finalize_mv_types(tmc_env%params)
318 ! finalize master and worker environment
319 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr .EQ. 0) THEN
320 CALL tmc_master_env_release(tmc_env) ! release master env
321 ELSE IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr .NE. 0) THEN
322 CALL tmc_worker_env_release(tmc_env) ! release worker env
323 END IF ! unused worker groups have nothing to do
325 ELSE
326 IF (tmc_env%params%print_test_output) THEN
327 WRITE (output_unit, *) "TMC|NOTenoughProcessorsX= -999"
328 WRITE (output_unit, *) "TMC|NOTcalculatedTotal energy: -999"
329 END IF
330 END IF
331 ! finalize / deallocate everything
332 CALL tmc_env_release(tmc_env)
334 ! end the timing
335 CALL timestop(handle)
339! **************************************************************************************************
340!> \brief analyze TMC trajectory files
341!> \param input_declaration ...
342!> \param root_section ...
343!> \param para_env ...
344!> \param
345!> \author Mandes 03.2013
346! **************************************************************************************************
347 SUBROUTINE do_analyze_files(input_declaration, root_section, para_env)
348 TYPE(section_type), POINTER :: input_declaration
349 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: root_section
350 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
352 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'do_analyze_files'
354 INTEGER :: dir_ind, handle, nr_dim, output_unit, &
355 temp
356 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
357 TYPE(tmc_ana_list_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ana_list
358 TYPE(tmc_env_type), POINTER :: tmc_env
359 TYPE(tree_type), POINTER :: elem
361 NULLIFY (ana_list, tmc_env, elem, logger)
363 ! start the timing
364 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
366 ! create a TMC environment (also to have a params environment)
367 CALL tmc_env_create(tmc_env)
368 ! -- spiltting communicator
369 ALLOCATE (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana)
370 CALL tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana%from_split(para_env, para_env%mepos, 0)
371 IF (para_env%num_pe .NE. 1) &
372 cpwarn("just one out of "//cp_to_string(para_env%num_pe)//"cores is used ")
373 ! distribute work to availuble cores
374 IF (para_env%mepos .EQ. 0) THEN
375 !TODO get the correct usage of creating and handling the logger...
376 logger => cp_get_default_logger()
377 output_unit = cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger)
378 cpassert(output_unit .GT. 0)
379 ! write the header
380 CALL tmc_ana_header(output_unit)
382 ! read the input and create the ana environments for each temp
383 CALL tmc_read_ana_files_input(input_declaration=input_declaration, &
384 input=root_section, ana_list=ana_list, &
385 elem=elem, tmc_env=tmc_env)
386 nr_dim = SIZE(elem%pos)
387 ! we need a new tree element with all neccessay arrays, (e.g. dipoles could not be allocated already)
388 CALL deallocate_sub_tree_node(tree_elem=elem)
389 cpassert(SIZE(ana_list) .GT. 0)
391 ! print initial test output (for single core tests, where no data is produced)
392 IF (tmc_env%params%print_test_output) THEN
393 WRITE (output_unit, *) "TMC|ANAtestOutputInitX= -999"
394 END IF
396 ! do the analysis
397 DO temp = 1, SIZE(ana_list)
398 ! initialize the structures
399 ana_list(temp)%temp%io_unit = output_unit
400 CALL analysis_init(ana_env=ana_list(temp)%temp, nr_dim=nr_dim)
401 ! to allocate the dipole array in tree elements
402 IF (ana_list(temp)%temp%costum_dip_file_name .NE. &
404 tmc_env%params%print_dipole = .true.
406 IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(elem)) &
407 CALL allocate_new_sub_tree_node(tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
408 next_el=elem, nr_dim=nr_dim)
409 CALL analysis_restart_read(ana_env=ana_list(temp)%temp, &
410 elem=elem)
411 IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(elem) .AND. .NOT. ASSOCIATED(ana_list(temp)%temp%last_elem)) &
412 cpabort("uncorrect initialization of the initial configuration")
413 ! do for all directories
414 DO dir_ind = 1, SIZE(ana_list(temp)%temp%dirs)
415 WRITE (output_unit, fmt='(T2,A,"| ",A,T41,A40)') "TMC_ANA", &
416 "read directory", trim(ana_list(temp)%temp%dirs(dir_ind))
418 start_id=ana_list(temp)%temp%from_elem, &
419 end_id=ana_list(temp)%temp%to_elem, &
420 dir_ind=dir_ind, &
421 ana_env=ana_list(temp)%temp, &
422 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
423 ! remove the last saved element to start with a new file
424 ! there is no weight for this element
425 IF (dir_ind .LT. SIZE(ana_list(temp)%temp%dirs) .AND. &
426 ASSOCIATED(ana_list(temp)%temp%last_elem)) &
427 CALL deallocate_sub_tree_node(tree_elem=ana_list(temp)%temp%last_elem)
428 IF (ASSOCIATED(ana_list(temp)%temp%last_elem)) &
429 ana_list(temp)%temp%conf_offset = ana_list(temp)%temp%conf_offset &
430 + ana_list(temp)%temp%last_elem%nr
431 END DO
432 CALL finalize_tmc_analysis(ana_env=ana_list(temp)%temp)
433 ! write analysis restart file
434 ! if there is something to write
435 ! shifts the last element to actual element
436 IF (ASSOCIATED(ana_list(temp)%temp%last_elem)) &
437 CALL analysis_restart_print(ana_env=ana_list(temp)%temp)
438 IF (ASSOCIATED(ana_list(temp)%temp%last_elem)) &
439 CALL deallocate_sub_tree_node(tree_elem=ana_list(temp)%temp%last_elem)
440 IF (ASSOCIATED(elem)) &
441 CALL deallocate_sub_tree_node(tree_elem=elem)
443 IF (ASSOCIATED(ana_list(temp)%temp%last_elem)) &
444 CALL deallocate_sub_tree_node(tree_elem=ana_list(temp)%temp%last_elem)
446 CALL tmc_ana_env_release(ana_list(temp)%temp)
447 END DO
449 DEALLOCATE (ana_list)
450 END IF
451 CALL tmc_env_release(tmc_env)
453 ! end the timing
454 CALL timestop(handle)
455 END SUBROUTINE do_analyze_files
457! **************************************************************************************************
458!> \brief creates a new para environment for tmc analysis for each temperature
459!> \param input_declaration ...
460!> \param input global environment
461!> \param ana_list ...
462!> \param elem ...
463!> \param tmc_env TMC analysis environment
464!> \author Mandes 03.2013
465! **************************************************************************************************
466 SUBROUTINE tmc_read_ana_files_input(input_declaration, input, ana_list, elem, tmc_env)
467 TYPE(section_type), POINTER :: input_declaration
468 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: input
469 TYPE(tmc_ana_list_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ana_list
470 TYPE(tree_type), POINTER :: elem
471 TYPE(tmc_env_type), POINTER :: tmc_env
473 CHARACTER(len=default_string_length), &
474 DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: directories
475 INTEGER :: env_id, ierr, nr_temp, t_act
476 LOGICAL :: flag
477 REAL(kind=dp) :: tmax, tmin
478 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: inp_temp, temps
479 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: tmc_section
481 NULLIFY (tmc_section, inp_temp, temps)
482 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(input))
483 cpassert(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(ana_list))
484 cpassert(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(elem))
485 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env))
487 ! first global TMC stuff
488 tmc_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "MOTION%TMC")
489 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "PRINT_TEST_OUTPUT", l_val=tmc_env%params%print_test_output)
490 ! TMC analysis stuff
491 tmc_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "MOTION%TMC%TMC_ANALYSIS_FILES")
492 CALL section_vals_get(tmc_section, explicit=flag)
493 cpassert(flag)
495 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "FORCE_ENV_FILE", &
496 c_val=tmc_env%params%energy_inp_file)
498 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "NR_TEMPERATURE", i_val=nr_temp)
500 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "TEMPERATURE", r_vals=inp_temp)
501 IF ((nr_temp .GT. 1) .AND. (SIZE(inp_temp) .NE. 2)) &
502 cpabort("specify each temperature, skip keyword NR_TEMPERATURE")
503 IF (nr_temp .EQ. 1) THEN
504 nr_temp = SIZE(inp_temp)
505 ALLOCATE (temps(nr_temp))
506 temps(:) = inp_temp(:)
507 ELSE
508 tmin = inp_temp(1)
509 tmax = inp_temp(2)
510 ALLOCATE (temps(nr_temp))
511 temps(1) = tmin
512 DO t_act = 2, SIZE(temps)
513 temps(t_act) = temps(t_act - 1) + (tmax - tmin)/(SIZE(temps) - 1.0_dp)
514 END DO
515 IF (any(temps .LT. 0.0_dp)) &
516 CALL cp_abort(__location__, "The temperatures are negative. Should be specified using "// &
517 "TEMPERATURE {T_min} {T_max} and NR_TEMPERATURE {#temperatures}")
518 END IF
520 ! get multiple directories
521 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "DIRECTORIES", c_vals=directories)
523 ! get init configuration (for sizes)
524 CALL create_force_env(new_env_id=env_id, &
525 input_declaration=input_declaration, &
526 input_path=tmc_env%params%energy_inp_file, &
527 mpi_comm=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana, &
528 output_path="tmc_ana.out", ierr=ierr)
529 CALL get_initial_conf(tmc_params=tmc_env%params, init_conf=elem, &
530 env_id=env_id)
531 CALL get_atom_kinds_and_cell(env_id=env_id, atoms=tmc_env%params%atoms, &
532 cell=tmc_env%params%cell)
533 CALL destroy_force_env(env_id, ierr)
535 ALLOCATE (ana_list(SIZE(temps)))
536 DO t_act = 1, SIZE(temps)
537 ana_list(t_act)%temp => null()
538 CALL tmc_read_ana_input(tmc_section, ana_list(t_act)%temp)
539 ana_list(t_act)%temp%temperature = temps(t_act)
540 ALLOCATE (ana_list(t_act)%temp%dirs(SIZE(directories)))
541 ana_list(t_act)%temp%dirs(:) = directories(:)
542 ana_list(t_act)%temp%cell => tmc_env%params%cell
543 ana_list(t_act)%temp%atoms => tmc_env%params%atoms
544 ana_list(t_act)%temp%print_test_output = tmc_env%params%print_test_output
546 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "POSITION_FILE", &
547 c_val=ana_list(t_act)%temp%costum_pos_file_name)
548 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "DIPOLE_FILE", &
549 c_val=ana_list(t_act)%temp%costum_dip_file_name)
550 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "CELL_FILE", &
551 c_val=ana_list(t_act)%temp%costum_cell_file_name)
552 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "START_ELEM", i_val=ana_list(t_act)%temp%from_elem)
553 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "END_ELEM", i_val=ana_list(t_act)%temp%to_elem)
554 END DO
555 DEALLOCATE (temps)
556 END SUBROUTINE tmc_read_ana_files_input
558! **************************************************************************************************
559!> \brief read the variables for distributing cores
560!> \param input ...
561!> \param tmc_env structure for storing all the tmc parameters
562!> \author Mandes 11.2012
563! **************************************************************************************************
564 SUBROUTINE tmc_preread_input(input, tmc_env)
565 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: input
566 TYPE(tmc_env_type), POINTER :: tmc_env
568 CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: c_tmp
569 INTEGER :: itmp
570 LOGICAL :: explicit_key, flag
571 REAL(kind=dp) :: tmax, tmin
572 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: inp_temp
573 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: tmc_section
575 NULLIFY (tmc_section, inp_temp)
577 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(input))
579 tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%ana_on_the_fly = 0
580 tmc_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "MOTION%TMC%TMC_ANALYSIS")
581 CALL section_vals_get(tmc_section, explicit=flag)
582 IF (flag) THEN
583 tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%ana_on_the_fly = 1
584 END IF
586 tmc_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "MOTION%TMC")
587 CALL section_vals_get(tmc_section, explicit=flag)
588 cpassert(flag)
590 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "PRINT_TEST_OUTPUT", l_val=tmc_env%params%print_test_output)
592 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set))
593 ! read the parameters for the computational setup
594 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "GROUP_ENERGY_SIZE", i_val=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_ener_size)
595 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "GROUP_ENERGY_NR", i_val=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr)
596 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "GROUP_CC_SIZE", i_val=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_cc_size)
597 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "GROUP_ANLYSIS_NR", i_val=itmp)
598 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%ana_on_the_fly .GT. 0) &
599 tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%ana_on_the_fly = itmp
600 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%ana_on_the_fly .GT. 1) &
601 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
602 "analysing on the fly is up to now not supported for multiple cores. "// &
603 "Restart file witing for this case and temperature "// &
604 "distribution has to be solved.!.")
605 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "RESULT_LIST_IN_MEMORY", l_val=tmc_env%params%USE_REDUCED_TREE)
606 ! swap the variable, because of oposit meaning
607 tmc_env%params%USE_REDUCED_TREE = .NOT. tmc_env%params%USE_REDUCED_TREE
608 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "NR_TEMPERATURE", i_val=tmc_env%params%nr_temp)
610 ! stuff everyone needs to know
611 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "NMC_MOVES%NMC_FILE_NAME", c_val=tmc_env%params%NMC_inp_file)
612 IF (tmc_env%params%NMC_inp_file .EQ. tmc_default_unspecified_name) THEN
613 ! file name keyword without file name
614 cpabort("no or a valid NMC input file has to be specified ")
615 ELSE IF (tmc_env%params%NMC_inp_file .EQ. "") THEN
616 ! no keyword
617 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_cc_size .GT. 0) &
618 CALL cp_warn(__location__, &
619 "The configurational groups are deactivated, "// &
620 "because no approximated energy input is specified.")
621 tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_cc_size = 0
622 ELSE
623 ! check file existence
624 INQUIRE (file=trim(tmc_env%params%NMC_inp_file), exist=flag, iostat=itmp)
625 IF (.NOT. flag .OR. itmp .NE. 0) &
626 cpabort("a valid NMC input file has to be specified")
627 END IF
629 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "TEMPERATURE", r_vals=inp_temp)
630 IF (tmc_env%params%nr_temp .GT. 1 .AND. SIZE(inp_temp) .NE. 2) &
631 cpabort("specify each temperature, skip keyword NR_TEMPERATURE")
632 IF (tmc_env%params%nr_temp .EQ. 1) THEN
633 tmc_env%params%nr_temp = SIZE(inp_temp)
634 ALLOCATE (tmc_env%params%Temp(tmc_env%params%nr_temp))
635 tmc_env%params%Temp(:) = inp_temp(:)
636 ELSE
637 tmin = inp_temp(1)
638 tmax = inp_temp(2)
639 ALLOCATE (tmc_env%params%Temp(tmc_env%params%nr_temp))
640 tmc_env%params%Temp(1) = tmin
641 DO itmp = 2, SIZE(tmc_env%params%Temp)
642 tmc_env%params%Temp(itmp) = tmc_env%params%Temp(itmp - 1) + (tmax - tmin)/(SIZE(tmc_env%params%Temp) - 1.0_dp)
643 END DO
644 IF (any(tmc_env%params%Temp .LT. 0.0_dp)) &
645 CALL cp_abort(__location__, "The temperatures are negative. Should be specified using "// &
646 "TEMPERATURE {T_min} {T_max} and NR_TEMPERATURE {#temperatures}")
647 END IF
649 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "TASK_TYPE", explicit=explicit_key)
650 IF (explicit_key) THEN
651 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "TASK_TYPE", c_val=c_tmp)
652 SELECT CASE (trim(c_tmp))
654 tmc_env%params%task_type = task_type_mc
656 tmc_env%params%task_type = task_type_ideal_gas
658 CALL cp_warn(__location__, &
659 'unknown TMC task type "'//trim(c_tmp)//'" specified. '// &
660 " Set to default.")
661 tmc_env%params%task_type = task_type_mc
663 END IF
665 END SUBROUTINE tmc_preread_input
667! **************************************************************************************************
668!> \brief read the tmc subsection from the input file
669!> \param input points to the tmc subsection in the input file
670!> \param tmc_env structure for storing all the tmc parameters
671!> \author Mandes 11.2012
672! **************************************************************************************************
673 SUBROUTINE tmc_read_input(input, tmc_env)
674 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: input
675 TYPE(tmc_env_type), POINTER :: tmc_env
677 INTEGER :: itmp
678 LOGICAL :: explicit, flag
679 REAL(kind=dp) :: r_tmp
680 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: r_arr_tmp
681 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: tmc_section
683 NULLIFY (tmc_section)
685 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(input))
687 tmc_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "MOTION%TMC")
688 CALL section_vals_get(tmc_section, explicit=flag)
689 cpassert(flag)
691 ! only for the master
692 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr == 0) THEN
693 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%m_env))
694 ! the walltime input can be done as HH:MM:SS or just in seconds.
