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mixed_cdft_utils.F File Reference

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module  mixed_cdft_utils
 Utility subroutines for mixed CDFT calculations.


subroutine, public mixed_cdft_utils::mixed_cdft_parse_settings (force_env, mixed_env, mixed_cdft, settings, natom)
 Parse settings for mixed cdft calculation and check their consistency.
subroutine, public mixed_cdft_utils::mixed_cdft_transfer_settings (force_env, mixed_cdft, settings)
 Transfer settings to mixed_cdft.
subroutine, public mixed_cdft_utils::mixed_cdft_init_structures (force_env, force_env_qs, mixed_env, mixed_cdft, settings)
 Initialize all the structures needed for a mixed CDFT calculation.
subroutine, public mixed_cdft_utils::mixed_cdft_redistribute_arrays (force_env)
 Redistribute arrays needed for an ET coupling calculation from individual CDFT states to the mixed CDFT env, that is, move the arrays to the correct blacs context. For parallel simulations, the array processor distributions also change from N to 2N processors.
subroutine, public mixed_cdft_utils::mixed_cdft_print_couplings (force_env)
 Routine to print out the electronic coupling(s) between CDFT states.
subroutine, public mixed_cdft_utils::mixed_cdft_release_work (force_env)
 Release storage reserved for mixed CDFT matrices.
subroutine, public mixed_cdft_utils::map_permutation_to_states (n, ipermutation, i, j)
 Given the size of a symmetric matrix and a permutation index, returns indices (i, j) of the off-diagonal element that corresponds to the permutation index. Assumes that the permutation index was computed by going through the upper triangular part of the input matrix row-by-row.
subroutine, public mixed_cdft_utils::hfun_zero (fun, th, just_zero, bounds, work)
 Determine confinement bounds along confinement dir (hardcoded to be z) and determine the number of nonzero entries Optionally zero entries below a given threshold.
subroutine, public mixed_cdft_utils::mixed_cdft_read_block_diag (force_env, blocks, ignore_excited, nrecursion)
 Read input section related to block diagonalization of the mixed CDFT Hamiltonian matrix.
subroutine, public mixed_cdft_utils::mixed_cdft_get_blocks (mixed_cdft, blocks, h_block, s_block)
 Assembles the matrix blocks from the mixed CDFT Hamiltonian.
subroutine, public mixed_cdft_utils::mixed_cdft_diagonalize_blocks (blocks, h_block, s_block, eigenvalues)
 Diagonalizes each of the matrix blocks.
subroutine, public mixed_cdft_utils::mixed_cdft_assemble_block_diag (mixed_cdft, blocks, h_block, eigenvalues, n, iounit)
 Assembles the new block diagonalized mixed CDFT Hamiltonian and overlap matrices.