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timings_base_type Module Reference

Types used by timings.F and timings_report.F The types in this module are used within dict or list, which are in turn used in timer_env_type from timings_type.F Due to the fortran restriction on cicular module-dependencies these "inner-types" had to go into a separate module. More...

Data Types

type  call_stat_type
type  callstack_entry_type
type  routine_report_type
type  routine_stat_type

Detailed Description

Types used by timings.F and timings_report.F The types in this module are used within dict or list, which are in turn used in timer_env_type from timings_type.F Due to the fortran restriction on cicular module-dependencies these "inner-types" had to go into a separate module.

12.2012 Created [ole]
Ole Schuett