695 CALL cp2k_get_walltime(section=input, keyword_name="GLOBAL%WALLTIME", &
696 walltime=tmc_env%m_env%walltime)
698 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "NUM_MC_ELEM", i_val=tmc_env%m_env%num_MC_elem)
699 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "RND_DETERMINISTIC", i_val=tmc_env%m_env%rnd_init)
700 ! restarting
701 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "RESTART_IN", c_val=tmc_env%m_env%restart_in_file_name)
702 IF (tmc_env%m_env%restart_in_file_name .EQ. tmc_default_unspecified_name) THEN
703 tmc_env%m_env%restart_in_file_name = tmc_default_restart_in_file_name
704 INQUIRE (file=tmc_env%m_env%restart_in_file_name, exist=flag)
705 IF (.NOT. flag) tmc_env%m_env%restart_in_file_name = ""
706 END IF
707 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "RESTART_OUT", i_val=tmc_env%m_env%restart_out_step)
708 ! restart just at the end (lone keyword)
709 IF (tmc_env%m_env%restart_out_step .EQ. -9) THEN
710 tmc_env%m_env%restart_out_file_name = tmc_default_restart_out_file_name
711 tmc_env%m_env%restart_out_step = huge(tmc_env%m_env%restart_out_step)
712 END IF
713 IF (tmc_env%m_env%restart_out_step .LT. 0) &
714 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
715 "Please specify a valid value for the frequency "// &
716 "to write restart files (RESTART_OUT #). "// &
717 "# > 0 to define the amount of Markov chain elements in between, "// &
718 "or 0 to deactivate the restart file writing. "// &
719 "Lonely keyword writes restart file only at the end of the run.")
721 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "INFO_OUT_STEP_SIZE", i_val=tmc_env%m_env%info_out_step_size)
722 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "DOT_TREE", c_val=tmc_env%params%dot_file_name)
723 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "ALL_CONF_FILE_NAME", c_val=tmc_env%params%all_conf_file_name)
724 IF (tmc_env%params%dot_file_name .NE. "") tmc_env%params%DRAW_TREE = .true.
726 ! everything for the worker group
727 ELSE IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr .NE. 0) THEN
728 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%w_env))
729 END IF
731 ! stuff everyone needs to know
733 ! the NMC_FILE_NAME is already read in tmc_preread_input
734 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "ENERGY_FILE_NAME", c_val=tmc_env%params%energy_inp_file)
735 ! file name keyword without file name
736 IF (tmc_env%params%energy_inp_file .EQ. "") &
737 cpabort("a valid exact energy input file has to be specified ")
738 ! check file existence
739 INQUIRE (file=trim(tmc_env%params%energy_inp_file), exist=flag, iostat=itmp)
740 IF (.NOT. flag .OR. itmp .NE. 0) &
741 CALL cp_abort(__location__, "a valid exact energy input file has to be specified, "// &
742 trim(tmc_env%params%energy_inp_file)//" does not exist.")
744 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "NUM_MV_ELEM_IN_CELL", i_val=tmc_env%params%nr_elem_mv)
746 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "VOLUME_ISOTROPIC", l_val=tmc_env%params%v_isotropic)
747 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "PRESSURE", r_val=tmc_env%params%pressure)
748 tmc_env%params%pressure = tmc_env%params%pressure/au2bar
749 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "MOVE_CENTER_OF_MASS", l_val=tmc_env%params%mv_cen_of_mass)
751 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "SUB_BOX", r_vals=r_arr_tmp)
752 IF (SIZE(r_arr_tmp) .GT. 1) THEN
753 IF (SIZE(r_arr_tmp) .NE. tmc_env%params%dim_per_elem) &
754 cpabort("The entered sub box sizes does not fit in number of dimensions.")
755 IF (any(r_arr_tmp .LE. 0.0_dp)) &
756 cpabort("The entered sub box lengths should be greater than 0.")
757 DO itmp = 1, SIZE(tmc_env%params%sub_box_size)
758 tmc_env%params%sub_box_size(itmp) = r_arr_tmp(itmp)/au2a
759 END DO
760 ELSE IF (r_arr_tmp(1) .GT. 0.0_dp) THEN
761 r_tmp = r_arr_tmp(1)/au2a
762 tmc_env%params%sub_box_size(:) = r_tmp
763 END IF
765 ! read all the distinct moves
766 CALL read_init_move_types(tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
767 tmc_section=tmc_section)
769 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "ESIMATE_ACC_PROB", l_val=tmc_env%params%esimate_acc_prob)
770 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "SPECULATIVE_CANCELING", l_val=tmc_env%params%SPECULATIVE_CANCELING)
771 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "USE_SCF_ENERGY_INFO", l_val=tmc_env%params%use_scf_energy_info)
772 ! printing
773 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "PRINT_ONLY_ACC", l_val=tmc_env%params%print_only_diff_conf)
774 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "PRINT_COORDS", l_val=tmc_env%params%print_trajectory)
775 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "PRINT_DIPOLE", explicit=explicit)
776 IF (explicit) &
777 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "PRINT_DIPOLE", l_val=tmc_env%params%print_dipole)
778 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "PRINT_FORCES", explicit=explicit)
779 IF (explicit) &
780 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "PRINT_FORCES", l_val=tmc_env%params%print_forces)
781 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "PRINT_CELL", explicit=explicit)
782 IF (explicit) &
783 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "PRINT_CELL", l_val=tmc_env%params%print_cell)
784 CALL section_vals_val_get(tmc_section, "PRINT_ENERGIES", l_val=tmc_env%params%print_energies)
786 END SUBROUTINE tmc_read_input
788! **************************************************************************************************
789!> \brief creates a new para environment for tmc
790!> \param tmc_comp_set structure with parameters for computational setup
791!> \param para_env the old parallel environment
792!> \param ana_on_the_fly ...
