No Matches
atom_types::atom_gthpot_type Type Reference

Provides all information about a pseudopotential. More...

Data Fields

character(len=2) symbol = ""
character(len=default_string_length) pname = ""
integer, dimension(0:lmateconf = 0
real(dp) zion = 0.0_dp
real(dp) rc = 0.0_dp
integer ncl = 0
real(dp), dimension(5) cl = 0.0_dp
integer, dimension(0:lmatnl = 0
real(dp), dimension(0:lmatrcnl = 0.0_dp
real(dp), dimension(4, 4, 0:lmathnl = 0.0_dp
logical nlcc = .FALSE.
integer nexp_nlcc = 0
real(kind=dp), dimension(10) alpha_nlcc = 0.0_dp
integer, dimension(10) nct_nlcc = 0
real(kind=dp), dimension(4, 10) cval_nlcc = 0.0_dp
logical lsdpot = .FALSE.
integer nexp_lsd = 0
real(kind=dp), dimension(10) alpha_lsd = 0.0_dp
integer, dimension(10) nct_lsd = 0
real(kind=dp), dimension(4, 10) cval_lsd = 0.0_dp
logical lpotextended = .FALSE.
integer nexp_lpot = 0
real(kind=dp), dimension(10) alpha_lpot = 0.0_dp
integer, dimension(10) nct_lpot = 0
real(kind=dp), dimension(4, 10) cval_lpot = 0.0_dp

Detailed Description

Provides all information about a pseudopotential.

Definition at line 98 of file atom_types.F.

Field Documentation

◆ symbol

character(len=2) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::symbol = ""

Definition at line 99 of file atom_types.F.

◆ pname

character(len=default_string_length) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::pname = ""

Definition at line 100 of file atom_types.F.

◆ econf

integer, dimension(0:lmat) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::econf = 0

Definition at line 101 of file atom_types.F.

◆ zion

real(dp) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::zion = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 102 of file atom_types.F.

◆ rc

real(dp) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::rc = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 103 of file atom_types.F.

◆ ncl

integer atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::ncl = 0

Definition at line 104 of file atom_types.F.

◆ cl

real(dp), dimension(5) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::cl = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 105 of file atom_types.F.

◆ nl

integer, dimension(0:lmat) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::nl = 0

Definition at line 106 of file atom_types.F.

◆ rcnl

real(dp), dimension(0:lmat) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::rcnl = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 107 of file atom_types.F.

◆ hnl

real(dp), dimension(4, 4, 0:lmat) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::hnl = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 108 of file atom_types.F.

◆ nlcc

logical atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::nlcc = .FALSE.

Definition at line 111 of file atom_types.F.

◆ nexp_nlcc

integer atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::nexp_nlcc = 0

Definition at line 112 of file atom_types.F.

◆ alpha_nlcc

real(kind=dp), dimension(10) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::alpha_nlcc = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 113 of file atom_types.F.

◆ nct_nlcc

integer, dimension(10) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::nct_nlcc = 0

Definition at line 114 of file atom_types.F.

◆ cval_nlcc

real(kind=dp), dimension(4, 10) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::cval_nlcc = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 115 of file atom_types.F.

◆ lsdpot

logical atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::lsdpot = .FALSE.

Definition at line 117 of file atom_types.F.

◆ nexp_lsd

integer atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::nexp_lsd = 0

Definition at line 118 of file atom_types.F.

◆ alpha_lsd

real(kind=dp), dimension(10) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::alpha_lsd = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 119 of file atom_types.F.

◆ nct_lsd

integer, dimension(10) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::nct_lsd = 0

Definition at line 120 of file atom_types.F.

◆ cval_lsd

real(kind=dp), dimension(4, 10) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::cval_lsd = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 121 of file atom_types.F.

◆ lpotextended

logical atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::lpotextended = .FALSE.

Definition at line 123 of file atom_types.F.

◆ nexp_lpot

integer atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::nexp_lpot = 0

Definition at line 124 of file atom_types.F.

◆ alpha_lpot

real(kind=dp), dimension(10) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::alpha_lpot = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 125 of file atom_types.F.

◆ nct_lpot

integer, dimension(10) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::nct_lpot = 0

Definition at line 126 of file atom_types.F.

◆ cval_lpot

real(kind=dp), dimension(4, 10) atom_types::atom_gthpot_type::cval_lpot = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 127 of file atom_types.F.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: