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rt_make_propagators.F File Reference

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module  rt_make_propagators
 Routines for calculating a complex matrix exponential.


subroutine, public rt_make_propagators::propagate_exp (rtp, rtp_control)
 performs propagations if explicit matrix exponentials are used ETRS: exp(i*H(t+dt)*dt/2)*exp(i*H(t)*dt/2)*MOS EM: exp[-idt/2H(t+dt/2)*MOS
subroutine, public rt_make_propagators::propagate_exp_density (rtp, rtp_control)
 Propagation of the density matrix instead of the atomic orbitals via a matrix exponential.
subroutine, public rt_make_propagators::propagate_arnoldi (rtp, rtp_control)
 computes U_prop*MOs using arnoldi subspace algorithm
subroutine, public rt_make_propagators::propagate_bch (rtp, rtp_control)
 Propagation using the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff expansion, currently only works for rtp.
subroutine, public rt_make_propagators::compute_exponential (propagator, propagator_matrix, rtp_control, rtp)
 decides which type of exponential has to be computed
subroutine, public rt_make_propagators::compute_exponential_sparse (propagator, propagator_matrix, rtp_control, rtp)
 Sparse versions of the matrix exponentials.