793!> \param success ...
794!> \author Mandes 11.2012
795! **************************************************************************************************
796 SUBROUTINE tmc_redistributing_cores(tmc_comp_set, para_env, ana_on_the_fly, &
797 success)
798 TYPE(tmc_comp_set_type), POINTER :: tmc_comp_set
799 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
800 INTEGER :: ana_on_the_fly
801 LOGICAL :: success
803 INTEGER :: cc_group, cc_group_rank, master_ana_group, master_ana_rank, &
804 master_first_e_worker_g, master_first_e_worker_r, master_worker_group, &
805 master_worker_rank, my_mpi_undefined, total_used
806 LOGICAL :: flag, master
808 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_comp_set))
809 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(para_env))
811 ! colors and positions for new communicators
812 ! variables for printing
813 tmc_comp_set%group_nr = -1
814 my_mpi_undefined = para_env%num_pe + 10000 !HUGE(my_mpi_undefined)! mp_undefined
815 master_worker_group = my_mpi_undefined
816 master_worker_rank = -1
817 cc_group = my_mpi_undefined
818 cc_group_rank = -1
819 master_first_e_worker_g = my_mpi_undefined
820 master_first_e_worker_r = -1
821 master_ana_group = my_mpi_undefined
822 master_ana_rank = -1
824 master = .false.
825 flag = .false.
826 success = .true.
828 IF (para_env%num_pe .LE. 1) THEN
829 cpwarn("TMC need at least 2 cores (one for master, one for worker)")
830 success = .false.
831 ELSE
832 ! check if there are enougth cores available
833 IF (tmc_comp_set%group_ener_size*tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr .GT. (para_env%num_pe - 1)) &
834 cpwarn("The selected energy group size is too huge. ")
835 IF (flag) THEN
836 tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr = int((para_env%num_pe - 1)/ &
837 REAL(tmc_comp_set%group_ener_size, kind=dp))
838 IF (tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr .LT. 1) &
839 cpwarn("The selected energy group size is too huge. ")
840 IF (flag) success = .false.
841 END IF
843 ! set the amount of configurational change worker groups
844 tmc_comp_set%group_cc_nr = 0
845 IF (tmc_comp_set%group_cc_size .GT. 0) THEN
846 tmc_comp_set%group_cc_nr = int((para_env%num_pe - 1 - tmc_comp_set%ana_on_the_fly &
847 - tmc_comp_set%group_ener_size*tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr)/ &
848 REAL(tmc_comp_set%group_cc_size, kind=dp))
850 IF (tmc_comp_set%group_cc_nr .LT. 1) &
851 CALL cp_warn(__location__, &
852 "There are not enougth cores left for creating groups for configurational change.")
853 IF (flag) success = .false.
854 END IF
856 total_used = tmc_comp_set%group_ener_size*tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr + &
857 tmc_comp_set%group_cc_size*tmc_comp_set%group_cc_nr + &
858 tmc_comp_set%ana_on_the_fly
859 IF (para_env%num_pe - 1 .GT. total_used) &
860 cpwarn(" mpi ranks are unused, but can be used for analysis.")
862 ! determine the master node
863 IF (para_env%mepos == para_env%num_pe - 1) THEN
864 master = .true.
865 master_worker_group = para_env%num_pe + 3 ! belong to master_worker_comm
866 master_worker_rank = 0 ! rank in m_w_comm
867 master_first_e_worker_g = para_env%num_pe + 3 ! belong to master_first_energy_worker_comm
868 master_first_e_worker_r = 0
869 tmc_comp_set%group_nr = 0 !para_env%num_pe +3
870 master_ana_group = para_env%num_pe + 4
871 master_ana_rank = 0
872 ELSE
873 ! energy calculation groups
874 IF (para_env%mepos .LT. tmc_comp_set%group_ener_size*tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr) THEN
875 tmc_comp_set%group_nr = int(para_env%mepos/tmc_comp_set%group_ener_size) + 1 ! assign to groups
876 ! master of worker group
877 IF (modulo(para_env%mepos, tmc_comp_set%group_ener_size) .EQ. 0) THEN ! tmc_comp_set%group_nr masters
878 master_worker_group = para_env%num_pe + 3 ! belong to master_worker_comm
879 master_worker_rank = tmc_comp_set%group_nr ! rank in m_w_comm
880 IF (master_worker_rank .EQ. 1) THEN
881 master_first_e_worker_g = para_env%num_pe + 3 ! belong to master_first_energy_worker_comm
882 master_first_e_worker_r = 1
883 END IF
884 END IF
885 cc_group = tmc_comp_set%group_nr
886 cc_group_rank = para_env%mepos - &
887 (tmc_comp_set%group_nr - 1)*tmc_comp_set%group_ener_size ! rank in worker group
889 ! configurational change groups
890 ELSE IF (para_env%mepos .LT. (tmc_comp_set%group_ener_size*tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr + &
891 tmc_comp_set%group_cc_size*tmc_comp_set%group_cc_nr)) THEN
892 cc_group_rank = para_env%mepos - tmc_comp_set%group_ener_size*tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr ! temporary
893 tmc_comp_set%group_nr = tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr + 1 + int(cc_group_rank/tmc_comp_set%group_cc_size)
894 cc_group = tmc_comp_set%group_nr
895 ! master of worker group
896 IF (modulo(cc_group_rank, tmc_comp_set%group_cc_size) .EQ. 0) THEN ! tmc_comp_set%group_nr masters
897 master_worker_group = para_env%num_pe + 3 ! belong to master_worker_comm
898 master_worker_rank = tmc_comp_set%group_nr ! rank in m_w_comm
899 END IF
900 !cc_group_rank = cc_group_rank-(tmc_comp_set%group_nr-1)*tmc_comp_set%group_cc_size ! rank in worker group
901 cc_group_rank = modulo(cc_group_rank, tmc_comp_set%group_cc_size) ! rank in worker group
902 ELSE
903 ! not used cores
904 ! up to now we use just one core for doing the analysis
905 IF (para_env%mepos .EQ. para_env%num_pe - 2) THEN
906 tmc_comp_set%group_nr = para_env%mepos - (para_env%num_pe - 1) ! negative
907 cpassert(tmc_comp_set%group_nr .LT. 0)
908 IF (para_env%mepos .GE. para_env%num_pe - 1 - ana_on_the_fly) THEN
909 master_ana_group = para_env%num_pe + 4
910 master_ana_rank = -tmc_comp_set%group_nr
911 END IF
912 END IF
913 END IF
914 END IF
916 IF (success) THEN
917 ! -- splitting communicators
918 ! worker intern communication
919 ALLOCATE (tmc_comp_set%para_env_sub_group)
920 CALL tmc_comp_set%para_env_sub_group%from_split(para_env, cc_group, cc_group_rank)
921 ! not the unused cores
922 IF (cc_group_rank < 0) THEN
923 CALL tmc_comp_set%para_env_sub_group%free()
924 DEALLOCATE (tmc_comp_set%para_env_sub_group)
925 END IF
927 ! worker master communication
928 ALLOCATE (tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w)
929 CALL tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w%from_split(para_env, master_worker_group, master_worker_rank)
930 ! not the unused cores
931 IF (master_worker_rank < 0) THEN
932 CALL tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w%free()
933 DEALLOCATE (tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w)
934 END IF
936 ! communicator only for first energy worker master and global master
937 ALLOCATE (tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_first_w)
938 CALL tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_first_w%from_split(para_env, master_first_e_worker_g, master_first_e_worker_r)
939 ! not the unused cores
940 IF (master_first_e_worker_r < 0) THEN
941 CALL tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_first_w%free()
942 DEALLOCATE (tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_first_w)
943 END IF
945 ! communicator only for analysis worker and global master
946 ALLOCATE (tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana)
947 CALL tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana%from_split(para_env, master_ana_group, master_ana_rank)
948 IF (master_ana_rank < 0) THEN
949 CALL tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana%free()
950 DEALLOCATE (tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana)
951 END IF
953 ! communicator for master only to handle external control
954 master_ana_group = my_mpi_undefined
955 master_ana_rank = -1
956 IF (master) THEN
957 master_ana_group = 1
958 master_ana_rank = 1
959 END IF
960 ALLOCATE (tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_only)
961 CALL tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_only%from_split(para_env, master_ana_group, master_ana_rank)
962 IF (master_ana_rank < 0) THEN
963 CALL tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_only%free()
964 DEALLOCATE (tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_only)
965 END IF
966 END IF
967 END IF
968 END SUBROUTINE tmc_redistributing_cores
970! **************************************************************************************************
971!> \brief prints the most important parameters used for TMC
972!> \param tmc_env tructure with parameters for TMC
973!> \author Mandes 11.2012
974! **************************************************************************************************
975 SUBROUTINE tmc_print_params(tmc_env)
976 TYPE(tmc_env_type), POINTER :: tmc_env
978 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: fmt_my = '(T2,A,"| ",A,T41,A40)', plabel = "TMC"
980 CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: c_tmp, fmt_tmp
981 INTEGER :: file_nr
983 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env))
984 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set))
985 ! only the master prints out
986 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr == 0) THEN
987 file_nr = tmc_env%m_env%io_unit
988 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w))
989 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%m_env))
991 CALL m_flush(file_nr)
992 WRITE (file_nr, *)
994 WRITE (unit=file_nr, fmt="(/,T2,A)") repeat("-", 79)
995 WRITE (unit=file_nr, fmt="(T2,A,T80,A)") "-", "-"
996 WRITE (unit=file_nr, fmt="(T2,A,T35,A,T80,A)") "-", "TMC setting", "-"
997 WRITE (unit=file_nr, fmt="(T2,A,T80,A)") "-", "-"
998 WRITE (unit=file_nr, fmt="(T2,A)") repeat("-", 79)
1000 WRITE (unit=file_nr, fmt="(T2,A,T35,A,T80,A)") "-", "distribution of cores", "-"
1001 WRITE (file_nr, fmt=fmt_my) plabel, "number of all working groups ", &
1002 cp_to_string(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w%num_pe - 1)
1003 WRITE (file_nr, fmt=fmt_my) plabel, "number of groups (ener|cc)", &
1004 cp_to_string(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr)//" | "// &
1005 cp_to_string(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_cc_nr)
1006 WRITE (file_nr, fmt=fmt_my) plabel, "cores per group (ener|cc) ", &
1007 cp_to_string(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_ener_size)//" | "// &
1008 cp_to_string(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_cc_size)
1009 IF (ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana)) &
1010 WRITE (file_nr, fmt=fmt_my) plabel, "Analysis groups ", &
1011 cp_to_string(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana%num_pe - 1)
1012 IF (SIZE(tmc_env%params%Temp(:)) .LE. 7) THEN
1013 WRITE (fmt_tmp, *) '(T2,A,"| ",A,T25,A56)'
1014 c_tmp = ""
1015 WRITE (c_tmp, fmt="(1000F8.2)") tmc_env%params%Temp(:)
1016 WRITE (file_nr, fmt=fmt_tmp) plabel, "Temperature(s) [K]", trim(c_tmp)
1017 ELSE
1018 WRITE (file_nr, fmt='(A,1000F8.2)') " "//plabel//"| Temperature(s) [K]", &
1019 tmc_env%params%Temp(:)
1020 END IF
1021 WRITE (file_nr, fmt=fmt_my) plabel, "# of Monte Carlo Chain elements: ", &
1022 cp_to_string(tmc_env%m_env%num_MC_elem)
1023 WRITE (file_nr, fmt=fmt_my) plabel, "exact potential input file:", &
1024 trim(tmc_env%params%energy_inp_file)
1025 IF (tmc_env%params%NMC_inp_file .NE. "") &
1026 WRITE (file_nr, fmt=fmt_my) plabel, "approximate potential input file:", &
1027 trim(tmc_env%params%NMC_inp_file)
1028 IF (any(tmc_env%params%sub_box_size .GT. 0.0_dp)) THEN
1029 WRITE (fmt_tmp, *) '(T2,A,"| ",A,T25,A56)'
1030 c_tmp = ""
1031 WRITE (c_tmp, fmt="(1000F8.2)") tmc_env%params%sub_box_size(:)*au2a
1032 WRITE (file_nr, fmt=fmt_tmp) plabel, "Sub box size [A]", trim(c_tmp)
1033 END IF
1034 IF (tmc_env%params%pressure .GT. 0.0_dp) &
1035 WRITE (file_nr, fmt=fmt_my) plabel, "Pressure [bar]: ", &
1036 cp_to_string(tmc_env%params%pressure*au2bar)
1037 WRITE (file_nr, fmt=fmt_my) plabel, "Numbers of atoms/molecules moved "
1038 WRITE (file_nr, fmt=fmt_my) plabel, " within one conf. change", &
1039 cp_to_string(tmc_env%params%nr_elem_mv)
1040 WRITE (unit=file_nr, fmt="(/,T2,A)") repeat("-", 79)
1041 END IF
1043 END SUBROUTINE tmc_print_params
static GRID_HOST_DEVICE int modulo(int a, int m)
Equivalent of Fortran's MODULO, which always return a positive number. https://gcc....
collects all references to literature in CP2K as new algorithms / method are included from literature...
integer, save, public schonherr2014
Utility routines to open and close files. Tracking of preconnections.
Definition cp_files.F:16
subroutine, public open_file(file_name, file_status, file_form, file_action, file_position, file_pad, unit_number, debug, skip_get_unit_number, file_access)
Opens the requested file using a free unit number.
Definition cp_files.F:308
subroutine, public close_file(unit_number, file_status, keep_preconnection)
Close an open file given by its logical unit number. Optionally, keep the file and unit preconnected.
Definition cp_files.F:119
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
subroutine, public cp_logger_set(logger, local_filename, global_filename)
sets various attributes of the given logger
subroutine, public cp_rm_default_logger()
the cousin of cp_add_default_logger, decrements the stack, so that the default logger is what it has ...
subroutine, public cp_logger_release(logger)
releases this logger
integer function, public cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger)
returns the unit nr for the ionode (-1 on all other processors) skips as well checks if the procs cal...
subroutine, public cp_logger_create(logger, para_env, print_level, default_global_unit_nr, default_local_unit_nr, global_filename, local_filename, close_global_unit_on_dealloc, iter_info, close_local_unit_on_dealloc, suffix, template_logger)
initializes a logger
subroutine, public cp_add_default_logger(logger)
adds a default logger. MUST be called before logging occours
type(cp_logger_type) function, pointer, public cp_get_default_logger()
returns the default logger
Sets up and terminates the global environment variables.
Definition environment.F:17
subroutine, public cp2k_get_walltime(section, keyword_name, walltime)
reads the Walltime also in format HH:MM:SS
interface to use cp2k as library
recursive subroutine, public destroy_force_env(env_id, ierr, q_finalize)
deallocates the force_env with the given id
recursive subroutine, public create_force_env(new_env_id, input_declaration, input_path, output_path, mpi_comm, output_unit, owns_out_unit, input, ierr, work_dir, initial_variables)
creates a new force environment using the given input, and writing the output to the given output uni...
Define type storing the global information of a run. Keep the amount of stored data small....
subroutine, public tmc_ana_header(iw)
Definition header.F:446
subroutine, public tmc_header(iw)
Definition header.F:423
objects that represent the structure of input sections and the data contained in an input section
recursive type(section_vals_type) function, pointer, public section_vals_get_subs_vals(section_vals, subsection_name, i_rep_section, can_return_null)
returns the values of the requested subsection
subroutine, public section_vals_get(section_vals, ref_count, n_repetition, n_subs_vals_rep, section, explicit)
returns various attributes about the section_vals
subroutine, public section_vals_val_get(section_vals, keyword_name, i_rep_section, i_rep_val, n_rep_val, val, l_val, i_val, r_val, c_val, l_vals, i_vals, r_vals, c_vals, explicit)
returns the requested value
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
integer, parameter, public default_string_length
Definition kinds.F:57
integer, parameter, public default_path_length
Definition kinds.F:58
Machine interface based on Fortran 2003 and POSIX.
Definition machine.F:17
integer, parameter, public default_output_unit
Definition machine.F:45
subroutine, public m_flush(lunit)
flushes units if the &GLOBAL flag is set accordingly
Definition machine.F:106
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
Parallel (pseudo)random number generator (RNG) for multiple streams and substreams of random numbers.
integer, parameter, public uniform
Definition of physical constants:
Definition physcon.F:68
real(kind=dp), parameter, public angstrom
Definition physcon.F:144
real(kind=dp), parameter, public bar
Definition physcon.F:177
module provides variables for the TMC analysis tool
subroutine, public tmc_ana_env_release(tmc_ana)
releases the structure environment for TMC analysis
module analyses element of the TMC tree element structure e.g. density, radial distribution function,...
subroutine, public analysis_restart_read(ana_env, elem)
read analysis restart file
subroutine, public finalize_tmc_analysis(ana_env)
call all the necessarry analysis printing routines
subroutine, public tmc_read_ana_input(tmc_ana_section, tmc_ana)
creates a new para environment for tmc analysis
subroutine, public analyze_file_configurations(start_id, end_id, dir_ind, ana_env, tmc_params)
read the files and analyze the configurations
subroutine, public analysis_init(ana_env, nr_dim)
initialize all the necessarry analysis structures
subroutine, public analysis_restart_print(ana_env)
print analysis restart file
writing and printing the files, trajectory (pos, cell, dipoles) as well as restart files
Definition tmc_file_io.F:20
character(len=default_path_length) function, public expand_file_name_int(file_name, ivalue)
placing an integer at the end of a file name (before the file extension)
module contains the master routine handling the tree creation, communication with workers and task di...
Definition tmc_master.F:23
subroutine, public do_tmc_master(tmc_env, globenv)
global master handling tree creation and communication/work distribution with workers
Definition tmc_master.F:211
acceptance ratio handling of the different Monte Carlo Moves types For each move type and each temper...
subroutine, public read_init_move_types(tmc_params, tmc_section)
initialization of the different moves, with sizes and probabilities
subroutine, public finalize_mv_types(tmc_params)
deallocating the module variables
subroutine, public print_move_types(init, file_io, tmc_params)
routine pronts out the probabilities and sized for each type and temperature the output is divided in...
Tree Monte Carlo entry point, set up, CPU redistribution and input reading.
Definition tmc_setup.F:16
subroutine, public do_analyze_files(input_declaration, root_section, para_env)
analyze TMC trajectory files
Definition tmc_setup.F:348
subroutine, public do_tmc(input_declaration, root_section, para_env, globenv)
tmc_entry point
Definition tmc_setup.F:98
tree nodes creation, searching, deallocation, references etc.
Definition tmc_stati.F:15
character(len= *), parameter, public tmc_nmc_worker_out_file_name
Definition tmc_stati.F:32
character(len= *), parameter, public tmc_master_out_file_name
Definition tmc_stati.F:34
character(len= *), parameter, public tmc_default_unspecified_name
Definition tmc_stati.F:40
character(len= *), parameter, public tmc_ana_out_file_name
Definition tmc_stati.F:36
integer, parameter, public task_type_mc
Definition tmc_stati.F:44
character(len= *), parameter, public tmc_default_restart_in_file_name
Definition tmc_stati.F:28
character(len= *), parameter, public tmc_default_restart_out_file_name
Definition tmc_stati.F:26
character(len= *), parameter, public tmc_energy_worker_out_file_name
Definition tmc_stati.F:30
integer, parameter, public task_type_ideal_gas
Definition tmc_stati.F:45
tree nodes creation, deallocation, references etc.
subroutine, public deallocate_sub_tree_node(tree_elem)
deallocates an elements of the subtree element structure
subroutine, public allocate_new_sub_tree_node(tmc_params, next_el, nr_dim)
allocates an elements of the subtree element structure
module handles definition of the tree nodes for the global and the subtrees binary tree parent elemen...
module handles definition of the tree nodes for the global and the subtrees binary tree parent elemen...
Definition tmc_types.F:32
subroutine, public tmc_env_release(tmc_env)
releases the structure environment for TMC
Definition tmc_types.F:207
subroutine, public tmc_worker_env_create(tmc_env)
creates a new structure environment for TMC master
Definition tmc_types.F:342
subroutine, public tmc_master_env_create(tmc_env)
creates a new structure environment for TMC master
Definition tmc_types.F:250
subroutine, public tmc_master_env_release(tmc_env)
releases the structure environment for TMC master
Definition tmc_types.F:309
subroutine, public tmc_worker_env_release(tmc_env)
releases the structure environment for TMC master
Definition tmc_types.F:370
subroutine, public tmc_env_create(tmc_env)
creates a new structure environment for TMC
Definition tmc_types.F:177
module contains the worker routine handling the communication and the calculation / creation of the c...
Definition tmc_worker.F:30
subroutine, public do_tmc_worker(tmc_env, ana_list)
worker get tasks form master and fulfill them
Definition tmc_worker.F:114
subroutine, public get_initial_conf(tmc_params, init_conf, env_id)
get the initial confuguration (pos,...)
Definition tmc_worker.F:767
subroutine, public get_atom_kinds_and_cell(env_id, atoms, cell)
get the pointer to the atoms, for easy handling
Definition tmc_worker.F:815
type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be l...
contains the initially parsed file and the initial parallel environment
represent a section of the input file
stores all the informations relevant to an mpi environment